Happy to see my "french" team eliminated


Jun 19, 2008
Hi there , here's a genuine french man...Now i know , i know most of you americans label us as surrender monkeys , frogs etc...are women are hairy and fugly , we love to surrender etc...etc..

but all jokes aside , I'm here to talk about my point of view on this so called "french soccer" team. (which i absolutely f**king hate. I'm ashamed for my country )

About 2 weeks ago , i was watching a tv show called "on n'est pas coucher" in which french politician George Freche was invited. He was defending himself about something he once said to the media. It was about white people. (btw , George Freche is white himself ) ...He said:

"Dans cette équipe, il y a neuf blacks sur onze. La normalité serait
qu'il y en ait trois ou quatre. Ce serait le reflet de la société.
Mais, là, s'il y en a autant, c'est parce que les blancs sont </span>nuls. J'ai honte pour ce pays. Bientôt, il y aura onze blacks. Quand je vois certaines équipes de foot, ça me fait de la peine

which translates to:

there are 9 Blacks out of 11. The normal number would be three or four.
This would reflect "French" society. But if there are so many, it is
because Whites are lame. I'm ashamed for this country. Soon, there will
be eleven blacks. When I see certain football teams, it makes me sad."

Now , based on these comments , we could argue that the guy himself either..anti-white , or ill-informed...or simply honest about what he sees and totally ignorant about what happens "behind the scene"...and what i mean by behind the scene is "how players are selected".

But whether the guy is right or not is in the end ...totally irrelevant.

What really matters is the reality of the situation. And the reality and results are ?...that a french "black" team gets pulversied at the EURO 2008. a team which couldn't do sh*t against Roumania...a team which got totally embarrassed (1-4) against Holland , and the icing on the cake...owned again , by the italians (0-2)...

In france , there's approximatively a solid 60 to 70% who supports this team , and the others..like me , who are genuinely disgusted by this team. A team which doesn't represent france nor it's people. (yes we do have a lot of immigrants but for f**k sakes france is by far , populated by a white majority.)...

That team is an insult. Oh and in case a black guy is reading this message. Don't get me wrong , i don't hate you people's guts just because i'm an "oh so mean" white racist.

I just hate the guts of french race traitors in particular and i hate the fact most "selectioneurs" have an anti-white mentality a deeply ethnomasochistic , anti-french mentality. It may be inconscious , but it's there. It's a pretty f**ked up situation i sometimes even wonder how we got there in the first place but apparently , all these years of massive media brainwashing have done the job. It seems to be working.

But i have a huge f**king smile , from ear to ear each time i see this illegitimate team getting owned by white teams. It's a big "f**k you" in the face of all these anti-white motherf**kers. And thank god reality is a bitch. And in the real world...this "french" team is f**ked because being black ain't gonna make you a winner by default. You have to bust your ass , play a smart game , have endurance. No matter what your color is , you either have it or you don't.

And anyone who selects players like those race traitors are doing , doesn't deserve to win any cup.

If you're black and if you're reading this. Let me ask you.
When you go to the cinema , and you go see a film about the japanese mafia...the yakuzas...(this is just a mere example)...You're expecting to see f**king japs right ? Not f**king white people or black people incarnating japanese roles right ? It's not a question or "racism'" it's a question of f**king logic.

Same goes for soccer. If i'm gonna watch my team...if i'm gonna watch a FRENCH...f**king football team , then i wanna see french players for f**k sakes. If i wanna see an entirely black team i'll watch Congo or Camermoun...not f**king france.

Without Zidane , this french team is f**ked anyway. The only reason why the french team got to the finals against italy was all because of zidane's tactical genius. But the dream stops here.
French Dude:

Thanks for a heartfelt and perceptive post.

It's a sad situation in France as well as in other countries.

We support you here at CF, and we have been noting the the way in which European football is pushing the elimination of whites from the sport. You have every right to hope for a national team that truly represents your people. I hope more and more Europeans speak their minds about the current situation. They should also vote with their wallets---and refuse support for football clubs with a majority of black players. Support instead the clubs that reflect the character of the "real france"
Last time I watched Le Championnat (the top French soccer league) most of the players were also non-white. Yet French rugby teams are overwhelmingly white
including the team that gloriously upset the New Zealand All Blacks at the last World Cup. It's kind of similar to the situation in the US where the basketball team is all black while the ice hockey team is white. Maybe those patriotic French football fans should switch to rugby.

George Freche: "there are 9 Blacks out of 11. The normal number would be three or four. This would reflect "French" society. But if there are so many, it is because Whites are lame."

Does that mean if blacks are underrepresented in other areas of French society - engineering, doctors, scientists - that blacks are lame? I wonder what would happen if George Freche said that?
I'm glad France lost too. It's great seeing all-white teams such as Italy, Germany, Serbia and Russia make the final 8. Netherlands -- which plays two blacks -- may win but it is still a mostly white victory.

Oh, and I will be very happy when "our" all-black USA basketball "Dream Team" loses in the Olympics again this year to an all-white team.
Well, at least the French players have more time to pursue other interests now, like eating croissants and charging $150 plus tip for $5 worth of food and -$145 of snooty service.
Interestingly enough, Lyon who have dominated French football for the last 6 years and won the title with ease this season is one of the whitest teams/squads in the whole French league. Funny that.
Liverlips i'll be pulling for the Italian national team! With Marco Bellinelli Andrea Bargnaini and hopefully Danillo Gallianri they have a solid group of young talent!They should get some serious consideration to win in the Olympics basketball!Edited by: celticdb15
Welcome to the site frenchdude. I'm ashamed for your soccer team too. Just as I am when I see the Boston "Celtics" field an entirely African team. Sigh... so just how bad is the feeling of self-loathing and athletic inadequacy among the average French masses?
i would say : none, at least in sports

traditionally, our people don't give too much attention to sports. There is, in our educationnal system, a great deal of taunting for sports.

Teachers, parents and even french kids themselves generally don't think that sports is important.

At the individual stage, lots of people of course like doing sport, playing soccer and so long, just as me, but i think we are not a very sportive nation, for cultural or historic or other reasons

the feeling of athletic inadequacy does exist, like about running and dancing, but it is not a commonplace and conventional wisdom like it is in the U.S. maybe.

on the other way, self-loathing and self-shaming and self-hating is common among whites, but there are big paradoxs...

There is in fact of lot of boasting and bragging among the blacks. Some girls are running after them, and this the most annoying. But, also, lot of people despise them because they are seen as people you can not trust for anything, mostly unreliable. And you don't want to have a bragging bullsh*ter with no reliance in your environment !

most of the self-loathing propaganda is not based on black successes in sport, but on history, or so-called history about the so-called crimes of our ancestors like colonization.

The most pitiful is to see black youngs immigrated in France complaining about the slavery. This is particularly stupid : if a young mulatoo from the french islands is indeed a descendant of slaves, on the countrary a young black from africa can very well be the descendants of the african slave owners that were selling their brothers or members of a concurrent tribe to the european merchants !
Do French males have the smallest muscles in Europe?

I've heard that the Arab French are physically massive compared to Euro French males. Is this true?

Are there other European Nationalities (in France) that could introduce French youth to the wonders and challenges of powerlifting?

I know for a fact that French-Americans are athletic, same is true for English-Americans, so there needs to be a way to build up White confidence in England and France. White males need to be masculine and need to possess practical strength, and the will to survive and prosper.
i m not sure we have the smallest muscles ah ah you made me laugh lol

what is sure is we have the most stupid and treachorous politicians and too much journalists and state-embedded idiots

i don t think it is a question of muscles. There are cultural differences in Europe. English are said to be agressive, drunk and impulsive, which is to my opinion quite right. Italians to be hot on women, etc.

But... indeed there are physical and ethnics differences, even in Europe. German and people of the Netherlands tend to be taller than us French, while Portuguese are often smaller. It is a scientific fast (people of the Netherlands are now taller than average american)

On the French arabs : it is absolutely false... totally false

French arabs are not athletic at all. Some of them are thugs and/or are training themlselves physically, so they could look muscular

on the whole they appear to me lighter and smaller than french indigenous. They are quite a weak people on average.

Look at the soccer : they are much more numerous in France than blacks, with close social situation, but they are not performing well at professional soccer. Zidane was the only one north-african in the 1998 french team, and he was a Kabyl, much closer to european ethnicity than to arabs.

Look the soccer team of Saudi Arabia : only weird, strange-looking and physically weak guys. Maybe because they are consaguine in wedding at 50 % (???). The marry their cousine, and it is no joke

Arabs are not a physical threat by themselves. What usually make them dangerous and fear-inspiring people is because they gather at 10 people against 1 and are culturally agressive.

Arabs has never really won a war, in their whole history, against europeans. Never. The generally (look in 700 A.D., in Palestine, colonial Algeria, Ben Laden, etc.) stage a war guerilla, with surprise raiding and vanishing, and razzias
jared said:
. so just how bad is the feeling of self-loathing and athletic inadequacy among the average French masses?

a lot of folks have been complaining about this abnormality. (because again , let's be honest , even though france has a lot of immigrants) that so called "french" team doesn't reflect at all french society.

A normal team which would represent the demographic of this country should have 1 black or 2 arabs. All other players should be white. One of france's best player is zidane for f**k sakes.

(though most people would concider zidane as "white" , since he's a "kabyl" )...and has european features. But that's how sad the france football scene is.

It's strange. Even in tennis. In tennis , one of the most famous tennis "frenchman" tennis player is yannik noah (father of that dumb ass , joachim Noah ) ....Today's tennis french hope ?

Gael Monfils (another black guy). Although there's also Richard Gasquet (french white guy)

In mma..in the ufc...who's representing france ? a black guy!!...(Kongo)...

In kickboxing we do have a frenchman though...His name is Jerome Le Banner. (and he's a legend in K1 )

It's a very strange phenomenon....For instance rugby's french team is the opposite of the french soccer team. (mostly whites)
Deadlift said:
Do French males have the smallest muscles in Europe?

I've heard that the Arab French are physically massive compared to Euro French males. Is this true?


absolutely not.
jared said:
Welcome to the site frenchdude. I'm ashamed for your soccer team too. Just as I am when I see the Boston "Celtics" field an entirely African team. Sigh... so just how bad is the feeling of self-loathing and athletic inadequacy among the average French masses?

hey i didn't noticed but , there's "the" fedor in your avatar! lol...Fedor vs sylvia on the 19th of july , don't forget !
frenchdude said:
jared said:
Welcome to the site frenchdude. I'm ashamed for your soccer team too. Just as I am when I see the Boston "Celtics" field an entirely African team. Sigh... so just how bad is the feeling of self-loathing and athletic inadequacy among the average French masses?
hey i didn't noticed but , there's "the" fedor in your avatar! lol...Fedor vs sylvia on the 19th of july , don't forget !

Oh I will not forget, I will be watching. Last I heard, LeBanner was supposed to be fighting Cro Cop soon in DREAM. Anyway, but more on topic, thanks for your input, I'm we all appreciate the international perspective. France and US sound a bit similar in their attitudes about athleticism. Thank goodness for MMA, it's giving a lot of young white Americans some balls again.
I just saw the top 5 goals scored in this seasons French premier division on Eurosport and they were all scored by white Frenchmen (I was amazed because you would've thought they'd put in a token African goal). The only two I can remember the names of is Dernis and Bodmer.