White Mike
Google suggest is a feature that will "fill in the blanks" for you. I did a "racism" search and found this :
Try this link google suggest. Try entering a "black people are" and see what comes up. Nothing. Google has placed a filter on it. Now try entering "white people are" and see what comes up. Top 3 racist, crazy, and stupid. I guess google added the filter to avoid offening anyone.
I hate how it's acceptable to sh*t on our people, yet if you were to do the same to the blacks, you would get crucified.
Try this link google suggest. Try entering a "black people are" and see what comes up. Nothing. Google has placed a filter on it. Now try entering "white people are" and see what comes up. Top 3 racist, crazy, and stupid. I guess google added the filter to avoid offening anyone.