Guys, please tell me this is just a DWF thing


Nov 25, 2013
I was at a friend's house flipping through a Maxim magazine (I used to have a subscription, but canceled it after they named Michelle Obama the 94th most beautiful woman in the world) and I read this interview with some chick (don't remember who she was, doesn't really matter). One of the first questions they asked her was, "What was it like to kiss *insert name of generic manufactured black action (blaction?) hero here*?" (I don't remember his name either; again, it doesn't really matter).

Really? Guys aren't seriously interested in what it's like to kiss a guy, are they? Especially a black. That question would be more appropriate for a women's magazine. (But only if it was a good-looking white man. I have no idea what it's like to kiss a black and zero curiosity about it either).

I can't believe that (normal) men are interested in things like that. I'll have to go with the theory that Maxim has simply become another anti-white rag promoting creepy cuckold porn.
Really? Guys aren't seriously interested in...

Yeah, Maxim is kinda' lame. These so-called men's mags are what they are. Figure they were designed as vapid time-killers (nothing wrong with that).. But like you're saying, they get lame when they venture into self-important & trendy politics, and their readers value them for that (?)
I kind of have the same feeling about tabloids.. they can be fun for a few cruel laughs, but it gets creepy when people really immerse themselves in 'em.

& I value what u did, cancelling your subscription on principle. I did the same thing w/my print newspaper subscription during the 2008 pres. election. Local paper became a shill for Obama, instead of doing it's professional calling as impartial investigators/scrutinizers , so.. and I contacted 'em to explain my cancellation reason, for whatever it was worth.
Sounds like another pop culture worshipping, cultmarx pushing, putrid rag that's best suited for lining a cat litter box.