The high price of oil is a scam not unlike what Enron did to the electricity markets. Speculators are manipulating the market to make money, but this can't go on forever. The same thing happened in the early 90's (although the price didn't go nearly as high) and eventually the price plummeted to $10 a barrel. It just about killed the domestic oil industry.
There is plenty of oil, it is just going to take more money and technology to get it. Despite what many people believe, oil didn't come from dinosaurs. It came from microscopic sea organisms such as plankton. As the plankton died, it accumulated on the seafloor and formed oil over millions of years. All of the places where oil is found was once covered by the sea. So logic would tell you that the majority of the oil is under the oceans. The Gulf of Mexico has the one of the largest oil deposits in the world. The problem is that it is in 5000 ft deep water and is very expensive to extract.