Happy Kwanzaa !!


Nov 2, 2004
Thought I would wish a heartfelt Happy Kwanzaa to all good Patriots here at CasteFootball!</font>

Warms my heart to know that Kwanzaa is King!</font></font>

So pray earnestly to the Kwanzaa Bunny, that he may bring you that long-awaited Value Added Tax to pile onto your Property taxes and Income taxes and Excise Taxes, and bring joy and tranquility to Welfare Offices all across the Fruited Plain! Rainbows and MultiCulti! Hooray for Diversity! Happy National Pacific Islander Day! Hillary for President! Peace, Love, Peppermints and Tranquility! Long Live the International Communist Conspiracy!</font>

Happy Kwanzaa!</font></font></font>
Nov 8, 2006
The sarcasm meter I have hooked into my computer just exploded.


Nov 25, 2005
so kwanzaa is celebrated with a feast consisting of fried chicken, watermelon, and 40's of colt .45 and king cobra?
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
emt1 said:
so kwanzaa is celebrated with a feast consisting of fried chicken, watermelon, and 40's of colt .45 and king cobra?

Oh man, Colt .45, I havn't heard that product mentioned since Billy Dee Williams used to do the commercials on T.V.

Colt forty-fye!...lol
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
emt1 said:
so kwanzaa is celebrated with a feast consisting of fried chicken, watermelon, and 40's of colt .45 and king cobra?

Emt1, do you live near the ghetto? Because I thought I was the only person on this site who knew what King Cobra was. lol.It doesn't get any more ghetto than King Cobra and Olde English (O.E.) malt liquor.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
LabMan said:
say it ain't so ! Ron Karenga convicted of felony assualt !
This err holiday is holdout from leftist freaks who want to rob every bank in major metropolitan centers. I think we should all don ski masks and rob a Chase Manhattan in the spirit of the founders of this holiday.......


Jun 29, 2005
I used to murder some malt liquor back in my high school daze. 3 bucks for two 40s at the Arab store for St. Ides. King Cobra and Lazer were only like $1.09 a 40. That stuff is evil, I am convinced whoever makes it, puts some weird chemical to keep the black man down.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Kwanza is a sham. It's basis is in Marxist principles, not in African culture. Ron Karenga tortured two of his female followers whom he believed were trying to poison him. He was diagonosed with Schizophrenia.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
JoeV said:
I used to murder some malt liquor back in my high school daze. 3 bucks for two 40s at the Arab store for St. Ides. King Cobra and Lazer were only like $1.09 a 40. That stuff is evil, I am convinced whoever makes it, puts some weird chemical to keep the black man down.

Yeah, my friends and I are also guilty of drinking some of that garbage in high school. All of it is the absolute cheapest, most low-grade alcohol a human being could possibly consume. Thank God we've grown up since then.

JoeV, you said you bought yours from the Arab stores. lol. Where I live in North Jersey, the bodegas were (are) mostly ran by Ricans or Indians. Just out of curiosity, where did you grow up?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Alpha Male said:
Kwanza is a sham. It's basis is in Marxist principles, not in African culture. Ron Karenga tortured two of his female followers whom he believed were trying to poison him. He was diagonosed with Schizophrenia.
Here is the controversy from Wilkepedia......There has been criticism of Kwanzaa's authenticity and relevance, and of the motivations of its founder, Karenga.

Kwanzaa has been criticized because it is not a traditional holiday of African people, and because of its recent provenance, having been invented in 1966. Black civil rights activist Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson wrote, "...the whole holiday is made up! You won't find its roots in Africa or anywhere else."[18]. The origins of Kwanzaa, however, are not secret, and are openly acknowledged by those promoting the holiday.[19] It was never advanced as an indigenous, African celebration.

Other criticisms center on Karenga's criminal record, including having been convicted and jailed on charges of felonious assault and false imprisonment for the torture of two women. The women were themselves African-American, which some critics, among them Les Kinsolving, feel detract from Karenga's claim that he created Kwanzaa to celebrate and strengthen the unity of black people.[20][21]

Tony Snow, White House Press Secretary since April 2006, wrote that "There is no part of Kwanzaa that is not fraudulent."[22] and other conservative writers have remarked on the Marxist leanings of Karenga and some of the seven principles of Kwanzaa, questioning whether Kwanzaa should be taught in American schools.[23]

Carlotta Morrow, Christian freelance writer, uses Karenga's own writings to criticize the holiday, writing that Karenga claims Kwanzaa was created as an alternative to Christmas in his early accounts, but contradicts himself in his most recent writings.[24]

William Norman Grigg noted the seven-branch candle holder, the "Kinara," was not used in African traditions, and suggested a symbol of Judaism, the menorah, was borrowed to match the seven principles of Kwanzaa.[25] However, there is a tradition of Black Jews and the Exodus, the "going forth" of the Children of Israel, has historically been a metaphor for their struggle as a people... by the way I think Festivus is just as legitimte as this holiday after all the Castanzas celebrated that holiday.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Alpha Male said:
Kwanza is a sham. It's basis is in Marxist principles, not in African culture. Ron Karenga tortured two of his female followers whom he believed were trying to poison him. He was diagonosed with Schizophrenia.

Yeah, I heard somewhere that Kwanzaa was created as a holiday rebellious to everything "White", or something along those lines. Blacks hate Whitey year 'round, even during the holidays.


Jun 29, 2005
JoeV, you said you bought yours from the Arab stores. lol. Where I live in North Jersey, the bodegas were (are) mostly ran by Ricans or Indians. Just out of curiosity, where did you grow up?
Northeast Ohio. There is a huge Arab presence in my neighborhood, they call the street where all the Irish bars used to be "Little Arabia." These people have some cash, and flaunt it too.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
JoeV said:
JoeV, you said you bought yours from the Arab stores. lol. Where I live in North Jersey, the bodegas were (are) mostly ran by Ricans or Indians. Just out of curiosity, where did you grow up?
Northeast Ohio. There is a huge Arab presence in my neighborhood, they call the street where all the Irish bars used to be "Little Arabia." These people have some cash, and flaunt it too.

Yeah, I hear ya bro. I heard that parts of southeastern Michigan (close to Detroit) look the same way. Where I live in Jersey, White people are so-few-and-far-between, that just seeing one on the street makes you want to stop them and ask what they're doing here. I grew up this way, so being a "minority" is actually normal for me. In my first year at college, it actually took some time getting used to, because I had never lived around high numbers of Whites before. Everything I did growing up, every athletic team I was on, every classroom I was in, every situation I was in, I was always the "one White kid", surrounded by mostly hispanics. It sounds crazy, but its true. I was always used to being on the defensive around minorities my whole life, and changing my whole demeanor to fit my new surroundings at school took some time.

But, on another note, as for the Arabs having money, a lot of them are into the drug trade as well. Many in my area, sell weed as well as firearms. They're into a lot of illegal activity, and even have their own "meeting halls" in local buildings.
May 5, 2005
"The holiday comes from a Communist Rapist, the new standard for black heroism in our society."

Wait a second, are we talking about Martin luther King or someone else here?


Oct 20, 2006
Ground Fighter,

One of the biggest scams of the arabs and other asians is opening
convenience stores in black neighborhoods. Why would anyone do that?
Because they commit food stamp fraud. The blacks "buy" $100 of goods
and the arab behind the counter rings up the bogus purchase and then
gives them back $70 in cash. The blacks then use that money to buy
booze, cigarettes, and drugs. The blacks get food from the local
churches and food pantries.

The arabs then take the money and buy up apartment buildings and
commit some of the same fraud, only with Section 8 money. They make
millions at this. Tax fraud is also rampant in the arab and asian

America is just one big free money pile to these people.
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
PitBull said:
Ground Fighter,

One of the biggest scams of the arabs and other asians is opening
convenience stores in black neighborhoods. Why would anyone do that?
Because they commit food stamp fraud. The blacks "buy" $100 of goods
and the arab behind the counter rings up the bogus purchase and then
gives them back $70 in cash. The blacks then use that money to buy
booze, cigarettes, and drugs. The blacks get food from the local
churches and food pantries.

The arabs then take the money and buy up apartment buildings and
commit some of the same fraud, only with Section 8 money. They make
millions at this. Tax fraud is also rampant in the arab and asian

America is just one big free money pile to these people.

You couldn't be more right Pitbull. In Northern New Jersey where I live, there aren't any major supermarkets in the really bad neighborhoods. Instead, there are just corner stores and "bodegas" on every corner. Most of the people on this site probably won't believe this, but in REALLY bad areas around here (Newark, Irvington, East Orange, etc.), all of the store's inventory is behind bullet proof glass. If you want to buy something, you walk in to an area thats about 8 ft. by 3 ft. (usually the front of the store), tell the cashier what you want, and they'll get it for you. After you pay them, they'll slide whatever it is that you bought, through a small, plexiglass door near the counter. Its a horrible way to live, but this is what the real bad parts of cities look like up here.

Some of the more common "programs" (welfare food programs) used around here are WIC, Family First, and Food Stamps. You're right about the food stamps too. Someone will come in with a $20 food stamp, and buy $2 worth of items, and then walk out with $18 in cash, all at the expense of the U.S. Government. Welcome to Newark. lol.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Ground Fighter said:
PitBull said:
Ground Fighter,

One of the biggest scams of the arabs and other asians is opening
convenience stores in black neighborhoods. Why would anyone do that?
Because they commit food stamp fraud. The blacks "buy" $100 of goods
and the arab behind the counter rings up the bogus purchase and then
gives them back $70 in cash. The blacks then use that money to buy
booze, cigarettes, and drugs. The blacks get food from the local
churches and food pantries.

The arabs then take the money and buy up apartment buildings and
commit some of the same fraud, only with Section 8 money. They make
millions at this. Tax fraud is also rampant in the arab and asian

America is just one big free money pile to these people.

You couldn't be more right Pitbull. In Northern New Jersey where I live, there aren't any major supermarkets in the really bad neighborhoods. Instead, there are just corner stores and "bodegas" on every corner. Most of the people on this site probably won't believe this, but in REALLY bad areas around here (Newark, Irvington, East Orange, etc.), all of the store's inventory is behind bullet proof glass. If you want to buy something, you walk in to an area thats about 8 ft. by 3 ft. (usually the front of the store), tell the cashier what you want, and they'll get it for you. After you pay them, they'll slide whatever it is that you bought, through a small, plexiglass door near the counter. Its a horrible way to live, but this is what the real bad parts of cities look like up here.

Some of the more common "programs" (welfare food programs) used around here are WIC, Family First, and Food Stamps. You're right about the food stamps too. Someone will come in with a $20 food stamp, and buy $2 worth of items, and then walk out with $18 in cash, all at the expense of the U.S. Government. Welcome to Newark. lol.
I have seen people sell them too. Always regardless of race those people look like burnouts that look like the cash is going for cigarettes, booze or narcotics.......


Nov 2, 2004
Ground Fighter said:
... Everything I did growing up, every athletic team I was on, every classroom I was in, every situation I was in, I was always the "one White kid", surrounded by mostly hispanics. It sounds crazy, but its true. I was always used to being on the defensive around minorities my whole life, and changing my whole demeanor to fit my new surroundings at school took some time.
But, on another note, as for the Arabs having money, a lot of them are into the drug trade as well. Many in my area, sell weed as well as firearms. They're into a lot of illegal activity, and even have their own "meeting halls" in local buildings.

Howdy JoeV and GroundFighter! I like your stories. They're familiar. You guys are alright

In my corner of Amerikwa, adjacent to nearly-all-Black DC Suburbs, Negrogracy is King. Blacks don't merely collect Food Stamps and shoot smack and mug old ladies on buses -- they run Universities, are the Mayors of towns and sit on Zoning Boards. Hideous!

A nearby Black "university" was recently visited by the great General Colin Powell. Maybe Colin is a scholarly, thoughtful soldier? A well-ordered, well-mannered military man? Well, Mr. Powell was photographed dancing in an I-hate-Whitey jungle dance with undergraduates, gyrating and boogeying with the best of them.

This part of the world is an Idiocracy, a Negrocracy. Kwanzaa THRIVES in East-of-DC. The whole place should be burned to the ground and started all over again -- with White settlers, armed to the teeth

From the land of H. Rap Brown and Marion Barry:
Yahoo!! Happy Kwanzaa!!


Nov 25, 2004
kwansaa is an anti-white, anti-christmas, pro-black solidarity celebration invented in 1966 by a convicted felon and leader of a extremely militant black organization called the Slave Union. Our school district recognizes this holiday and our children are(mostly white) are forced to sing Kwansaa songs. Are we living in the Twilight Zone?
May 8, 2006
New Jersey
Realgeorge said:
Howdy JoeV and GroundFighter! I like your stories. They're familiar. You guys are alright

In my corner of Amerikwa, adjacent to nearly-all-Black DC Suburbs, Negrogracy is King. Blacks don't merely collect Food Stamps and shoot smack and mug old ladies on buses -- they run Universities, are the Mayors of towns and sit on Zoning Boards. Hideous!

A nearby Black "university" was recently visited by the great General Colin Powell. Maybe Colin is a scholarly, thoughtful soldier? A well-ordered, well-mannered military man? Well, Mr. Powell was photographed dancing in an I-hate-Whitey jungle dance with undergraduates, gyrating and boogeying with the best of them.

This part of the world is an Idiocracy, a Negrocracy. Kwanzaa THRIVES in East-of-DC. The whole place should be burned to the ground and started all over again -- with White settlers, armed to the teeth

From the land of H. Rap Brown and Marion Barry:
Yahoo!! Happy Kwanzaa!!


Do you live in or near Prince Georges County, Maryland? Because the area you described sounds just like it...violent, loaded with blacks, and just outside of D.C.