High oil prices


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Does anybody have a reasonable explanation for the skyrocketing oil prices, other than the standard hocumof refinery capacity etc.? The prices have doubled since the start of the Iraq war. Who the heck is getting all the oil and or the revenues? What's going on?
My understanding is that the easy-to-get-to-oil is already used up so prices are being jacked up because oil is harder to get to now.
It's a scam

Reading this it became more clear than ever: peak oil is pure military-industrial-complex propaganda.

Publicly available globlists strategy manuals from 30 years ago say that a global government needs to control the world population through neo-feudalism by creating artificial scarcity. Now that the social architects have de-industrialized the United States, they are going to blame our economic disentigration on lack of energy supplies.

Globalization is all about consolidation. Now that the world economy has become so centralized through the New World Order's operations, they are going to continue to consolidate and blame it on the West's "evil" overconsumption of fossil fuels, while at the same time blocking the development and integration of renewable clean technologies.

In every case we trace the peak oil energy crisis crowd back to Big Oil.

or is it a Zionist scam?

Just wanted to add that I Googled Russian deep oil wells and found numerous articles and news items describing these wells and how they work. Funny how none of this ever makes mainstream media news, isn't it?

On a funny note, I read a piece that said the theory that dead dinosaurs and other animals turn into oil after eons and eons of pressure dates back to 1750 AD.

Yes, that was 1750 AD

Some believe there is enough oil under the North Slope of Alaska to carry us for a long time.

Start drillin'.
A few years ago I listened to Limbaugh talk about the amount of oil available in the future. Some experts said we have enough easily accessible oil to last 50 years, others said as much as 150-200 years! Now we are in Iraq andI keep hearing about -- Peak Oil-- and we're dangerously close to depleting our resources. I don't believe the spin. A few years ago we were swimming in the stuff, now we're running on fumes? Seems fishy to me.Edited by: Bart
A few years ago I listened to Limbaugh talk about the amount of oil available in the future. Some experts said we have enough easily accessible oil to last 50 years, others said as much as 150-200 years! Now we are in Iraq and I keep hearing about -- Peak Oil-- and we're dangerously close to depleting our resources. I don't believe the spin. A few years ago we were swimming in the stuff, now we're running on fumes? Seems fishy to me.

Maybe its because of all the fuel the tanks and warplanes used during the invasion?
The high price of oil is a scam not unlike what Enron did to the electricity markets. Speculators are manipulating the market to make money, but this can't go on forever. The same thing happened in the early 90's (although the price didn't go nearly as high) and eventually the price plummeted to $10 a barrel. It just about killed the domestic oil industry.

There is plenty of oil, it is just going to take more money and technology to get it. Despite what many people believe, oil didn't come from dinosaurs. It came from microscopic sea organisms such as plankton. As the plankton died, it accumulated on the seafloor and formed oil over millions of years. All of the places where oil is found was once covered by the sea. So logic would tell you that the majority of the oil is under the oceans. The Gulf of Mexico has the one of the largest oil deposits in the world. The problem is that it is in 5000 ft deep water and is very expensive to extract.
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