Harry Carson

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Harry Carson was a a very good player, but not a great player. Among Hall of Fame linebackers, he is an afterthought.

His induction speech this afternoon was silly and graceless. He used the word "diversity" to mean "more Negroes." What other "diversity" is there in the NFL? 'You think Harry Carson celebrates the rise of Pacific Islanders in pro football?

He said he was there (in Canton) to "represent." His long-winded rant sounded more like a speech to an NAACP convention than one a grateful sportsman would make to a sports league. He did make one funny slip: he praised the (racial) integration of the NFL and followed with "it never should have happened."
Carson wrote the Hall of Fame last year in a hissy fit and asked them to withdraw his name from further consideration for the hall. The Hall responded of course by feeling sorry for him and electing him this year.

I watched a long segment on him on the NFL Network the other day and it was emphasized over and over again how much late Giants owner Wellington Mara "loved" Carson, as did just about everyone else who ever came in contact with him.

Carson is articulate and did play the sport hard and was not a hot dog. Those factors certainly played a part in his election. But playing hard and with humility is what all football players should do. (Barely) underneath his exterior, Carson is yet another embittered successful black man ready to blame Whitey for any and all perceived slights in his life.
The induction speech by former Dallas Cowboy lineman Rayfield Wright stodd in complete contrast to the harangue by Carson. Wright thanked those who helped him, and seemed happy and honored to be there. Carson talked in terms of what he "deserve(ed)."

As you say, Don, Harry Carson is a reasonably articulate fellow. That makes his rather inarticulate son, who presented him, appear even worse. I thought only poor, neglected black kids speak ebonics? Same for Reggie White's boy.
American Freedom News