Goofy white guys


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bill Simmons wrote a column comparing this year'sPatriots to the Celtics of 86.He was writing about how well these teams have performed, but of course he couldn't leave well enough alone. He had to throw in a dig directed at white players. Does anyone think he would ever describe blacks as - GOOFY?

[url] kdown/080116[/url]

Thanks to an inordinate number of goofy white guys, the Celtics struggled slightly against athletic teams that loved to run, like the Blazers.
Later on in the article, he links the Celtics and the Ed Norton skinhead in "American History X" or whatever that movie was called.
Simmons is a gutless turd and a typical Caste lackey/mouthpiece. Those 80's Celtics teams dominated the league hands-down! Larry "The Legend" Bird is the greatest player of all time (not Caste god Jordan) and McHale was one of the best power forwards in the history of the game!
I took the "Goofy white guys" comment as a slap at all these sports writers who are absolutely sure no white has ever had enough talent to play in The NBA.
Bill can be a douche but he I agree with TiredOldWhite, he often says stuff like that to make fun of the way that the media works in general. He also compares black guys to white guys and vice versa during analysis (something that is very rare) often pointing out sarcastically that he knows he is breaking a rule by doing so. I take everything he says with a grain of salt because 90% of what he writes if sarcasm.
Here's what I sent to this schmuck:


Wow, just when I thought you couldn't possibly say anything more surprised me yet again. Goofy White guys huh? Hmmm...interesting. As an ice hockey player of 15 years, that comment amuses me, considering that hockey is 99% White and is made up of the most athletic and agile athletes on the planet. And since you seem to be the "expert" on who's athletic and who isn't, why don't you attend the next Colorado Avalanche practice. While you're there, you can inform their top enforcer, Scott Parker, that he is "goofy" because he's a White man. I'm sure he'd be interested in hearing your philosophy, right after he shoves your press pass up your ass for talking sh*t. You, sir, are a jack-ass. Good day.

Edited by: Ground Fighter
Maybe it was tounge and cheek, but I found it offensive nonetheless:

Hey Bill,

How about writing an article that gives credit when credit is due? Your comment, "Thanks to an inordinate number of goofy white guys, the Celtics struggled slightly against athletic teams that loved to run, like the Blazers," is a notorious example of the media's constant disparagement of the white athlete no matter how fast or athletic. Let it be known that "Goofy White Guys" swept medals in the 2004 Olympic high jump, dominate boxing, MMA, and are making waves in sprinting (Warnier's capture of the 400m to note). You, sir, are part of a movement that does not want to see individual's succeed based on merit, but one that is guilt ridden for past injustices to the black race. Please inform ESPN that their racism against the white athlete, if done against any other group of people, would be denounced and protested. I want fairness and equality, not flagrant stereotyping from a man who probably has father issues and was picked on by a few white athletes in his high school.

Edited by: Alpha Male
American Freedom News