Guys--refocus your energy!!


Aug 6, 2005
I admire the pride I see here in European/ American ancestry. It's refreshing as hell. But rather than focus your energies on sports, why not channel them into areas where it's REALLY important?

A few thoughts:

* African Americans are generally better at certain positions in certain sports--It's genetic. There will always be a higher %age of Black CBs in the NFL. Who cares? Sports are entertainment--nothing more.

If you are proud of your European heritage, I would suggest you focus and channel your energies on the following issues which are far more important:

Demand that your Congressman and President:

* take a harder stance on immigration--America will not be the America that we know if unchecked immigration is allowed.

* fight affirmative action in the job market. Stand up against government contract favoritism being given to minorities.

* Stop shipping jobs overseas to third world countries.

* Get our sons and daughters, and our hard earned tax money out of foreign wars. The founding fathers were against them, and they are almost always fought to enrich a few companies and/or to protect foreign nations at the expense of Americans--screw that.

* Take a vocal stance on taking pride in European American heritage. Every other ethnic group has no problem doing it, and it's accepted. When White's do it, it's somehow considered racist by self hating whites and immigrant groups--don't tolerate this bullsh*t.

Spend the time that you spend on this forum to write your Congressman, it's easy:




May 20, 2005
bizzman said:
I admire the pride I see here in European/ American ancestry. It's refreshing as hell.  But rather than focus your energies on sports, why not channel them into areas where it's REALLY  important?

A few thoughts:

* African Americans are generally better at certain positions in certain sports--It's genetic.  There will always be a higher %age of Black CBs in the NFL.  Who cares?  Sports are entertainment--nothing more. 



Sports are a metaphor for warfare, hunting and other forms of male competition. NFL is the un-official national religion. Is it more important to manipulate the racial makeup of sports stars or to control "serious" debate? Well, just ask this...what are the ratings of C-Span compared to that of the Super Bowl?

The "image" of the White male be projected right now is the Uber-geek-Yes, the greatest warrior race on the planet is nation of White "Urkels!" Or so they would have you believe. They can't claim the ******* is more intelligent than us, so they attack us in every OTHER aspect. If we don't prove this image a falsehood, that the Nordic human is not physically inferior, then no one is going to give a flying fart about relative intelligence, crime rates, or who invented the most gadgets. Burn that last sentence into your brain if you don't take another thing from this forum.

You may think you're pro-White at this point, but by yielding to them on the matter of physical superiority, you're playing right into their hands.

I'm running short of time. I'll write more on this topic later if I feel so inclined.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
bizzman: If you think that sports are entertainment only, you must be blind. Sports does so much for setting the trends and beliefs of society. For the last 25 years, white football players have been excluded from playing certain positions. This mirrors the number of years the white male image has been under an all out assault, and many have tried to remake the image of white men in a negative light. It is all connected, whether you want to believe it or not. Open your eyes man!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bizzman, Many of us here are involved in the political end. Besides, everything has been politicized in this country, including sports.

If you don't like what you find here, you know the old saying about not letting the door hit you as you leave. . .


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Huzzah to Don, White Savage and Col. Reb for saying the very things I felt when reading bizzmans post!



Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
I hope Bizzman and others self-induced to partial blindness on this issue read these posts you guys just posted, and really consider them. The sports media empire is truely that; an EMPIRE. It's part of the bigger mass media empire which is VERY political but it is still non the less intertwined by the same snakes, er, uh, power-hungry moguls. If anyone thinks sports is just entertainment and nothing more, they have no idea how powerfully it is being used by the ruling elites to influence public opinion subtily and blatantly depending on much they think they can get away with. Just think about what Fox is doing in the pregame shows with the NFL's "sexiest man" contest. According to them, they stroll out the **** and the public is supposed to vote and say "of course"! Bullsh**. No sensible white would think that way unless they were conditioned to think that way. And that is exactly what is happening on many fronts in the media empire and sports is just one of the avenues. I hope well-intentioned folks like Bizzman can see the full picture.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
I don't think Bizman erred too egregiously in his suggestions. We SHOULD be arguing the political issues cited; it's just that taking such action should not be, and does not have to be, at the exclusion of attempting to foment change in sports.

Life imitates art (sport), or art (sport) imitates life?

I wouldn't swing the proverbial screen door shut behind Bizman just yet. Perhaps with some education about the truth regarding the myth of black athletic superiority, Bizman will not find himself in disagreement with any of the tenets of Caste Football, sporting or otherwise.


Oct 19, 2004
bizzman said:
I admire the pride I see here in European/ American ancestry. It's refreshing as hell. But rather than focus your energies on sports, why not channel them into areas where it's REALLY important?

We'll channel our energies wherever the heck we want. Nobody appreciates being talked down to.

bizzman said:
* African Americans are generally better at certain positions in certain sports--It's genetic. There will always be a higher %age of Black CBs in the NFL.

And? Even if that is true, so what? I doubt if many people here expect every position in the NFL and Div. I football to be 65-70% white (roughly our percentage of the US population.) Three or four starting running backs, maybe seven or eight starting wide receivers, would be huge improvements at this point. You wrote "generally better." Again, so what? That's not the point. There are tens of millions of white men in this country. Do you honestly think that blacks are so much "generally better" that not one white man could be a starting running back in the NFL? Not one?

bizzman said:
If you are proud of your European heritage, I would suggest you focus and channel your energies on the following issues which are far more important:

Demand that your Congressman and President:

Immigration, affirmative action, free trade, stupid wars, ethnic pride... we're already aware of all these issues, man. You're so patronizing.
Edited by: JD074
Oct 10, 2005
Who cares? Sports are entertainment--nothing more.

Bizzman your advice is appreciated, but I think maybe you might not know about the role that Sports have played throughout European (and European-American) History.

Below is a quote I made in another post:

It is important for Whites to watch sports. (and participate as well) It is a part of European Culture going back to 776 B.C.E. when the Ancient Olympics were first recorded to be held.

There are some out there that say because of Intergration Whites shouldn't watch sports, I call these types Robo-racialists because many of them have allowed racialism to permeate their being 24/7. Even The Great One hosted the Olympics himself in Berlin in 1936, and he had no issue with Germans or Whites in general competeing with other Races. Indeed History has shown that the Athletes competed admirably and Germany won the most medals with 89, second place was the US with 56

So I actually think that by participating in sites such as this one we are actually alot more 'in tune' with History and Culture then perhaps you first thought!


Uberberserker said:
. Even The Great One hosted the Olympics himself in Berlin in 1936,

Please tell me you didn't just call Hitler the 'Great One'. Tell me I misinterpreted that.
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
Uh-oh, here we go again.

WhiteRB, read your history -- the real</span> history, not just what our government wants</span> you to read. You may be shocked at what you learn.

Getting back on topic, sports are important and have been a vital part
of White culture for thousands of years. However, we should only
watch sports in order to inspire youngsters to want to participate in
the sports.

The most important sports, of course, are hunting and fishing because they are survival skills.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Uberberserker said:
Even The Great One hosted the Olympics himself in Berlin in 1936,

No way! Wayne Gretsky wasn't even born yet!


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
Southern Knight said:
Uh-oh, here we go again. 

WhiteRB, read your history -- the &lt;span style="font-style: italic;"&gt;real&lt;/span&gt; history, not just what our government &lt;span style="font-style: italic;"&gt;wants&lt;/span&gt; you to read.  You may be shocked at what you learn. 

Southern Knight, just what are you implying here? Are you saying Hitler was great?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Hitler may have been less the demon he is portrayed by modern history but the fact remains---no one in the history of our people was responsible for the deaths of more white men then him. End of story.

He was not pro-white. He was pro-German, he hated the Slavs as much as he hated africans. He intentially started wars merely to boost his own ego. He could have stopped when he had unified all of the Germanic people but he didn't, he wanted more, and was willing to see that millions of white people died to get what he wanted. He was "the great one" the greatest butcher of white people in history.


He was a great orator. I hope that is what you meant.

This site is an excellent platform for supporting white athletes. Supporting a narcistic psycopathic warmongerer is another thing altogether. I don't care what you views are about the holocost are, whether you belive it or not, or even your opinion on jewish people. Even puting aside all these things, hypotheticaly pretending nothing happened, he was an extrodinarily evil and currupt dictator. He started the war that killed millions of american,french, english, australian, german, italian et alsoldiers. That alone is enough. My grandmother fought with the dutch resistance, and I take that statment as an affront to her memory (and my grandfather died fighting the japenese,whose involvment that the germans helped spark). I'm sure countless others here have relatives that fought against this oppressive and ruthless dictator. I can't concieve of any malipulation of history that promotesHitler as being great. I'm not saying that what you learn in school is 100% accurate, but it is accurate about more than enough.

I don't want to get into anti-semitism here, because I'm sure people hold strong and differentopinions on the topic and will derail the object of this site further. The celebration and encouragmentof talented white athletes is something we SHOULD put our energy into.Edited by: WhiteRB

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I didn't like this thread originally, but the first several responses were good. Now, we've derailed into "focusing our energies"on a non-productive topic. This site is, as WhiteRB just wrote, "an excellent platform for supporting white athletes." If you must digress into non-productive subjects sure to drive young white athletes and their families away from Caste Football, do it in Happy Hour, which is where this thread is moving to.


Aug 10, 2005
There are going to wildly different opinions about Hitler among people who are pro white. He could be seen as someone who tried to save the white race or he could be seen as someone who went a long way towards destroying it. On one hand, if you will read his last will and political testament, he tried to negotiate peace with Britain throughout the war ,and he leaned a little more toward nordicism and less towards pan germanism in my opinion. He was a complete anglophile. On the other, his efforts soured the rest of the world on eugenics, nationalism, and turned the Jews completely against us if they weren't already. But we shouldn't let historical issues divide us about the issues that face us today. And they are many.Edited by: KG2422


May 20, 2005
"Supporting a narcistic psycopathic warmongerer is another thing altogether."

I didn't know we were talkinga bout George W.

Honestly, you just described virtually every other leader in history. It IS the nature of people who rise to the top in the political process, as sure as scum floats to the top of a barrel of water. Lenin killed more people, Stalin killed more people, Mao killed more people-even if you accept the OJV of the holocaust without question. But we can speak objectively of these people, read their works, discuss their philosophies, and even sometimes wear T-shirts emblazoned with their image, without in general being in real danger of total social ostracism and bodily assault.

Why is this? What is the key difference between Hitler and these men?

There is only one. Hitler, whatever else he was, was commited to the preservation of the White race (and opposition to the Jewish one.) And because of this one "failing" as a dictator, he has become the Most Evil Leader In History (tm), and has further been used to smear those who hold sensible scientific racial views, racial views that were more or less held by most of the White men fighting AGAINST Germany in WWII.

Someone has had the motivation AND the power to do this. This more than anything else demonstrates that whatever else Hitler was, he was probably RIGHT on a point or two regarding danger to the White race and who our chief enemies are.
Oct 10, 2005
Please tell me you didn't just call Hitler the 'Great One'.

Yes I just did.

Apparently being Pro-White is not welcomed here.

I will henceforth cease to participate on a site I am not welcomed on.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Uberberserker said:
Please tell me you didn't just call Hitler the 'Great One'.

Yes I just did.

Apparently being Pro-White is not welcomed here.

I will henceforth cease to participate on a site I am not welcomed on.

Why is everybody's first response to an issue on a message board to abandon the board altogether? Then, in turn, several other board members will beg the offended party not to leave. wtf?

Uber, you mean to say you're not sticking around on a SPORTS message board because you found a few people here that DO NOT LIKE ADOLF HITLER??? C'mon man! You can't be that thin-skinned! You didn't actually think you'd find a message board on the internet in which every poster there agreed with each and everyone of your thoughts and ideas, did you?



May 20, 2005
A further word to the wise.

Unless you are preaching to the choir-a VERY small choir of people who don't have a negative view of the Nazis-then calling Hitler "the Great One" or some such immediately turns their brain off, even if they're basically amenable to pro-White views.

Also, from my own personal viewpoint, an adult male human calling ANY other adult male human "The Great One" "The Grand Poobah" or anything of that nature sounds somewhat strange and silly

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
As I said, I didn't much like this thread from the beginning. Sometimes the best way to shut up a troll is to keep it short and sweet, not long and argumentative. At any rate, maybe this will make Uberberserker feel better:

Oct 10, 2005
b]Well this Forum is just too interesting so I am going to welcome myself back.[/b]

Why is everybody's first response to an issue
on a message board to abandon the board altogether?

Well I was shocked that folks would get so upset over a
small honorific, especially when in an earlier post
about the Toledo Riots I was very clear in myCRITICISM of National Socialism as being too Materialist. Also in another post where I listed my three main influences I did not include any National Socialists at all! (Varg Vikernes is an Odalist, Francis Parker Yockey is widely considered to be a National Bolshevik, and Alain de Benoist is part of the Euro New Right which is thought by many to be a natural continuation of the German Conservative Revolution (which was interrupted by National Socialist Rule)

Also, from my own personal viewpoint, an adult
male human calling ANY other adult male human
"The Great One" "The Grand Poobah" or anything of that
nature sounds somewhat strange and silly

Well it was a sort of Double Homage considering the
originator of the Honorific was <a href="" target="_blank">
William Pierce</a> who used it in
<a href="" target="_blank">The Turner

Assuredly an All-American like the late William Pierce
is alright?

But we shouldn't let historical issues divide us about the issues that face us today. And they are many.

This is certainly True and it is probably time to banish The Nazi Ghost (It is possible that the recent riots in New Orleans and France are helping with this as European Far Right Seizes on French Riots )