"Guys" Gather at "BronyCon"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
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white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I meant to post this last week. Get a load of these (so called) dudes. I guess this was their pre (s0d0m1te) "pride" event. :icon_rolleyes: Seriously, what's with these weirdo, emasculated little pencilnecks and their silly "conventions"? :dodgy:


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You would think New Jersey State police could stake out this convention for pedophiles. Maybe run a sting to catch some. What grown adult would watch this show if they didn't have a serious Peter Pan complex. When the LAPD wen't after Michael Jackson they should have just broadcast this show and had probes monitoring his heart beat and brain functions while watching this show. I think the jury would have convicted him after the report was shown to them....


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
These types of conventions are common for all kinds of bizzarre followers of each and every silly movie or TV series, line of comics, manga, anime, games, etc. It represents the extreme splintering of culture in the decaying empire we find ourselves in. No following is too obscure or bizzare, in fact obscureness and bizzarre-ness is the whole intent.

It's an attempt to connect oneselves with a common group which has become difficult for amerikan Whites. This is felt accutely amongst young White males who do not have the once valuable, now dead, institutions that older gents like ourselves can still pretend some loyalty to.

I feel terrible pity for these young men who are brought up in a culture that demeans them and mistreats them. They are allowed no traditional male outlet except for sports which is almost wholly dominated by non-whites, so even when they go that route they end up in an place where they are attacked and devalued once again.

And for the boys who are not athletically gifted or inclined? If they are high testosterone types and don't do sports they can look forward to a life of harrassment from the female establishment which usually will result in some level of incarceration or drug/alchol abuse to cope with being an obsolete organism in obama's amerika.

Typically boys who are not high achievers in athletics or academics and not especially motivated (who is anymore?) find solice in trivial pursuits and many just surrender to the FEM-F@G axis of evil and become as feminine as possible which at least brings them plenty of cheers from marxyculty society. Any protestation that they might be gay or homo's is of no consequence since those are actually compliments now. They even make light of more serious perversions such as stuff involving young kids. When there are no boundaries then it is impossible to know when you have gone too far.

Yes, to you and me this kind of thing seems sick and twisted. Or at least sorry and pathetic. But we come from an environment that established the proper boundaries and have learned it so well it's all we know. For those millions of boys raised by women in a seriously brain damaged feminist cultural marxist society they don't know the boundaries, no one cares to show them, and they only know they have gone too far when they bump up against one and are arrested or pay dearly for having done so.
Jun 30, 2012
I meant to post this last week. Get a load of these (so called) dudes. I guess this was their pre (s0d0m1te) "pride" event. :icon_rolleyes: Seriously, what's with these weirdo, emasculated little pencilnecks and their silly "conventions"? :dodgy:


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I really wanted to make a coherent comment on this, but I think I will fail. There is no artistic content to be appreciated in this, no knowledge or process to learn, no physical or mental challenge or competition to engage in, no opportunity for even drunken camaraderie or cavorting. Given that, to what part of the "male" psyche does it appeal? It's worse than a hippie music festival, or even a Trekkie convention. My kids like some stupid crap too, but I have to insist that it have some sort of redeeming quality if I'm to sit through it. :help:


Jul 14, 2012
These types of conventions are common for all kinds of bizzarre followers of each and every silly movie or TV series, line of comics, manga, anime, games, etc. It represents the extreme splintering of culture in the decaying empire we find ourselves in. No following is too obscure or bizzare, in fact obscureness and bizzarre-ness is the whole intent.

It's an attempt to connect oneselves with a common group which has become difficult for amerikan Whites. This is felt accutely amongst young White males who do not have the once valuable, now dead, institutions that older gents like ourselves can still pretend some loyalty to.

I feel terrible pity for these young men who are brought up in a culture that demeans them and mistreats them. They are allowed no traditional male outlet except for sports which is almost wholly dominated by non-whites, so even when they go that route they end up in an place where they are attacked and devalued once again.

And for the boys who are not athletically gifted or inclined? If they are high testosterone types and don't do sports they can look forward to a life of harrassment from the female establishment which usually will result in some level of incarceration or drug/alchol abuse to cope with being an obsolete organism in obama's amerika.

Typically boys who are not high achievers in athletics or academics and not especially motivated (who is anymore?) find solice in trivial pursuits and many just surrender to the FEM-F@G axis of evil and become as feminine as possible which at least brings them plenty of cheers from marxyculty society. Any protestation that they might be gay or homo's is of no consequence since those are actually compliments now. They even make light of more serious perversions such as stuff involving young kids. When there are no boundaries then it is impossible to know when you have gone too far.

Yes, to you and me this kind of thing seems sick and twisted. Or at least sorry and pathetic. But we come from an environment that established the proper boundaries and have learned it so well it's all we know. For those millions of boys raised by women in a seriously brain damaged feminist cultural marxist society they don't know the boundaries, no one cares to show them, and they only know they have gone too far when they bump up against one and are arrested or pay dearly for having done so.

Brilliantly written out post, when I was in college, every single extra curricular activity and sports teams were utilised solely by the arabs and blacks, the whites had simply gave up, it was embarassing, especially considering the few whites that played were the best of the players. Possibly the consequences of the anti-white media and shaming society. Honestly, young white guys are just as much to blame, they are too busy playing Video Games and watching T.V to worry about the deterioration of society and deal with the problems in their lifes. It's easier to hide away than face up.