GOP Pandering to the Sodomites


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The Globalist Elite controlled GOP continues to prove it's Neocon/RINO status with it's pandering to the sodomites like GOProud & Log Cabin Republicans (amongst others)...

CPAC (GOP) and GOProud - strange bedfellows

Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 12/16/2009

CPAC 2010 logo smallA spokesman for the American Family Association says a Republican homosexual activist group doesn't belong at a popular conservative political conference in February.

The homosexual activist group GOProud, an offshoot of the Log Cabin Republicans, boasts on its website that it will be a co-sponsor of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington on February 18-20. Jimmy LaSalvia, executive director of GOProud, says taking part in CPAC "is one of the most important things [GOProud] will do all year," and affords the homosexual activist group "an incredible opportunity to deliver [its] message."

GOProud advocates same-sex "marriage," a repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, and "expanding access to domestic partner benefits" for homosexuals.

Bryan Fischer (Amer. Family Assn.)Bryan Fischer is director of issue analysis for the American Family Association and host of the radio program Focal Point with Bryan Fischer. He says CPAC chairman David Keene and CPAC organizers have a serious problem on their hands.

"The bottom line is that homosexuality is not a conservative value," Fischer states emphatically. "There are any number of co-sponsoring organizations that I believe are going to have a real problem with the fact that they are giving such a prominent place to an organization which is such an active proponent of gay rights."

"And it's GOProud, they're identifying themselves with the Republican Party...and yet their legislative agenda is directly contrary to the platform of the Republican Party."

CPAC did not respond to a request for an interview with Keene. Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel is drafting a letter to be signed by top social conservative leaders pledging to boycott CPAC if they permit GOProud's sponsorship of the event.

On Tuesday evening, CPAC director Lisa De Pasquale replied to Barber's concern that GOProud represents a "radical leftist agenda," countering that CPAC is a coalition of conservative groups, "many of which may disagree with one another on some issues." And despite the fact that GOProud was founded by a former member of the Log Cabin Republicans -- a pro-homosexual group -- De Pasquale describes GOProud as a group that "promotes our traditional conservative agenda" -- i.e., an emphasis on limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and a confident foreign policy. For that reason, she concludes, GOProud should not be turned away as a CPAC sponsor.

***Reference article


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
The Republican party: airheads, zionists, sodomites, crazy old men and negro lovers.

So true. In countless instances, the demoCRAPs are far more conservative that these gay-boys (now literally). An outside alien observer without prior knowlegde of the "D" and the "R" behind their names would be pretty confused.

That's what happens when everyone in Washington is merely "playing a character."

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The Republican Party is dominated at the top by male homosexuals and has been for some time. The other wing of the one-party system is as well of course, as is the media. Homosexuals, Zionists, feminists, professional Negroes, bankster-gangsters, rootless corporate robber barons. . . what a country! The only surprising thing is that U.S. Inc. still manages to function and carry on its mission of exporting and imposingits perversionson the rest of the world, kind of sort of.

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Weren't most of the guys closeted ie buried deeply in the closet. Usually a sham marriage and big into family values. I find this more disturbing than open sodomites like Barney Frank.