High Schoolers

Apparently he came in 2nd last year at the New Balance Nationals (H.S.).
I don't know how I missed that.
He reminds me of that kid from California who was a hurdle and jumping phenom.
Seemed like he could do anything: hurdles, short and long sprints, all the jumps.
Went to Oregon and tried the decathlon. But never really blossomed as a collegiate.
......David Klech (had to look that up)
It looks like Trey has also run the 2nd fastest 60m in the country, 6.78.
That's 1/100th short of the fastest in the country.
Plus, as mentioned, he just set a National Record in the 60m hurdles.
Whoa - lookout for this guy!
Dallin Draper, a junior from Utah, won the Boys 60m at the Simplot Games.
Celeste Mucci, from Australia?, won the Girls 60m, and came 2nd in the 60m Hurdles.
She's a heptathlete.
Dominic Ashwell won the English Junior Championships 60m in 6.78 over Oliver Brumby, 6.80.
Britain continues to crank out white sprinters at a much higher rate than the other European countries.
Meanwhile Hannah Brier won the Women's Junior 60m.
please allow me to quickly add a few names that i've not seen mentioned ...

Pennsylvania has a long history of producing fast White runners, so it should come as no surprise that the state currently has two elite high school sprinters that i'm aware of:

- senior Isaac Elliott of Ambridge, who (if my numbers are correct) held the fastest 100- and 200-meter times in PA as a sophomore before struggling with a hamstring injury last year, has a 6.81 in the 60-meters this spring, which is currently the 5th fastest time in the nation (just .04 off the nation's top time).

- also from PA, junior Austin Kratz of Christopher Dock Mennonite is one to keep an eye on. he ran a windy 10.74 in the 100-meters last year as a sophomore, and has a 6.91 in the 60 this spring. his future is definitely ahead of him!


Devin Cadena, a junior from Rock Canyon High in Colorado, has run a 6.84 in the 60 (this is the same time as that of Dallin Draper who won the Simplot Games).

blazing fast double-amputee Hunter Woodhall (a senior at Syracuse High in Utah) has run an indoor 400 in 48.15, currently #7 in the nation.
Californian Shae Anderson is someone to keep an eye out for this coming season.
She has 3rd fastest time in the country in the 30 hurdles and . . .
"She currently holds the fastest times in the state in the 400 and 800 and ranks top-5 in the 100 (tied for third), 200 (third) and 300 hurdles (second). She's seventh in the 100 hurdles. Nationally, she's No. 2 in the 400, No. 3 in the 300 hurdles and No. 7 in the 800.

Wow - amazing!
lots of plusses there.
I wonder if the discipline of good home schooling helps (one on one, structured day) - seemed to with Hanna Cunliffe
Shae Anderson won the HS invitational section of the 400m at the Mt. Sac relays in 51.99! Her time was faster than the College Inv/Open section's winner by .29 sec!
Shae Anderson won the HS invitational section of the 400m at the Mt. Sac relays in 51.99! Her time was faster than the College Inv/Open section's winner by .29 sec!
I got news for you she could win a small city championship for a male, that time is cooking for a female athlete.
Sophia Falco of Florida has the 14th fastest 100m time in the country, 11.57.
She was state champ in Long Jump last year.
She will be attending Vanderbilt.
And just like that Zach Shinnick has destroyed yet another field to win the regionals or something. He blistered a 46.38 with no one capable of pushing him. He's capable of a 45 if he finds a worthy competitor in the CA state championships. Pretty impressive for someone coming back from injuries. I do wish he still ran the shorter sprints, though. He could have swept them.
Just some perspective on Shinnick's time: A number of years ago, we got justifiably excited about a high school star named Brady Gehret, who went on to reach the finals of the US Olympic trials eventually. Unfortunately, he got into trouble at school, and that was the last of him. We'll never know how far he could have gone. But here's the thing: Shinnick's most recent high school time is more than a second faster than Gehret's high school best. Plus, Shinnick hasn't had a full injury-free year in his past two.
He ran it at the CIF SS Masters meet, which is qualifier for the California State meet I believe
Kelcie Simmons of Texas had a best of 11.50 and is in the Top 15 fastest girls in the country.
Recently she won the 100m, coming from behind, at a meet in HS all-star meet in Cuba.
There is a video of the race on Facebook, but can't get it to post here.
Let's keep an eye on this girl.
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in that same meet she also ran 24.02 in the 200m placing third. Good time for HS Junior....should go sub 24 this year....
This is probably going on in some parts of the country and the Olympics have now added new rules on this transgender competition question. And there are two things to consider when this stupid subject comes up. It seems like this transgender "wave" of sorts is here to stay and that "tranny rights" in all sorts of areas are going to be a big deal as we march forward to an uncertain future. The second is it looks like the wind is blowing in one direction and despite people like me and many others who are vehemently opposed to people competing with their opposite birth sex, I don't think there is any way to stop this tranny train. The Olympic committee came up with a mangled litmus test that revolves around "identity" and testosterone levels. If I was in charge I would separate the male and female athletes by their birth sex. PERIOD. All this talk about identity and hormone therapy does not alter my view one iota.
In CT the reigning Queen of the 100 Meter Dash for Class M is junior white girl Kate Hall. But in the finals this year she was beat out by a black tranny ( born a boy) named Andraya Yearwood who ran it in 12.66 seconds. Hall finished "second" at 12.83 seconds. It was noted that the "winner" has not even started hormone therapy but "he" identifies as a girl" and the state of Connecticut deems it ok for "him/her" cripes to run races with the girls. To her credit Kate Hall was trying to be diplomatic but she couldn't totally conceal her anger over being SCREWED. Kate Hall was robbed of her victory by a dude with a pension for high heels.
And screwed is the bottom line when it comes to people who were born a boy and competing with the girls. Any way you slice it is UNFAIR.
This is totally upside down and ass backwards, but as we have been seeing this has been going on for a few years now.

I recall Lets Run having a discussion of Bruce Jenner wearing a dress in 76' and he would have won every sprint and throw if he competed as women in Montreal. Being anatomically a male is a huge advantage not just with hormones but skeletal structure. So even if a competitor wants to take hormones he still has an advantage against females.

Ps I posted this before but if I wore a dress in high school I would have been good enough to make my large city's championship and maybe have won it(if nobody with real talent was in the finals). I was just better than a normal sprinter but nothing special for that level of runner.
Absolutely white is right, the differences between the male and female bodies are enormous and just relying on hormone levels just doesn't cut the mustard. Society has to ask themselves a few questions including what is in the food and water these days when you consider this transgender "boom." In an effort to become "accommodating" groups like the Olympic committee are creating an unbalanced playing field. Also the fact that "gender identity" is often established at a young age does not make much sense to me. Kids in general develop "sexual" stuff a couple of years before puberty so all this tranny in bathrooms arguments should NOT even be discussed at the grade school level under ANY circumstances. I think what we are seeing is that kids who" might" develop into being gay are being pushed into this transgender role where in the past these kids would either end up gay or straight. In other words for the boy who likes to play with dolls or the girl who doesn't like girlie stuff there is no reason to start some huge transgender project. Good God. The child may grow out of it and become straight or eventually become gay but this push towards the very radical transgender approach is unfair to the child even if the dumbass parents think it is the right thing to do. Common sense dictates you wait these things out until a child grows up to around 16-18 years old. And at that point the picture should become a bit clearer. At the end of the day the physiological differences between males and females are too steep for any sort of hormone treatment to overcome so these athletic committees that allow all this transgender nonsense are beyond WRONG.
I find it quite interesting that it is all the males wanting to compete as females because they cant win as men so they cheat. How many women transgenders want to compete as men, especially on a world stage like the Olympics? I freaking hate what is being shoved down straight athletes throats all over the world.
I am getting closer to figuring out how to transfer articles to this site but for now I point you to Breitbart News Sports which has an article up today on the CT "transgender cheat" race I described above. I beat them to the punch this time ha.
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