Heavyweight Boxing Rankings


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Current WBC ratings:

WON TITLE: October 11, 2008
LAST DEFENCE: September 10, 2011
LAST COMPULSORY: September 10, 2011
WBA CHAMPION: Alexander Povetkin (Rus)
IBF CHAMPION: Wladimir Klitschko
WBO CHAMPION: Wladimir Klitschko
WBC SILVER CHAMPION: Bermane Stiverne (Can)
WBC INT. CHAMPION: Mariusz Wach (Pol)

1.Chris Arreola (US)
2.Alexander Dimitrenko (Ger) EBU
3.Bermane Stiverne (Can) SILVER
4.Denis Boytsov (Rus)
5.Johnathon Banks (US) NABF
6.Tomasz Adamek (Pol)
7.Chauncy Welliver (US)
8.Robert Helenius (Fin)
9.Mariusz Wach (Pol) INTL
10.Eric Molina (US) USNBC
11.Tyson Fury (GB) BBB C / COMM
12.Luis Ortiz (Cuba) LATINO
13.Cedric Boswell (US)
14.Franklin Lawrence (US) CABOFE
15.Kubrat Pulev (Bul)

Out of all the negroes on this list the only one I'd say belongs there is Cedric Boswell. The rest are garbage.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Another great article from racist Desi Cortez. I know I'm still waiting for the "Great White Hope." :crazy:

Straight . . . No Chaser: Rocky Balboa: America's Great White Hope Fantasy.
If Rocky's dipped in granite, What about Apollo Creed? by Desi Cortez BASN Columnist, desicortez@blackathlete.com • View all articles by Desi Cortez BASN Columnist
POSTED: Jun 25, 2011
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Apollo and Rocky
DENVER, CO.---It would only seem logical . . . if Rocky Balboa is in the Pugilist Hall Of Fame . . . then of course Apollo Creed would be there right next him . . . No? Creed made Rocky, no debate about it.

Might it be, could it be, plausible, feasible Rocky embodies and symbolizes . . . the Great White Hope, and Carl Weather’s Apollo Creed is symbolic of the pompous, arrogant, ****y ******. An over-the-top Ali. Translation, in today’s so called United States Of America this White Male daydream hits home more now then yesteryear.

Nevertheless, maybe, this idolization of Rocky is not so much about who Rocky is - however its all about who and what he conquered . . . that’s what truly defines Rocky . . . it’s Apollo Creed. Like in so many flicks, the “bad guy†(Black guy) defines how truly awesome the “good-guy (White guy) really is.

Please forgive me, but I do recall walking out of the original flick, at the Aurora Mall Theaters, circa 1976 - yeah at 15 we liked it, it looked and sounded real . . . but the bigger picture, the story-line itself tasted and smelled faked n’ phony, unbelievable, a White boy’s wet dream come to life, even back then the entire scenario seemed hokey and improbable. Eddie Murphy later immortalized the ridiculousness of it all. And honestly, that’s what it was, and it has stuck, for what 8 flicks . . . because White guys deeply identified with the mythical character and the adult child bedtime story Rocky is.

Please, let’s not make-believe as if no one knows what I’m talking about here; Rocky is all about a nightmare White men want to awake from; one where there aren’t once again the alpha males. See, that concocted scenario can only exist in certain places - some angry White dudes little mind, South Africa circa 1977 or America . . . before Jack Johnson single-handledly created the demand for a Great White Hope like Rocky.

When I was a kid ABC’s Wide World of Sports broadcast some contrived flick where they pitted Ali against the real Rock, Marciano . . . and of-course Rocky wins, he has to win. The White guy has to win. Think Elvis. Need I circle-the-block . . ?White America, White men in particular have a need to win, which is so-very great they’ve cheated and excluded Black men . . . so they could win.


Am I lying? It’s that simple. Gee Hound Dog belongs to “Big Momma Thornton . . .â€

This yearning was (and remains) so great, so obvious, so well-documented . . . that Stallone’s movie was merely feeding the junkie-like demand of a starved White America. Back when Rocky was released American Bandstand was losing to Soul Train, the NFL/MLB and the NBA were no longer all-White frat houses or Young John Birch Country Clubs - the fall of formal American apartheid meant an end to the blanket discrimination and exclusion of Blacks, it translated into competition . . . which, predictably, instantly created a need for Great White Hopes.

Of course one’s not suppose to say that, and the boys over at Fox Sports, AOL or Bleacher Report won’t permit those words to be printed nor uttered - but its the ice-cold running truth.

Se e, Rocky’s much deeper and complex then just a “fight flick†no, instead its about White male insecurities, its about showing a guy defeat an real alpha male. What makes Rocky a man . . . is he went toe-to-toe . . . with a man. Let us not forget that crucial fact.

The competition is what defines BYU’s Jimmer Ferdette

The Competition is the critical element which makes Peyton “Thor†Hillis or Dirk Nowitzki “Super-heros,†novelties if not oddities - White men who can compete and prosper amongst Black sportsmen. It’s what the Quarterback position has come to symbolize. The last reserved spot for the Nordic Alpha Male.

Please ponder the burning bush truth, if but for a fleeting moment . . . a Great White Hope’s credibility is based on what? He competed against the big, mean, tough, strong, fast, quick and clever Black man.

Note clever is akin to crafty - painted n’ tainted words used to define the bad guy, the flip-side, clever is the underbelly of “intelligent,†- it’s evil, diabolical twin.

Pac Man is being weighed and measured . . . because folks wonder if he can pound on something his eyes can see, yet his hands can’t hit . . . Pretty Boy Floyd. That’s the ultimate test . . . and Bernard Hopkins ain’t the only one who knows that. He’s just one of the few of us who has the touch n’ the nerve to be both sharp and blunt when addressing White folks.

Nowitzki is an living n’ breathing example of this, the German media is anointing him because of who he beat, Ebony Mandingo Zulu sky gladiators . . .in high-tops.

Rocky offers a glimpse into the American sports fans mind when Stallone paints a picture of a egotistical petty Creed, who doesn't have the determination to train, who under-estimates the Italian Stallion’s manhood - who‘ll simply . . . outwork him, out think him and demonstrate the heart of an . . . White lion. I mean honestly its clear Sly brought-to-life the stereotypes ingrained in the Euro-American perspective. These summations of Black men and women is how millions upon millions of White folks see Black folks and most other Americans-of-Color.

Rocky is exactly how the “everyday White guy†views his world; he ain't the strongest, fastest or most physically talented - nonetheless his brain is the biggest, he is the smartest, possessing Vulcan like intelligence (and cold-heartiness) and the only man with character and heart, that of one of King Arthur's’ Knights, while Blacks are merely missing-links, 50% human, 50% neanderthal, all but a midget’s handful have any semblance of morals and values. Most of us are slightly more than small brained heathens and barbarians.

Ask Mitch Romney and the Church Of Modern Day Saints . . . have . . .some of them tell it, Blacks come with tails . . .

It’s not difficult to pick these unspoken rules up, I’d venture to say any 12 year Black boy, and White boy understands the “roles†assigned them by American society which isn’t ready for a Black president - that’s evident as hell by now, while the sports world can’t except a Black Quarterback.

Look at Rocky III, if we must, and you can see Sly acknowledging Mr T, Clubber Lang, can’t get no more insulting and uppity then tellin’ a White women “I can do to you what your White boy can’t†. . . end of story.

That’s still the White mans nightmare . . . we all know it, Sly knew it then,1976, they knew it in 1776 and I’d suggest in 2076, the Real Americans left in the US, who haven’t had Black or Brown blood tain’t their pure snow whiteness - those folks will still be throwing son’s and daughters out of the house or coming home with some “******†or “Spic . . .â€

Yep, this is an society where White men have obtained and maintained, by any goddamn means necessary - an historical monopoly on power, control, influences, options and choices - they run everything worth governing . . . nonetheless, they’re the underdog.

Ain’t that a . . . .

So, in all reality the boxing establishment, along with mainstream America accepting Rocky as a exalted Hall Of Fame member is expected - if they didn’t take him, then who could they take, Gerry Conney . . . .
