Actually Coleman was a powerlifter before he switched to bodybuilding and still puts up impressive lifts .White_Savage said:Body building is BS though. There will be even more advances in chemical *******tails, and there will someday be a white man with a physique even more grossly bloated and deformed than Colemans, but what will such offenses against nature prove?
It's interesting that power athletes in general look well muscled but don't have the cartoonish quality of body builders, that body builders are relatively weak beside such men. Also interesting is that whites often exhibit more raw strength in weight lifting and other tests than more muscular appearing blacks. It seems that white muscle gets the same job done in a smaller package, and while it may not serve vanity as well, that sort of effeciency spells superiority to me.
And oofcourse powerlifters and world strongest men people dont use steroids right