Gov&media Conspiracy to breed out whites?

White warlord

Apr 21, 2006
Look at this crap article.

The white male Gripe....

I really think it could be true, and after reading this article I found, that originally appeared on AOL hometown, I am highly PISSED. When are we going to wake up people? What is going to be the last straw us the whites on this website will take before we do something MORE than use this site as a discussion ground? Are any of you as pissed off as I am at the moment? I see travesties and crimes against whites EVERY day in the town I live in, most people know me and my attitude and when I intervene it ends instantly, but I do live in a small town. We need to do more guys, anything and everything to put OUR race back on top in America. How many of you are parents? I am, and I'm sick to death of seeing how everything is going, because this is MY CHILDRENS future that is being tarnished right now. How much longer before it is a LAW for my daughter to be forced to marry a black man? How much longer are we going to put up with this crap? I raise my children to treat everyone as they want to be treated, and yet at the same time I teach them to be PROUD of the skin color it is the class that we are born into it is who WE ARE. I also teach them to fight for our RACE, but this people is not enough. We are being weeded out, we are so very close to becoming a minority now its pathetic, and what are we doing about it? The whole immigration issue is up for grabs right now with Mexicans why? I know and you guys know also, its simply because BLACKS agree with whites on the issue they are just as pissed about them spewing across the boarder as we are. The true crimes against us go unheard of, unspoken of, because its not politically correct to bring them up, and that people is the crimes blacks commit on whites on a daily BASSIS, yet we turn a blind eye to the problem we stick our heads in the sand like some stupid big bird...99.9% of the time I find myself wishing that some Incident WOULD happen that will set us whites off and fire us up to fight for OUR race, or better yet one that would make blacks riot in the streets to the point of whites being sick and tired of it and decided to fight back. I remember seeing on the News like 6-9 months ago some Neo-Nazi party in a northern United states City decided to hold a rally, and the blacks went Ape Crazy vandalizing EVERTYHING rioting for hours I think it was possibly days, and what did the whites do? Hide in their homes, the entire time I was asking why couldn't I live there with my many high powered rifles? Do any of you think I'm wrong or better yet EVIL for asking this? I look back in time through books and at the things that went on in the late 1940s-1950's and it looked so peaceful and happy Whites in control and in charge of their future raising their children with moral principles and PRIDE in their race, and I wish and pray beyond hope that I could raise my children in that type of setting, yet I know its just a dream. I blame the Black culture that has seeped its way into America poisoning whites like a slow deadly cancer that will eventually destroy the white race in our country and create something different. It is their music, how they talk, how they even walk, and hold themselves that I find annoying and troublesome, yet the media loves it and shoves this poison down our throats 24 hours a day, because it's the next big thing! White politicians ignore the problem in open, or are paid to not care, its even brownie points if they go to a NAACP meeting and "voice their support". I hope the later that this article stated happens, and the country does go up in flames over the division in racial lines. Then we could show the writer of this article how whites do stand up to blacks. I think the author of this Article name is Norman Podhoretz I have no idea if he is a Jew but he does look and appear to be an OLD white man, in simple if he is he's a traitor to us and from this article, in my opinion I would love to beat him senseless. WE need to wake up people, Talk to me White America, lets pass ideas on how to end dire straight that Whites are in today and lets take back what we once had NOT for us BUT for OUR children! It's their future that concerns me and I find it very, very troubled. Embrace your white rage and stand up for what we are. I am very pissed off.
Warlord, would you mind breaking up your posts into paragraphs? It makes it a lot easier to read. Thanks.
62 Views in this post I get and I assume that people read the link.., and all I get in a reply is making my posts into paragraphs? So it can be easier to read? WTF? are you kidding me? You would assume that after reading the link you would be too pissed off to care about it being paragraphs or not!!? Ya sure I will break up my pissed off rants into paragraphs, IF I ever post on the site again I don't think anyone here besides the website creator, is as pissed as I am about the state our country is in anyways, muchless the rest of our race. Mark my words people we will wake up one day and find ourselves being the Negro if we don't stop whats going on..Edited by: White warlord
I followed the link, but didn't read your post. Its hard to follow your thought process from idea to idea when they aren't in a readable, paragraph format.

There are many posters on this site who are upset about the state of our nation. Just because they do not post a reply or comment on your post does not mean no one agrees with you. It means only they have nothing to add, or did not read your post sufficiently enough to address the ideas expressed in your post.
White warlord said:
62 Views in this post I get and I assume that people read the link.., and all I get in a reply is making my posts into paragraphs? So it can be easier to read?

White warlord, many of the posters are disgusted with the situation . You are not alone. We've discussed these issues time and time again in various threads. Long posts are not usually replied to as readily as shorter ones. More paragraphs would help readers focus on a point or two and formulate a reply.

I HATE seeing a black and white couple. A white woman with a black sickens me and I don't care if people are offended by my statement! I will paste the article written by Podhoretz. You wondered if he was Jewish. Of course he is!!

Norman Podhoretz, so often assailed by the liberal left, happened to have mulled on the problem of race and sex far earlier than most of the mainstream has. Podhoretz wrote in 1964:

[The American Negro's] past is a stigma, his color is a stigma, and his vision of the future is the hope of erasing the stigma by making color irrelevant, by making it disappear as a fact of consciousness.

I share this hope, but I cannot see how it will ever be realized unless color does in fact disappear: and that means not integration, it means assimilation, it means -- let the brutal word come out -- miscegenation. The Black Muslims, like their racist counterparts in the white world, accuse the "so-called Negro leaders" of secretly pursuing miscegenation as a goal. The racists are wrong, but I wish they were right, for I believe that the wholesale merger of the two races is the most desirable alternative or everyone concerned. I am not claiming that this alternative can be pursued programmatically or that it is immediately feasible as a solution; obviously there are even greater barriers to its achievement than to the achievement of integration. What I am saying, however, is that in my opinion the Negro problem can be solved in this country in no other way.
White Warlord, I posted many infuriating remarks with regard toward a one Mike Vick during last years football season. I was repremanded to the extream, and almost expunged from the site due to my "Racist" pennings. I,as many white Americans feel that our culture, country and color are being systematically phased out. Do I think your Beer hall style posting will rally the mases? No! Unfortunatley, there is too much MSG, Aspertame, Alchohol,Welbuterin, Paxil, etc flowing through the collective concious. The Screw Turners have done their jobs, and the Brave New World moves forward...
I see race beyond the biological and anthropological levels.

The decline of the qualities and factors that make up the greatness of a race is not--as he states--the outcome of the mixing of this race with others,the outcome of its ethnic, biological,and demographic deterioration: the truth is rather that a race deteriorates when its spirit deteriorates, when the inner tension relaxes,to which it owes its original form and spiritual type. Then a race deteriorates or changes,because its most secret root has been severed.
Renaissance Man said:
White Warlord, I posted many infuriating remarks with regard toward a one Mike Vick during last years football season. I was repremanded to the extream, and almost expunged from the site due to my "Racist" pennings. I,as many white Americans feel that our culture, country and color are being systematically phased out. Do I think your Beer hall style posting will rally the mases? No! Unfortunatley, there is too much MSG, Aspertame, Alchohol,Welbuterin, Paxil, etc flowing through the collective concious. The Screw Turners have done their jobs, and the Brave New World moves forward...

I agree. Lashing out will only ruin your own life and accomplish nothing. We're all pissed as hell but we still have to be wise in what we do.
Renaissance Man said:
White Warlord, I posted many infuriating remarks with regard toward a one Mike Vick during last years football season. I was repremanded to the extream, and almost expunged from the site due to my "Racist" pennings. I,as many white Americans feel that our culture, country and color are being systematically phased out. Do I think your Beer hall style posting will rally the mases? No! Unfortunatley, there is too much MSG, Aspertame, Alchohol,Welbuterin, Paxil, etc flowing through the collective concious. The Screw Turners have done their jobs, and the Brave New World moves forward...

RN, I do not think that you were almost expunged from the site. We try to remain as civil as possible here. We asked you to remember that was the case and you apparently understood and thankfully remained around to add your valued insight on various issues.

To whitewarlord: yes I saw your post. I meant to reply initially but forgot and as there were no other replies I did not see it again for a while.

I do not think the paragraph issue is significant.

Clearly from your post one could sense the anger, and it is something probably all of us feel in one way or the other.

As has been mentioned it is suspicious when a new member arrives advocating such strong action. You must be aware that this is a tactic used by law enforcement to entrap people and something that some groups do to smear others. While I assume that your feelings are genuine, how can we really know?

If you browse around you will see that we share some of your "pain". I expect that all that is necessary to deal with various problems is for like-minded people to stay in touch and I'm sure that they will find a way to figure out how best to handle those problems when the most appropriate opportunity occurs.
How much longer before it is a LAW for my daughter to be forced to marry a black man?

The way things are going it is not going to be much longer, maybe a decade and a half at the most.

Right now I recommend fellow Whites get ready with LOTS OF GUNS for when the Government collapses from the impending Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America which is going to end in massive low-intensity warfare. Could Peak Oil cause The Collapse?

Anyhow here is another look at what is coming: The Coming Balkanization of America
First of all, this author is full of sh*t. From my experience, attractive, middle class white woman are not attracted to black males in the least. They simply look very different from white people, and it is an evolutionary trait to find your own kind more attrative than others. The only white women I see with black gettho boys are fat, low income, scumbags, who shouldn't pass on the gene anyway.

Secondly, I am going to email this bastard and reveal my hatred through counteracting everyone of his ridiculous posts, especailly about white males being less attrative than blacks, who are on average, have higher levels of obeseity than whites.

I have lived in NYC for alomst a year now, and from what I've noticed, people don't revel in black ghetto culture. It is only the media who over-repesents them to the fullest who has an agenda. The people know, things aren't that bad and things will change for the better.
The reason most didn't respond is because this is old news. I'm sure at least 90% of us hate that crap. Heck, most of the general population of White men don't like it if you ask them about it in private. Most here are more racially aware and knew how they felt about this long before they got into the habit of posting on pro-White websites. I agree White Warlord. A Black man with a White woman is repulsive. The only positive thing I can say about it is that it might keep those whores' DNA out of our gene pool.
From the linked article,theirs one paragraph that immediately hits me'Black men are physically more attractive than white men,being better built and more muscular and usually able to beat the stuffing out of white men,which whites of both sexes know.
At first i thought this article was the delusional foward thinking of an insane liberal champion the cause of interacial dating,but from that statement alone,theirs no doubt this articles from a Black man.If he is a white liberal then he knows the Black male psycie inside out because this is how 80% of them think.He uses the emotive term'beat the stuffing out of white men',thats pretty strong.He's no doubt revelling in is fantasies that the majority of his ilk have of the all powering,all conquering mandingo man,beating the stuffing and overpowering white men and taking his woman.An example of Black men who think this way,James Toney,Dennis Rodman,Jim Browne,Jamie Foxx and Mike Tyson all come to mind.This guy obviously has'nt watched a UFC or top Box fight recently where the transformatin over the last ten years has been startling coupled by the fact that his mandingo men in four or five marquee mathups recently have recieved some of the biggest beatings in ring history.Real career ending beatings.The shelackings Byrd,Lacy,Danny Williams and Losieau suffered come to mind.In fact,at world level i dont think i've seen a Black fighter deal the level of punishment his boys recieved to a White fighter.Certainly not in the last ten years.These comprehensive batterings were seen by millions of people so he needs to review his very emotive words'able to beat the stuffing out of white men which both sexes know'.I wouldnt mind meeting this guy down a dark alley sometime
Podhoretz is a key member of the neo-con (read: pro-Israel) family. He was/is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Project for a New American Century, and Editor-in Chief of the American Jewish Community's newsletter. This piece of human excrement pushes for young Americans to be killed overseas advancing the interests of the Zionists and globalists.
Iron said:
From the linked article,theirs one paragraph that immediately hits me'Black men are physically more attractive than white men,being better built and more muscular and usually able to beat the stuffing out of white men,which whites of both sexes know.

How did nappy haired, fat lipped, bumpy faced, men, with the earning power of a paperboy and the hygene of a pig become "better looking"?

Hey I know plenty of muscular white guys that are butt-ugly and they have trouble with the ladies because they are BUTT-UGLY! No amout of muscular build will replace basic male good looks which few black men posses. Look at male models, almost all white. Look at male dancers (for women) almost all white. Why is that? Perhaps because women like handsome men, not alien looking Africans.

Sure some women will go for black men. Heck some women go for animals! I would wager there are more porn sites dedicated to women having sex with amimals then women having sex with black men. Does that make animals more sexy then black men????

Women like black men for the following reasons: they are brainwashed by the propaganda, they are too unattractive to be able to get attention from white men, they are pissed off at their parents, they are rebelling against normality and have a perverted desire to have sex with anything but a white male (I know lesbians that will have sex with black men but never white men).

The idea that it is about black men being able to beat up white men is ridiculous. If it was truly a question of security then white men would be more desirable because so many of us hunt and own guns, a far better way to remain secure.

Women want men that resemble their fathers (if they like them) or men that are as different from their fathers as possible (if they hate their fathers). It's really as simple as that.
The great thing about this site is it is one of the few places people like us can come and discuss the truth.I see what is going on just like you guys.We should discuss different ideas & views on how to improve things.I am very proud of my heritage but until more whites in America take pride,we will continue to be pushed around.I am seeing a slow awakening of the whites in this country.You can only push people so far.Alot of white males are just about ready to explode.I can see it in so many peoples eyes.Be proud,support each other,and don't take crap from anyone.We built this country and yet we get little or no respect.Demand respect.It will get worse before it gets better but hang in there.There is a huge backlash coming and we will be fine in the long run.Better days are coming.
I agree entirely with your reasons why white women go for black/non-white males, jaxvid. An excellent observation on your part. It is no better in Europe and in some cases (France, Holland, etc) it is even worse. The major causes, from my own observations, seem to be be propaganda (especially in the case of the attractive females, who are taught that only white males "oppress" females) or the white female is simply and terribly unattractive - both of which you mentioned and both are definately verifiable.

The propaganda is what infuriates me beyond words. Schools teach little girls that white men are evil oppressors. Television portrays white men as buffoons, incompetent, undesirable, weak. Black men are seen to be sexually potent and masculine, yet kind and loving (just like in real life!
). I have no doubt that the majority of non-leftist white males would literally lay down their lives to protect their beautiful women. Yet so many females seem to ignore reality and embrace the vile lies. What "refuge" will white women find in the arms of non-white males who beat and brutalize their own women (arab and asian mahommedans), rape and abuse their own women and then abandon them (far too many blacks), or abuse their women and cheat on them with regularity (far too many hispanics)? The white women will be human sex toys, nothing more, to be used and then discarded. Their reward for this deepest act of treason will be physical abuse, rape and numerous mouths to feed (if not death). And this serves the marxists' purposes perfectly. If you can convince white women to betray white men (effectively destroying our strength and spirituality not to mention our race), you eliminate the single greatest barrier to leftist domination - the proud white warriors. Strong white men and strong white women will not be dominated. Destroy the bond, weaken the loyalties and mental strength of white women, and you not only devestate the white warrior, you also create a whole dependent class of mixed-race wards of the state who are despised by blacks yet come to believe that "whitey" is their enemy as well. There is not doubt in my mind that this is exactly the intention of many leftists.
This kind of stuff works in more than one way. I know plenty of Asian and Hispanic women who want only white men. They deliberately seek out white men, to the exclusion of men of their race.

Its almost a paradox: some white women seek out black men because of the stereotype - blacks are stronger, more masculine, than whites. Yet, some Asian women find white men more attractive and more masculine than Asian men, and Hispanic women like white men better because they're not AS macho as the typical Hispanic male.

I think women who chase after black athletes see them as status symbols; after all, in the media, black men are better than whites at everything. Further, I think the women who obtain black athletes as mates do so without ever having experienced real black culture, the one that leads the nation in crime statistics and thug behavior. I have rarely, if ever, seen a gorgeous white woman with a run of the mill black man. Most of them are fat and ugly, pushing around a grocery cart full of nappy haired kids, buying food with food stamps. Just like everything else a profession athlete experiences, once he has it made, the rest of his life has nothing to do with reality.

Those who are really losing out are black women. No one wants them. Its interesting that the media celebration of the black male did not bring the black woman with it.
jaxvid said:
Women like black men for the following reasons: they are brainwashed by the propaganda, they are too unattractive to be able to get attention from white men, they are pissed off at their parents, they are rebelling against normality and have a perverted desire to have sex with anything but a white male (I know lesbians that will have sex with black men but never white men).

You're right of course, but there is another another reason and it also has to do with color. The color - green - is a turn on for many women, who by nature seek security.The attractive woman who marries or dateswealthy Negro athletes or entertainers wouldn't look at then twice if they weren't mega - rich. Status, wealth, celebrity, power and security are very attractive to some women. Beautiful young ladies don't shack up with 60, 70 or80year old men for their looks, bodies and sex appeal. It's the $$$$ that the old man or afflete has that draws the women to his side.
jaxvid said:
How did nappy haired, fat lipped, bumpy faced, men, with the earning power of a paperboy and the hygene of a pig become "better looking"?

Good one.

jaxvid said:
Women want men that resemble their fathers (if they like them) or men that are as different from their fathers as possible (if they hate their fathers). It's really as simple as that.

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