Shogun: Heres the difficulty. Everyone KNOWS race is real. Repeat: 99% of Homo Sapiens on planet Earth know it's reality. Anyone with knowledge of genetics and evolution knows it's impossible for race to NOT be real. Whites for the most part have an accurate view of ********, except for a few lying Anti-White propaganda points that we discuss here. Most ******** even have an accurate view of the ******* race as a whole, even though only a tiny few will voice it, and literally be in physical danger while doing so.
But everytime you mention the reality of race to a White person, its "I agree, but I know so-and-so who's such a good fellow and raising a nice family too, etc." so forth. Despite knowing the FACTS, ceaseless conditioning has rendered them unable to act, speak, or even think in a rational manner regarding race. So you get a situation where it's okay to believe to that ******** are better at running with a football but totally forbidden to even think you might want to live in a White neighborhood instead of a negroided-up one, even though Whites (and some blacks) ACT in a manner in regards to the latter that is more rational than their words.