Good News on English Soccer


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
I watched the England-Germany game this week. England only started 2 blacks (and Germany actually started one).

The Premier League is much whiter this year as well -- especially the big 4 teams. Liverpool is all white save for one black starter. Arsenal -- which has been majority black in recent years -- is now over half white. Man U. is mostly white and Chelsea seems to have the usual 3-4 black starters.

Funny thing about the England-Germany game. As the English national anthem played the camera moved slowly down the line of players. The only English player not singing along to "God Save the Queen" was a black player.
Germany only started odonkor (black player) because Padolski and Klose were injured. He's never played well for Germany. I went to see the England U21's last week against Romania U21's and the England team is just about majority white and that is all due to the changing demographics of English city centres where the vast majority of footballers have always come from.
Englishman, what sport do English suburbanites and countrydwellers prefer to football nowadays?
Rugby and cricket are very much suburban and village sports. Rugby and cricket are traditionaly sports for the educated middle and upper classes. Football is traditionaly the uneducated poor mans sport. There is an old English saying, 'Rugby is a thugs game played by gentlemen, football is a gentlemens game played by thugs'.
Solomon Kane said:
Englishman, what sport do English suburbanites and countrydwellers prefer to football nowadays?

Given the TV viewing stats I've seen it would appear that soccer is number one with just about all white demographics in the UK, except perhaps Wales. Since the Premiership started football's popularity exploded and it became more fashionable than at any time in my life. But a lot of those new fans appear to be poseur and "hangers" on types who are as interested in the hip fashion side of the sport as they are on what goes on on the pitch. At least that was my impression living there in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Soccer is becoming quite popular here in Canada. Personally I'm not that happy about it. A lot of the new fans are liberal Europhiles who think anything European must be sophisticated. (If you think European soccer fans are sophisticated I can only assume you haven't spent much time with them). They are all into the kits and the latest on Becks but status appears to be their main motivation. They even insisted on calling the new Toronto team "FC" as in "Football Club" thus showing their contempt and disrespect for Anglo-Saxon Canada where "football" has always meant the gridiron game.

Edited by: Matra1
Although English soccer might look ok at the moment, i hate to think what it will look like in 10-20 years. A week or so ago I watched a bit of the under-17 world cup between England and New Zealand, and I was pretty shocked to see the state of the England team. It looked like there were about 3 or 4 white guys on the field (At the very most). They looked basically like what the French team looks like now.
is immigration into England as un-checked as it seems to be? if so, that is going to seriously erode not only the level of English soccer, but English culture as a whole.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
is immigration into England as un-checked as it seems to be? if so, that is going to seriously erode not only the level of English soccer, but English culture as a whole.

immigration to england is probably worse right now than in any other white country. a new study was released which showed that last year 25% of all babies born in the UK had at lest one foreign born parent. that of course doesn't count the children born to the majority of nonwhites who are not foreign born.

most of the nonwhite players for england seem to be mulatos though.
TheEnglishman said:
Matra1, did Football Factory and Green Street not come out in Canada? I'm pretty sure it did.

Green Street Hooligans was in theatres but I doubt if many saw it. I'd never heard of Football Factory. Everybody here knows about hooliganism in England but they figure it is just a minority. In multicultural Toronto and Montreal when people think of football they are just as likely to think of Serie A or other continental leagues as the Premiership.Edited by: Matra1
It looks like England started 5 black players vs. Isreal. But then again guys
like Rooney and Couch were not there. I guess the best players dont show
up for games aginst the smaller soccer nations.
I hope they didn't start making the England team "more athletic" after being beaten by all-white (minus 1) Germany.

Was Israel all-white?
England strongest current 11 would include two mixed race players in Ashley Cole and Rio Ferdinand, which is pretty amazing and probably will never happen again in the future. However I'd say about nearly half of backup players are non white. David James, Micah Richards, Julian Lescott, Wright-Philips, Heskey, Defoe and Bent. The Under21's and below seem to all be about 50% white and 50% black and mixed race. I don't really have a problem with it though because over here in England players are always selected by ability not by race unlike American sports where it really does matter if you are black or white.
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