High School Basketball Forum?


Dec 22, 2004
Don any chance of adding a High School Basketball Forum? We have one in football and it would be nice to have one in basketball.
I think that would be a good idea. We will have to see what Don thinks about it. I know that your knowledge of these young basketball players is a great addition to the board. Keep up the great work sunshine and also keep your head up. Things will get better on the sport scene in the next several years.
Sure, no problem men. I'm spending all of myavailabletime doing NFL team reviews for the next week or so, but I'll get around to it. Sounds like a good idea and there's no way I would turn down two such CF stalwarts.

Since we seem to be in an expansion phase as far adding new forums, if anyone else has an idea for one run it by us.
Thanks Don. You too WL. Should be an fun site that gives us some hope for the future in basketball...
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