High School Basketball Championships

Good news, though I'm sure you meant to put that "more athletic" in the appropriate context. When whites beat blacks we are the better athletes. Period.
The "more athletic" comment was meant as sarcasm. Obviously, the teams of "afroletes" who were dealt double-digit defeats aren't "more athletic", only perceivied as being so.
Similar thing in KY. Shelby Valley, an all white team from Eastern KY won the KY championship. There are no class divisions in KY high school basketball. It's wide open with 16 regions in the state. It could be argued that the rest of the good teams were in the other bracket in the state tournament and eliminated each other but I saw them beat Paducah Tillman, an all black team, rather easily. They beat Louisville Ballard, a traditional power and predominately black team, in the championship game.
Good article and the "Comments" are very telling. Something quite interesting is that the losers are called "athletic" in more than one post, but not the winners. I suppose that (as a coach)it's nice to know that a bunch of "nonathletic" players can inflict a 21-point whipping on "real athletes".
celticdb15 said:
Arrowhead high school won the D1 (highest classification)Championship here in Wisconsin with a predominantly white roster. THere's a couple of pics of the guys they beat, who happened to be almost all black, interesting..
<div> http://host.madison.com/sports/high-school/basketball/article_d224b4c4-3493-11df-88d0-001cc4c03286.html</div>

I just watched the Wisconsin 4A Championship between Randolph High and N.E.W. Lutheran (Green Bay).

This was the first time that I got to watch Randolph's Kyle Kelm. He looked good and versatile.


He's definitely a Forward. He runs the court well.
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