Group loyalty

JD074 said:
People who had to take crappy service jobs (like retail and restaurants) because they got laid off.

So working on an assembly line putting together toys or sewing a shirt is considered a "good" job?
JD074 said:
If I were in power, and of course I'm not, I would start by replacing most taxes (income, payroll, SS, Medicare, capital gains, etc.) with a national retail sales tax (one version of which is called "FairTax," as discussed in another thread.) If that did enough to relieve American businesses of their tax burdens, maybe it would be enough to reverse much of the outsourcing. If not, I would implement tariffs on foreign-made goods.

I would also drastically reduce government spending (get rid of all the pork, end the War in Iraq, get rid of the Education/ Agriculture/ Labor/ other Departments, privatize SS, Medicare, and Medicaid, end all foreign aid, withdraw our troops from most foreign lands, like South Korea, etc.) That way the sales tax would be much less than the "revenue neutral" 30% (tax-exclusive rate, 23% tax-inclusive) suggested by the FairTax guys.

Eliminating the tax burden on businesses would help with the prices of goods since consumers would no longer be burdened with "embedded taxes" (taxes that businesses pay that get passed on to the consumer.) A 10-20% sales tax would be a lot less than the embedded taxes that Americans are paying now. Obviously a higher average tariff would add to that. I don't know how much more the tariffs + a NRST would be than the current embedded taxes. I would love to see a mathematician or economist crunch the numbers.

I would put the NRST ahead of tariffs though. If I had to pick one.

I agree with you there.
SteveB said:
JD074 said:
People who had to take crappy service jobs (like retail and restaurants) because they got laid off.

So working on an assembly line putting together toys or sewing a shirt is considered a "good" job?

I dunno, compared to picking cotton, tilling a rice paddy, or scratching vegetables out of the dirt, maybe.

Then again, if your assembly line is unionized, it can be a damn good job. Edited by: White Shogun
Colonel_Reb said:
I'd rather see a repeat of the Crusades than see Christianity be gotten rid of. You let Christianity disappear in favor of anything else, and white society will crumble.

Funny you mention the Crusades, since they are proof positive how the true spirit of fair-skinned barbarian warriors burns even in those nominally Christianized.

Our ancient way-call it a "religion" if you must-is not dead, merely sleeping. It cannot die while any Nordic people yet live. A philosophy shaped by the same forty-thousand years of brutal struggles and sublime joys that made our people can not and should not be forgotten. Some of us ARE heeding the call. Which is to say I don't hold with your opinion that the White race will implode if some of us are non-Christian. I find it a little disrespectful, since most of the Heathen people I've known have standards of character and conduct, to say nothing of group loyalty, that exceed what is often found among Christians. Which is not to say that Christianity lacks outstanding persons, certainly I have known many fine people who happen to be Christians.

OTOH, I am not anti-Christian, since Christians are my White brothers who basically think like I do. (See note above about Christianity's difficulties in changing the Northern soul). Christianity is not pro-White but it is not inherently anti-White either-the teachings of mainstream Christianity on racial matters have shifted over time and simply reflect opinions that are shaped outside of Christianity in the larger secular debate.

The media forces that hate Christianity also hate Whiteness-it does not seek to replace Christianity with anything good, no it seeks to put nihilism and dialetical materialism in it's place. Because of that, and because of the principles of Individual liberty (a unique invention of we Heathen barbarians), I oppose all the unfair persecutions of Christians going on in this country.
SteveB said:
So working on an assembly line putting together toys or sewing a shirt is considered a "good" job?

For most Americans, no. (Maybe for that 5% that you mentioned.
) Of course you could also say that a service job like practicing medicine is not a "bad" job. But it is widely believed that manufacturing jobs, on average, pay better than service jobs. I would like for our country to find some way to re-build our manufacturing base- whether it's a Libertarian strategy like reducing the tax burdens on businesses, restricting unions, cutting down on frivolous lawsuits, etc., or a protectionist strategy like placing tariffs on foreign-made goods. Either way the goal is more good jobs for Americans.
White_Savage said:
Christianity is not pro-White but it is not inherently anti-White either-the teachings of mainstream Christianity on racial matters have shifted over time and simply reflect opinions that are shaped outside of Christianity in the larger secular debate.

The media forces that hate Christianity also hate Whiteness-it does not seek to replace Christianity with anything good, no it seeks to put nihilism and dialetical materialism in it's place.

White Savage, bravo!
Well said. Nail on the head.
The Savage returns!
Must have finally made bail
Another very interesting article from Paul Craig Roberts. Vdare has a very interesting take on the economy. Bush loves to gloat about the "job growth" of his great economy, but according to Vdare the growth is mostly "worse" jobs and the loss is mostly "better" jobs. (I say "worse" and "better" since I'm comparing the two categories of jobs.) And many of the jobs are going to Hispanics... in other words, non-Americans.

Here's an interesting quote:

"When manufacturing leaves a country, engineering, R&D, and innovation rapidly follow."