GOP Debate on Thursday, May 3

It seemed to me that Paul was the only one who was polite and minded the allocated time limit. When the moderator cut him off, he was quiet, whereas the other buffoons ran over at length.

Some of the reviews I've read about the 'debate' only discuss how 'presidential' the candidates appeared, going so far as to discuss their hair, height, and manner, but say very little about their ideas. However, Ron Paul was the weakest in appearance of them all yet his ideas are apparently winning people over.
Ron Paul is way ahead in more than a couple positive categories!
Gary said:
I like Ron Paul but what do you White Brothers think of Mike Huckabee or Duncan Hunter? I want the man who does the most for White Males.

Duncan Hunter, whatever his faults or undesirable positions, is at least good on two major issues: immigration and trade.

Mike Huckaby is good on NONE of the issues. He is liberal on race matters, and a BIG government thief on issues like socialized health care.
Triad: It wasn't just that, he seemed a little off before they started. I've seen this guy talk before, he normally has a little more pep in his voice. But he still got his ideas across and won a good number of people over despite MSM criticisms.

I'd say a Paul/Hunter ticket at this point as my only mainstream option. Tancredo came off like a coward in the debate, all bark and no bite. Hunter came off like a leader and a man of action. A couple years under Paul for foreign policy will make a strong willed leader, with a greater knowledge of foreign policy.(If they won, yeah sure whatever.) Hey if we bust our butts who knows? "YA GOTTA BELEIVE" like Tug McGraw said in 1973 to rally the Mets to game 7 of the world series. Edited by: Baseball Fan