Happy Halloween


Apr 6, 2007

Be afraid...be very afraid
Happy Halloween!

I love the Halloween lights and front yard displays people are putting up nowadays.
Happy Halloween! I like the holiday and everything that goes with it.

I like the Halloween lights and front yard displays people have.

This morning I had pumpkin spice coffee.

Halloween's a great holiday.
I'm going out tonight to look at Halloween lights. I like the displays put out by people. White technology and artistic creativity is wonderful.

Happy Halloween everybody.
Halloween season is here again! I bought some pumpkin spice coffee and I had a pumpkin muffin for breakfast.

I've already seen some nice Halloween decorations. One featured the giant head of a specter over the roof of a house and his giant arms starting to enfold the entire house. It was amazing!

Happy Halloween everybody!
Halloween is what you make it. I've seen historical exercises that place it's origins in both good and evil. It's tilting towards the latter in these last days with more people embracing dark rather than light, but right-minded folks can still make a positive impact. It is an opportunity to interact with many, many people, lots of those being very young. Be cheerful, bring your "light" and never miss an opportunity to share your good news.
Halloween is finally here! Happy Halloween everyone!

Halloween should be a lighthearted, fun holiday. One of the main features of Halloween is kids dressed in costumes going around trick or treating. How can that be bad? Another good thing about Halloween is the decorations and light displays. Artistic endeavors everywhere.

So have a glass of apple cider and enjoy the holiday.

Now here's a Halloween song from an outsider band, The Shaggs.

I have found memories of Halloween. I know some of our well-meaning fellow Christians may have a problem with it but overall it's what's in your heart on this that counts. Kids have a good time, get candy, dress up funny, and it's usually light hearted and fun.

I went as the Mummy one year, literally wrapped up head to toe and started seriously becoming unraveled by the end of the night and getting really cold! I look back on that as hilarious! Fun times! Happy Halloween!
I would say more than anything, please be careful. Not only for children. They are 4 times more likely to get killed or injured on Halloween than on any other day of the year. Also be careful for yourselves. Crime rates spike to a 24% increase on Halloween!
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial,(Satan)? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? …..
"Therefore come out from them and be separate. Touch no unclean thing and I will receive you. I will be a father to you and you will be my sons and daughter's, says the Lord Almighty." II Corinthians 6:14-18.
Satan definitely has his way on Halloween.
It's one of the few times during the year that I can wear my "Light The Night" t-shirt with the Paul's instruction from Romans 12:21 on the back: "do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good".

Happy Halloween all!
It's one of the few times during the year that I can wear my "Light The Night" t-shirt with the Paul's instruction from Romans 12:21 on the back: "do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good".

Happy Halloween all!

Sounds cool! How about an anonymous pic of it for your fellow CFers?
And it glows in the dark.....

In the last six months or so, I have become much more aware that our racial struggle is really just part of an even bigger struggle between Christianity and Satanism. The people we are up against (which aren't all jews) whether you call them ZOG, the Deep State, or Globalhomo are ultimately Satan worshipers either directly or indirectly and knowingly or unknowingly. If you're not aware that this planet is currently being run by Satan worshipers it's something you should look into. Donald Trump might be in the process of exposing this which would explain why the media is so hysterical about him.

Anyway, Halloween is basically celebrating Satan's birthday so I will have as little to do with it as possible. Apparently Christmas and Easter are based on pagan holidays as well so I'm going to try to have as little to do with them as possible as well.

I'll provide some links here so people can look into what I'm talking about more easily...

The Elite Don't Want you to Know that God is real - Proof of God (not citing the Bible)



I concur with you Amren, and pretty much agree with everything you said. I don't know how most people cannot see that the darkness side of things in the world system is vast and extremely intertwined.
I honestly don't know why more people don't see the common denominator. The brazen and shameless onslaught of the Left has the goal of outlawing Christianity.
I concur with you Amren, and pretty much agree with everything you said. I don't know how most people cannot see that the darkness side of things in the world system is vast and extremely intertwined.
I honestly don't know why more people don't see the common denominator. The brazen and shameless onslaught of the Left has the goal of outlawing Christianity.

I was vaguely aware of this starting ten years ago but focused on the race thing mainly. It's only in the last six months I started watching videos on the Spiritual conflict we're in whether we know about it or not. Ironically the only way we might "win" is through Spiritual methods as God will condemn us all if not enough people are making him happy or the level of evil in the world hits a certain point.
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