Harriet Miers


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Looks like Georgie tossed us another liberal in Republican clothing. Wouldn't you think in this huge country he could find hundreds of Scalia clones to fill vacancies on the Supreme Court. But of course, Bush is not a conservative, only pretends to be. Didn'tP.T. Barnum say you can fool all of the conservatives all of the time? Well, I guess he didn't but it's true anyway.
Right on. Jorge Boosh is not a conservative in any way, shape, or form. He has expanded the FedGov on a scale unseen since FDR. And he sounds like a complete imbecile when he speaks: "You see, I don't want to appoint someone whose views might, you know, change over time...I want someone whose views are, you know, just like mine now, and, you know, twenty years from now..."

Every time Shrub does...well, anything...I tend to believe more and more in the rumor that he scored an 81 on his military IQ test. Fact: He's too stupid to form any "views," political or judicial, which is why he is the perfect puppet for his handlers.
Well, now we know why GWB picked Harriet Miers to be on the Supreme court. She is supposed to have said that "George W. Bush is the most brilliant man I have ever met."
Thanks George for breakingyourcampaign promise to appoint Judges in the Scalia mold. Liar!

The DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a copy of sworn testimony given by Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers in 1990 in which she said that she "wouldn't belong to the Federalist Society" - a conservative and libertarian lawyers' organization - because it was "politically charged."

But Bush's Supreme Court nominee did not include in that category the NAACP and other liberal groups, the transcript reveals!


Miers testified in a voting rights lawsuit claiming the Dallas City Council had too few black and Hispanic members.

The DRUDGE REPORT can now reveal that not only did Harriet Miers testify that she would not join the "politically charged" Federalist Society -- she testified that she had joined a liberal organization - the Democratic Progressive Voters League.
I am sure at some point that Harriet Miers will shape shift into Justice Souter.

Right now there is only one good justice on the Court, and that is Scalia. A Court filled with Scalias would probably make the country alot more livable.
Apparently, the word is Miers is going to withdraw her nomination. There is scandal (you don't say!) in her past related to Boosh himself, enough that there is now some concern that it will come out during the confirmation hearings.

I'm glad that some Republicans grew nuts enough to condemn this appointment. I think Boosh thinks his Rep stooges will fall in line regardless of what decisions he makes, but at least this time around there was a break in the Party.

Unless there is a conspiracy theory that says They wanted dissension in the ranks as a way of fooling the People again of the nature of the One Party System in the USA?
If Miers gets the heave-ho,he may toss us a double minority - Janice-Rogers Brown.

I believe she was mentioned in a Pat Buchanan article or two I've read recently, as one of several better alternatives to Miers. I don't know anything about her or the other people he's mentioned. But Buchanan is a real conservative, unlike that fraud that we have for president.

Of course, I'm totally opposed to the idea of selecting someone just because they're a minority and/ or female (or even Christian at this point, given how lukewarm many of these so-called "Evangelical Christians" are.) If that's all he's looking at, then it just reaffirms what we all know about him.

I suppose it's theoretically possible- although hard to imagine- that a black female could be a real, true blue conservative. I can't think of any off the top of my head. I'm skeptical of anybody that Bush would offer up at this point. He said he would make his nominations who fit into the "Scalia/ Thomas mold," and that hasn't happened yet, so why should it happen if he picks someone else? At every turn he has betrayed his "conservative base." They've been duped.
[url]http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10 /21/AR2005102102139_pf.html[/url]

As president of the State Bar of Texas, Harriet Miers wrote that "our legal community must reflect our population as a whole," and under her leadership the organization embraced racial and gender set-asides and set numerical targets to achieve that goal.

Miers, the first female president of the Texas bar, vowed in her first interview with the Texas Law Journal as president to "be inclusive of women and minorities."

During her tenure, she championed the cause of increasing the number of female and minority lawyers in the bar's own leadership ranks and in law firms across the state, writing that "we are strongest capitalizing on the benefits of our diversity."
American Freedom News