"Greatest Americans" Propaganda


Oct 21, 2004
Recently, I have heard a radio commercial a number of times, hyping an
upcoming special on Discovery TV, about the "Greatest Americans" of all
time. On this commercial, there are four kids interviewed, and each of
them give their choice as "Greatest American." The first kid says,
predictably enough; "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." The second kid makes
the only intelligent choice, when he picks George Washington. The next
kid picks Oprah Winfrey. Finally, the last kid picks Muhammed Ali. Now,
I am accustomed to puerile propganda, but this even shocked me. Think
about what this program will apparently be saying; that the likes of
blowhard talk-show host Winfrey and obnoxious boxer Ali are among the
very greatest Americans of all time. No mention of Thomas Jefferson,
Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Thomas Edison or Henry Ford in that
commercial. Unbelievable. Folks, this is the reality of Don King's
America. Really, can things become any more ridiculous?
Oprah did what that changed American society? Ali was just a dumb boxer, whocares about sports really when naming greatest Americans. My vote goes to Nickolai Tesla even though he wasn't born here.
Bear Arms, I agree with you 100%. If it were not for Nicola Tesla we still would be sitting in the dark. His theory of alternating current shook the scientific world. He was truly a GIFT to mankind. So many of the wonderful inventions we take for granted today wouldn't have been known if not for him. Everytime we use a motor to make our lives easier it is because he discovered the principles and put them into concrete form.

The world owes a huge debt to this man but few people know of him. To place Oprah or Ali in the same category as him is utter foolishness. I read this on-line book abiuth him last year and was STUNNED by his brilliance!

Tesla was something else, and he had a pretty cool band named after him too!
I was in one of the most redneck bars in Minnesota when this topic came up because somehow the discovery channel was on one of the TV's at the bar. The conversation quickly turned to greatest american athlete. Who do you think the Rednecks in the bar selected? Here is a list of a few of the names I remember - Muhammed Ali, Bo Jackson, Jim Brown, and Barry Bonds. They scoffed at the athletes I choose in rebuttle. It seems to me that the typical redneck is one of the biggest supporters of caste propaganda. No wonder they idolize sports like Nascar, Texas holdem, and bass fishing.
Rednecks in Minnesota?
Nah, I don't believe it! Rednecks are the sole possession of the South aren't they? I guess there must be a huge trailer park up there somewhere. I don't doubt they picked that group as the best. That's all they know about, thanks to the Caste System. You don't know how many white players I now keep track of because of what I have learned on this site. I hadn't heard of a lot of them before getting on here. I'm sure those guys are the same way.
Those rednecks in the bar acted just the way I'd expect them to act.
Rednecks do admire black athletes, and blacks in general. This is
probably because so many of their unpleasant social characteristics are
shared. For instance, both rednecks and "real" blacks have the same
twisted views on parenting. Excessive punishments, not spoiling them,
kicking them out the minute they turn 18, yet defending them when their
bad behavior effects other children, etc. There are almost as many bad
redneck parents as there are in the inner cities. From bad grammar to
excessive alchol and drug use to impoliteness to poor work ethic, these
two groups have a lot in common.
Caught part of a local sports talk show, two hosts , one black, one white. They did a take - off on the greatest American bit but they related it to the sports world. Every single black caller named a black as did most of the whites. One person said Bonds shouldn't be considered, because of steroids, he should have an asterisk next to his name if he breaks Ruth's record. Believe it or not both hosts defended Bonds, saying that ALL the records previous to Jackie Robinsons's entry into baseball.should have an asterisk because of the lack of color. It's a better game today , played at a higher caliber.
Yeah, and I'm Bill Clinton!
The man who was responsible for inventing technology which enriches our lives in so many ways recently died.You like the many benefits of having computers? This man's genius made it possible. Of course, nobody really cares about dead whirte men who actually produced some thing worthwhile. I don't think he will be on the list of Greatest Americans.

[url]http://www.vnunet.com/forbes/news/2138769/jack-kilby-giant-a mong[/url]

NEW YORK - It took more than 40 years for Jack Kilby to win the Nobel Prize, for his 1958 invention of the integrated circuit. His invention helped form the foundation of what was last year a $213 billion microchip industry.
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