Greatest bodybuilders of all-time

White_Savage said:
Body building is BS though. There will be even more advances in chemical *******tails, and there will someday be a white man with a physique even more grossly bloated and deformed than Colemans, but what will such offenses against nature prove?

It's interesting that power athletes in general look well muscled but don't have the cartoonish quality of body builders, that body builders are relatively weak beside such men. Also interesting is that whites often exhibit more raw strength in weight lifting and other tests than more muscular appearing blacks. It seems that white muscle gets the same job done in a smaller package, and while it may not serve vanity as well, that sort of effeciency spells superiority to me.
Actually Coleman was a powerlifter before he switched to bodybuilding and still puts up impressive lifts .

And oofcourse powerlifters and world strongest men people dont use steroids right
They get drug tested, unlike bodybuilders.
fistfighter said:
White_Savage said:
Body building is BS though. There will be even more advances in chemical *******tails, and there will someday be a white man with a physique even more grossly bloated and deformed than Colemans, but what will such offenses against nature prove?

It's interesting that power athletes in general look well muscled but don't have the cartoonish quality of body builders, that body builders are relatively weak beside such men. Also interesting is that whites often exhibit more raw strength in weight lifting and other tests than more muscular appearing blacks. It seems that white muscle gets the same job done in a smaller package, and while it may not serve vanity as well, that sort of effeciency spells superiority to me.
Actually Coleman was a powerlifter before he switched to bodybuilding and still puts up impressive lifts .

And oofcourse powerlifters and world strongest men people dont use steroids right

Well, not sure If you ever watch any of these events as they are dominated by white guys, but they are tested for steroids. True there are ways around that, but at least they are tested.

Anyone remember Dave Johns? He was a black 1978 winner of Mr. Universe.

That next year he entered the 1979 World's Strongest Man contest. He took 8 out of 10, the only two people he beat were injured! Big, rotund Don Reinhoudt (white needless to say) DOMINATED the event and won.
Ronnie Coleman is a drugged up joke.The best genetics for bulding muscle belonged to John Grimek or Steve Reeves.Don't even bring Coleman's name up in powerlifting he couldn't carry Bill Kazmaier jock strap.
Colonel_Reb said:
They get drug tested, unlike bodybuilders.
Your right offcourse there are no ways for them to gets past the drug testing right

Dont be naive
Gary said:
Ronnie Coleman is a drugged up joke.The best genetics for bulding muscle belonged to John Grimek or Steve Reeves.Don't even bring Coleman's name up in powerlifting he couldn't carry Bill Kazmaier jock strap.
Grimek Reeves

Are you saying that if you give Reeves or Grimek the same Steriods and and the same hard work that Coleman does they could compete ?

And i never said Coleman was a top powerlifter i said he was a powerlifter nothing more.
I'll venture to say you have never seen Grimek or Reeves. Steve Reeves is considered by just about everyone to be the best of them all. He was all natural, and still built a better physique than Arnold or Coleman or any other. And Steve Reeves himself said Grimek was the best. They didn't need steroids. Grimek and Reeves worked harder than Coleman, because neither took steroids. You look at the poundages and sets and stuff that these guys did!

Coleman better start finding better roids too, because he's been given gift wins over Jay Cutler about a million times.
Bodybuilders never are tested, even if a powerlifter used it, he wouldn't get the same affects from being on them all the time like a bodybuilder because he would have to stop taking before at least some of the tests. Your logic is flawed, and your thinking is clear as mud, fistfumbler!
The point is pignuts Grimek and Reeves didn't need the pill or needle to get great muscles.Coleman is a freak on steriods!!Pudzianowski is about the same size as Coleman but the Pole can win the World's Strongest Man Contest while Coleman is shaving the hair off himself.The Pole must be twice as strong as the freak.The Pole has useful muscles capable of amazing feats of strength while Coleman trys to look pretty in the mirror.In head to head competition the Pole WINS-Coleman won't even try
Sean said:
I'll venture to say you have never seen Grimek or Reeves. Steve Reeves is considered by just about everyone to be the best of them all. He was all natural, and still built a better physique than Arnold or Coleman or any other. And Steve Reeves himself said Grimek was the best. They didn't need steroids. Grimek and Reeves worked harder than Coleman, because neither took steroids. You look at the poundages and sets and stuff that these guys did!

Coleman better start finding better roids too, because he's been given gift wins over Jay Cutler about a million times.
So Coleman just takes his steroids and his muscles magically start to grow right ?.

In other words everybody who wants to be a top bodybuillder just has to take the ammount of steroids Coleman takes right ?.. Edited by: fistfighter
Gary said:
The point is pignuts Grimek and Reeves didn't need the pill or needle to get great muscles.Coleman is a freak on steriods!!Pudzianowski is about the same size as Coleman but the Pole can win the World's Strongest Man Contest while Coleman is shaving the hair off himself.The Pole must be twice as strong as the freak.The Pole has useful muscles capable of amazing feats of strength while Coleman trys to look pretty in the mirror.In head to head competition the Pole WINS-Coleman won't even try
Hwo much does Marius make every year in the WSM competition ? How much does Coleman make in Bodybuilding competitions not to mention training DVDs Biographies ect ?. Somehow i dont think the millionaire Coleman envies Marius making 50000 $ in WSM competitions.
Somehow i dont think the millionaire Coleman envies Marius making 50000 $ in WSM competitions.

Straw man argument.

Nobody said bodybuilders made less money. Referring to the post you quoted, you're refuting the argument that the Pole is stronger than Coleman by saying, in effect, "So what, Coleman makes more money!"

Well, in that case, Bill Gates has more money than Coleman!! NYAH NYAH NYAH
Arnold has a lot more money then Coleman-Marius is a lot stronger then Coleman-Marius has more money then Pugnus.While Marius can win the Strong Man Contests,all Coleman can do is shine his head

Reg Park is a bodybuilding hero to millions[he was Arnold's !!]Park lived in England during WW2 when food was really hard to get,his dad and mother tryed to get him eggs/milk[protien food].Park built muscles that few have ever built .He is a great role model for young White Males.Not these freaks on dope we got now.
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