Happy Independence Day (USA v1.0)


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I’m thankful for the Founding Fathers of the true Republic & the brave heroes of the Contintental Army. I’m proud of my heritage as my American ancestry goes back to 1720 on my paternal side & late 1600s on my maternal side. I’m blessed to have true American bloodlines & grateful to have been born here. Although I’d never “celebrate” this modern ‘Amerika’ (2.0) bizzaro world, I will pay respects to the men & women who started the Republic...and made it great.


Happy Independence Day! America was and is a great country, even with all its problems. The Founding Fathers did a great job creating this country.

There are two Americas. The first is the real America, created and maintained by people like us. The second is the fake America, created by white liberals and non-whites to serve non-whites only. It's like two parallel countries.

We're the real Americans.
Happy Independence Day to all of my friends here and their families. Let's continue to try to fight for what we believe in
to keep America the greatest nation on earth. Have fun and be safe guys!
Thanks all for calling it by its proper name. I HATE this "4th of July" business :cursing2:
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