Haye is not a real champion. He did not beatValuev


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I've posted this before, and no one has been able to dispute my scoring
on any round. The best they have been able to do is
make vague generalities like "I had it overwhelmingly in
Haye's favour", or call me names. Even the biased pro-British tv
announcers were shocked when the judges gave the fight to Haye, as they
had Valuev ahead.

I watched the fight on tape, very carfeully,
and that was an ordeal because it was one of the, if not the, worst
so-called heavyweight championship fights in history, and I watched it
with the objective of leaning over backwards to give Haye the benefit of
every doubt to see if there was any possible way the judges could have
legitimately come up with a decision in his favor. There was not. The
best I could come up with was a draw for Haye which means Valuev
retained his belt.

Round 1. Even. Each landed about 1 punch (announcers scored it for Valuev)

2. Haye. Backing away but he landed the only decent punch of the round.

3. Haye. He landed a couple of punches.

4. Clear round for V.

5. V again. He's the aggressor and lands more good punches.

6. V again. Same.

7. Draw. Neither effective (announcers had it for V)

8. Haye. He was more effective.

9. Haye again. Same.

10. V easily. More aggressive and effective.

11. V. Both inefective but V landed a couple.

12. Clearly Haye.


a 5-5 draw was the best I could come up with giving Haye the benefit of
every doubt. The British tv announcers had Valuev clearly ahead.
Where is the scorecard of the American and Italian judges
who scored it 116-112 in favor of Haye? Those were fraudulent scores.
Also, why did Haye start celebrating before the decision was rendered?
He appeared to know in advance what the outcome would be, even though
the fight was very close and in Valuev's territory, and traditionally
champ retains his belt if the fight is close. And then Valuev and his
corner stood there meekly accepting the spurious decision. They all
seemed to know in advance. I believe that the fight was fixed and
Valuev and his team were in on it. I don't know how hard Valuev was
trying, but the boxing establishment (to use a nice term for them) felt
that the
flamboyant Haye could make them a lot more money than could the stolid
and unhealthy Valuev.


Jan 7, 2011
Yes, Haye's championship is disputed at best. But a better argument exists with regard to Ruslan Chagaev- Nikolay Valuev rematch.

Ruslan Chagaev beat Nikolay Valuev in 2007 for the WBA Title, then Chagaev made a successful defence against Skelton. At this point, Ruslan Chagaev was WBA Champion.

In 2009, Chagaev was ordered to defend his WBA title against his madatory #1 contender, Nikolay Valuev. This rematch was ordered by the WBA because Valuev had become the madatory challenger.

Chagaev failed a medical test before the fight, showing Hepatits B in his bloodstream. Chagaev was then (perhaps wrongly) stripped of his WBA title and Valuev was declared WBA champion.

Of course, Valuev then went on to lose the belt in the ring to David Haye by decision. Interestingly, Chagaev went on to get KO'd by Wladimir Klitschko. Thus, 2 points can be made:

- Haye is only a "champion" because the WBA wrongly and incorrectly stripped Chagaev for failing a medical test and awarding the belt to Valuev. In this way Haye is something a paper champion.

- The Lineal WBA champion is in fact Wladimir Klitschko, because he beat Chagaev, and Chagaev never lost the belt in the ring to Valuev.


Jan 7, 2011
I don't mind at all.


Please use that argument, as it is a better argument for disputing the relevance of Haye's championship status.

The truth is Haye is a "paper champion" based on Chagaev being unfairly stripped for medical reasons.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Haye lost to Valuev, fought a fix with Audley Harrison, was getting picked apart by old man John Ruiz for a few rounds, and was knocked on his a-s by B level fighter Monte Barrett. He isn't real and this definitely isn't the fight of the decade. He also backed out of fights with the Klitschko's twice as well as refused to fight Chagaev. He also ducked Adamek. Are we still to take him seriously?
Edited by: whiteathlete33


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
werewolf said:
I've posted this before, and no one has been able to dispute my scoring
on any round. The best they have been able to do is
make vague generalities like "I had it overwhelmingly in
Haye's favour", or call me names. Even the biased pro-British tv
announcers were shocked when the judges gave the fight to Haye, as they
had Valuev ahead.

I watched the fight on tape, very carfeully,
and that was an ordeal because it was one of the, if not the, worst
so-called heavyweight championship fights in history, and I watched it
with the objective of leaning over backwards to give Haye the benefit of
every doubt to see if there was any possible way the judges could have
legitimately come up with a decision in his favor. There was not. The
best I could come up with was a draw for Haye which means Valuev
retained his belt.

Round 1. Even. Each landed about 1 punch (announcers scored it for Valuev)

2. Haye. Backing away but he landed the only decent punch of the round.

3. Haye. He landed a couple of punches.

4. Clear round for V.

5. V again. He's the aggressor and lands more good punches.

6. V again. Same.

7. Draw. Neither effective (announcers had it for V)

8. Haye. He was more effective.

9. Haye again. Same.

10. V easily. More aggressive and effective.

11. V. Both inefective but V landed a couple.

12. Clearly Haye.


a 5-5 draw was the best I could come up with giving Haye the benefit of
every doubt. The British tv announcers had Valuev clearly ahead.
Where is the scorecard of the American and Italian judges
who scored it 116-112 in favor of Haye? Those were fraudulent scores.
Also, why did Haye start celebrating before the decision was rendered?
He appeared to know in advance what the outcome would be, even though
the fight was very close and in Valuev's territory, and traditionally
champ retains his belt if the fight is close. And then Valuev and his
corner stood there meekly accepting the spurious decision. They all
seemed to know in advance. I believe that the fight was fixed and
Valuev and his team were in on it. I don't know how hard Valuev was
trying, but the boxing establishment (to use a nice term for them) felt
that the
flamboyant Haye could make them a lot more money than could the stolid
and unhealthy Valuev.

If this fight happened in England the scoring wouldn't surprise me that much. The fight happened in Germany so what gives? The PTB wanted Haye as champion because they feel he's the negro who has the best chance of beating a Klitschko brother. If Gaye didn't have a belt he wouldn't get a fight with a Klitschko brother.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Your analysis of Haye-Valuev is, without question, scored appropriately. I too have had the tremendous displeasure of examining this infantile slapping-contest (erroneously referred to as a "heavyweight championship fight"Â￾) on four separate occasions"¦each time, as you mentioned, was more excruciatingly banal than its predecessor. Here are some pertinent images from that iniquitous evening in Nuremberg"¦

Celebrating a "victory"Â￾"¦

Gayvid Gay, swathed in wigger love-sickness...

He "won" a gift majority decision, uncork the Champaign!

The horse-face white prostitute on the right his Haye's "wife"Â￾...

Not to support Nikolai Valuev"¦who, of course, is an utter embarrassment to all white boxers. Lethargic, unexciting, perpetually-injured, no tactical skills, no power, no stamina, corrupt, and "managed"Â￾ by the forever-odious Don King. Valuev's chin has proven to be quite superb, however.

Also, great post, BoxingFanUKEdited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Thrashen said:
Your analysis of Haye-Valuev is, without question, scored appropriately. I too have had the tremendous displeasure of examining this infantile slapping-contest (erroneously referred to as a "heavyweight championship fight"Â￾) on four separate occasions"¦each time, as you mentioned, was more excruciatingly banal than its predecessor. Here are some pertinent images from that iniquitous evening in Nuremberg"¦

Celebrating a "victory"Â￾"¦


Gayvid Gay, swathed in wigger love-sickness...


I "won" a gift majority decision, uncork the Champaign!


The horse-face white prostitute on the right his Haye's "wife"Â￾...


Not to support Nikolai Valuev"¦who, of course, is an utter embarrassment to all white boxers. Lethargic, unexciting, perpetually-injured, no tactical skills, no power, no stamina, corrupt, and "managed"Â￾ by the forever-odious Don King. Valuev's chin has proven to be quite superb, however.

Also, great post, BoxingFanUK

Valuev isn't a very good fighter and that's a fact. I wasn't disappointed in his fight with Gaye though. At least Valuev was the aggressor and you could tell he was trying. Gaye was running the whole fight with the exception of the last few seconds of the last round. When Valuev fought Holyfield that was a disappointment. Valuev did nothing the entire fight and embarrassed himself. He should have lost his belt to Holyfield.


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
No worries - just makes the fight with Wlad that much bigger. More people will buy the hype about Haye and tune in to see him turn in the typical black heavyweight boxer performance.