Growing into your body


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
It has been discussed on this forum before, but I thought I would bring it up again. It is a pretty well known fact that black kids mature faster than whites for the most part(obviously there are exceptions) But I think one reason whites are not as highly recruited out of high school is b\c they have not finished maturing physically! Here's an older article from 2003, in it the writer takes a look at some of Iowa's top players from their Big Ten champs team. All 4 are white and all 4 really grew into themselves after some time in the program. Feel free to add your own examples and comments.

<LI>Robert Gallery, OL, 6-foot-6
Testing 2/1/99 - Weight: 246; Vertical jump: 26.6; Bench: 265
Testing 3/10/03 - Weight: 317; Vertical jump: 30.8; Bench: 460

<LI>Dallas Clark, TE, 6-2
Testing 2/1/99 - Weight: 221; Vertical jump: 32.5; 40 yard dash: 4.82; Squat: 230
Testing 3/10/03 - Weight: 257; Vertical jump: 37.5; 40-yard dash: 4.55; Squat: 580

<LI>Eric Steinbach, OL, 6-6
Testing 2/1/99 - Weight: 241; Vertical jump: 29.7; 40-yard dash: 4.99; Bench: 285
Testing 3/10/03 - Weight: 299; Vertical jump: 35.5; 40-yard dash: 4.84; Bench: 402

<LI>Bruce Nelson, C, 6-5
Testing 2/1/99 - Weight: 238; Vertical jump: 25.3; Squat: 280
Testing 3/10/03 - Weight: 295; Vertical jump: 28.5; Squat: 480
No, it is NOT a "well known fact", and it's not true.

Kids born to younger mothers, on average, mature faster than those born to older mothers. Reasons for this are unknown, but the most likely factor is that teenage mothers still have large amounts of growth hormone and other growth factors in their bodies during the pregnancy. This may put the developing fetus on a faster track to physical maturation.

Race is not a factor in the equation.
Riddlewire said:
No, it is NOT a "well known fact", and it's not true.

Kids born to younger mothers, on average, mature faster than those born to older mothers. Reasons for this are unknown, but the most likely factor is that teenage mothers still have large amounts of growth hormone and other growth factors in their bodies during the pregnancy. This may put the developing fetus on a faster track to physical maturation.

Race is not a factor in the equation.

Okay well is it safe to say that the majority of blacks kids have younger mothers? Or are you going to criticize that as well?

Either way I don't care to argue, I made this thread to give examples of guys who were under looked in the recruiting process who were either undersized or hadn't matured all the way physically. One of the best known examples is that of Clay Matthews.Edited by: celticdb15
Couldn't agree more having coached for a number of years in youth to high school.Black kids reach puberty faster than white kids.The mothers were no younger than the white mothers but to me thats a good sign shows that the whites compete at the same level or better but with more upside.I will take it even one step futher for you a friend of minewhoscouts for MLB told me that that have done studies and whites from closer to the mediterrain mature faster than whites from Northern Europe.
Riddlewire said:
No, it is NOT a "well known fact", and it's not true.

Kids born to younger mothers, on average, mature faster than those born to older mothers. Reasons for this are unknown, but the most likely factor is that teenage mothers still have large amounts of growth hormone and other growth factors in their bodies during the pregnancy. This may put the developing fetus on a faster track to physical maturation.

Race is not a factor in the equation.
Do you have a link or any studies? I would tend to believe black kids don't naturally mature faster than white kids.

Does anyone have any links about it either way?
I have also read studies that say Blacks walk quicker, talk sooner and hit puberty quicker than whites. Many studies have been done on this. I'm not a fan of Jon Entines "Taboo" book but he even lists some of the tests in that book.

I am one of the few people on the planet that thinks that whites can still compete and beat the blacks in straight line races. We need more numbers of whites competeting and for them to stick with the sport longer as they mature slower. Which is why they don't get near the football, basketball and track scholarships. It's also racism as we know against whites. The sterotypical lies have become what most believe to be the truth. Edited by: white lightning
After a quick google search I couldn't find anything. Until I see some studies, and analyze them, I'm thinking the idea that black people are innately more likely to talk faster, walk faster, mature faster, etc. either has an insignificant difference or is pseudoscience. Yet, I'd be very interested either way.
I will say this. Whether or not the studies are true from that book or other places, there are probably other studies that will say the opposite. Who knows, it could very well be the age of the parent or many other factors. I do know this, whites in my opinion are the most athletic people in the world as far as an all around athlete. I do also believe we can be just as fast as blacks. In track, it was proven in my opinion for decades and decades up until around the 1960's - 1970's. I would say by about 1980, the shift began to change alot more.

Allan Wells (White Sprinter) won the olympic gold medal in 1980 and was crowned the fastest man in the world, He beat Ben Johnson and many others before the juicing starting to take over track. I think the peds are rampant and whites just do not try to compete any more in larger numbers in track. If they did, I believe we would see alot more whites winning medals and still breaking records. I stand by that belief. I just wonder if whites will ever take interest in Athletics in huge numbers to level the playing field. I hope so but I doubt it. Most whites don't like track!
Rocky6 said:
Couldn't agree more  having coached for a number of years in youth to high school.Black kids reach puberty faster than white kids.The mothers were no younger than the white mothers but to me thats a good sign shows that the whites compete at the same level or better but with more upside.I will take it even one step futher for you a friend of mine who scouts for  MLB told me that that have done studies and whites from closer to the mediterrain mature faster than whites from Northern Europe.

I guess in the neighborhood you coached the black mothers & white mothers were about the same age. However, black mothers have a significantly higher rate of teen pregnancy in the U.S. Some of this has to do with socioeconomic level & some of it has to do with culture.

I have seen profiles of quite a few mammoth type white H.S offensive & defensive lineman. Deadlift posted about a lot of them in the H.S forum.

I'm guessing both of these theories have a grain of truth to them here, but I doubt the faster maturation rate of blacks is that much of a difference. I'd like to see more studies posted on CF other than Jon Entine's- who we think is an exaggerator and anti-white. The biggest issue with lack of white football and basketball scholarships is recruiting racism which couldn't make the whiterivals cultural Marxists any happier. There are small white and black skill players in H.S that are athletic and productive, but the small white phenoms like Nile Knapp generally are ignored completely.
Tough just cause blacks on average might mature faster doesn't make them superior in any way to whites.There is also some studies that those who mature later tend to grow taller on avg. than those who mature early.Which makes sense that if Southern Europe whites mature faster than Northern Europe whites, but Northern whites seem to be taller than Southern whites.I agree whites are discriminated when it comes to football scholarships.I fault whites for this because my son says he has more arguments with white kids than blacks on who the better players are.
Interesting post on northern and southern Europeans Rocky. I'm of northern European stock, but I've always been more attracted to southern European ladies (I prefer under 5'8). My wife has the Mediterranean look to her.

I hear you on white athletes being self defeating. It's time white football players grow some courage and state which position they think they're best at. They should start comparing themselves to great black players at their position- (like Toby Gerhart has done!) Not loving that Gerhart picked Eddie George as one of the guys to compare himself to, but his other comparison of Corey Dillon is solid.

I'd compare Gerhart's style, size and/or athleticism to these players currently playing:
Marion Barber, A taller Michael Turner, a stronger/larger framed/slightly more elusive Ryan Grant, Steven Jackson (slightly less top end speed), Brandon Jacobs (slightly more elusive and quick), Peyton Hillis (slightly faster/slightly more elusive).
Riddlewire said:
No, it is NOT a "well known fact", and it's not true.

Kids born to younger mothers, on average, mature faster than those born to older mothers. Reasons for this are unknown, but the most likely factor is that teenage mothers still have large amounts of growth hormone and other growth factors in their bodies during the pregnancy. This may put the developing fetus on a faster track to physical maturation.

Race is not a factor in the equation.

Race is the factor. Age of mothers is a correlation. Black and Hispanic women have children sooner than Whites on average and are more likely to have children out of wedlock, especially at a younger age.

Blacks have a shorter gestation period than Whites, they mature faster and hit puberty sooner. They mentally peak sooner than Whites, but this isn't a good thing.
Anak said:
Riddlewire said:
No, it is NOT a "well known fact", and it's not true.

Kids born to younger mothers, on average, mature faster than those born to older mothers. Reasons for this are unknown, but the most likely factor is that teenage mothers still have large amounts of growth hormone and other growth factors in their bodies during the pregnancy. This may put the developing fetus on a faster track to physical maturation.

Race is not a factor in the equation.

Race is the factor. Age of mothers is a correlation. Black and Hispanic women have children sooner than Whites on average and are more likely to have children out of wedlock, especially at a younger age.

Blacks have a shorter gestation period than Whites, they mature faster and hit puberty sooner. They mentally peak sooner than Whites, but this isn't a good thing.
All of this is contradicted by my own experience.
I grew up in a town where most people were poor. The bulk of the population was also devoutly religious and traditional. Although marriages weren't arranged, families still ensured that their children interacted only within approved circles. Early marriages were the norm. Pregnancy usually followed immediately. My generation was the product of this type of society. More than half of the white boys that I grew up with were early developers. Mustaches and muscles in 7th grade were somewhat common. They were certainly more physically mature than the black boys in the town. As the agricultural depression receded, the white population in the town became more financially secure. Some even thrived. Those were the conditions that I grew up with. The culture of the town changed. Instead of starting a family at 17, white kids wanted to leave for college or larger cities. The black population went the other direction. With no academic prospects and no businesses of their own to grow, they sought out that time-honored refuge of the American negro: government handouts. Welfare and child credits became their economy. And it was a booming business in the 80's and 90's. The black girls began having children at the start of their teen years (12 or 13), and had as many as they could as quickly as they could. The black population exploded while the white population dwindled. Now those black kids ARE more mature than their white counterparts. But until a global congress of geneticists passionately makes the case that this difference is race-based, I will choose to accept the proof of my own observances.
I have read only one study that I cannot recall the name of - the basis for which was a counterpoint to Jon Etienne's biased contention that blacks were superior athletes â€" that highlighted a study verifying that observed group of young backs on average reached maturation sooner than observed group of young whites of the same age. So I speak from experience only when I say that blacks certainly do reach puberty sooner. I can recall, for instance, the blacks in my 7<SUP>th</SUP> grade middle school a foot taller than the whites, and the Hispanics equipped with a prideful mustache or goatee or both! At the end of my senior year, I had grown into my body and was surprised to see that I was now taller and broader in the shoulders than both the blacks and the Hispanics.
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Athletically, I can say that I was much the late bloomer so much that I was still growing into my final height and body even into my early twenties. I remember visits to my home town in between my college semesters and out sprinting the fastest blacks. I have played competitive sports into my mid twenties -football, track, and judo - despitelacking the maturation to compete in my teens on account of the late blossoming.
To this day, as a part time educator, I have observed blacks and Hispanics that are men physically compared to their white school mates who are boys physically.
Let me digress here and say that I find it no coincidence that the aforementioned athletes' sprint times have decreased tremendously in conjunction with their increased max squat. Showing that despite the increase in body weight, the surest way to get faster is to increase strength, specifically max force strength.Edited by: Alpha Male
Riddlewire said:
Anak said:
Riddlewire said:
No, it is NOT a "well known fact", and it's not true.

Kids born to younger mothers, on average, mature faster than those born to older mothers. Reasons for this are unknown, but the most likely factor is that teenage mothers still have large amounts of growth hormone and other growth factors in their bodies during the pregnancy. This may put the developing fetus on a faster track to physical maturation.

Race is not a factor in the equation.

Race is the factor. Age of mothers is a correlation. Black and Hispanic women have children sooner than Whites on average and are more likely to have children out of wedlock, especially at a younger age.

Blacks have a shorter gestation period than Whites, they mature faster and hit puberty sooner. They mentally peak sooner than Whites, but this isn't a good thing.
All of this is contradicted by my own experience.
I grew up in a town where most people were poor. The bulk of the population was also devoutly religious and traditional. Although marriages weren't arranged, families still ensured that their children interacted only within approved circles. Early marriages were the norm. Pregnancy usually followed immediately. My generation was the product of this type of society. More than half of the white boys that I grew up with were early developers. Mustaches and muscles in 7th grade were somewhat common. They were certainly more physically mature than the black boys in the town. As the agricultural depression receded, the white population in the town became more financially secure. Some even thrived. Those were the conditions that I grew up with. The culture of the town changed. Instead of starting a family at 17, white kids wanted to leave for college or larger cities. The black population went the other direction. With no academic prospects and no businesses of their own to grow, they sought out that time-honored refuge of the American negro: government handouts. Welfare and child credits became their economy. And it was a booming business in the 80's and 90's. The black girls began having children at the start of their teen years (12 or 13), and had as many as they could as quickly as they could. The black population exploded while the white population dwindled. Now those black kids ARE more mature than their white counterparts. But until a global congress of geneticists passionately makes the case that this difference is race-based, I will choose to accept the proof of my own observances.

Hey man I can respect that. I was mostly going off some of my own experince regarding the maturation of the different races. During middle school a lot of the black guys grew taller and matured first, but once in high school a lot of my friends and myself included sprouted up. You bring up a good point that it could have to do with the age of the mother.
"Kids born to younger mothers, on average, mature faster than those born to older mothers. Reasons for this are unknown, but the most likely factor is that teenage mothers still have large amounts of growth hormone and other growth factors in their bodies during the pregnancy. This may put the developing fetus on a faster track to physical maturation."

I could definitely see that having an effect on the kid.

Edited by: celticdb15
white lightning said:
I have also read studies that say Blacks walk quicker, talk sooner and hit puberty quicker than whites. Many studies have been done on this. I'm not a fan of Jon Entines "Taboo" book but he even lists some of the tests in that book.

I am one of the few people on the planet that thinks that whites can still compete and beat the blacks in straight line races. We need more numbers of whites competeting and for them to stick with the sport longer as they mature slower. Which is why they don't get near the football, basketball and track scholarships. It's also racism as we know against whites. The sterotypical lies have become what most believe to be the truth.

I am aslo of the belief that whites can be competitive if they only believe.
For what is truth but what man assigns to truth...

I was at an opentrack meet last month where a white student with no scholarship out sprinted the 4 D-1 blacks in the 60 meter with a hand time of 6.7 meters. He trains alone and is trying to make the team at another school. He was skinny, hairy, andapparently not in the weight room but had tremendous natural ability.

Edited by: Alpha Male
Some people like to knock Reggie White and say that he had a fat stomach, but he ACTUALLY had strength! How many black DE's - these days - can hold his jock? So many black DE's, today, are thin like Jarvis Moss, Jason Taylor, George Selvie, etc etc. Many blacks have trouble bulking-up, but the black supremacist media won't admit that. They simply like to push the "stereotypes" that blacks are as big as Brontosaurus' and T-Rex...

Because, I've seen some black DE's that were listed as 6-6 and 280 on Rivals, and it was BS as they had pencil-necks and were thin. I've seen a black DT on rivals that was listed as 6-5 and 290, and same thing, it was bull! There are some Whites that inflate their size, yes, but blacks do it more frequently.

When I watch college football, it's the "White Kids" that tend to be the tallest and strongest athletes on the field. This is often true of high school football as well.
This picture might cheer us up...


What is that in the background? Mighty T-REX? Adonis? A member of a heavy-set tribe of Outer-space Aliens?

Looks like there's another one in this picture set as well...

They are all over the creation! Where's the Sci-fi movie when you need it? Oh wait, it's called The Blob!
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