Good Investment

I’m in Monero, and it’s up 300% in the past 12 months. And, it went from $519 down to $157 in less than a month. It’s back up to $280. That’s crypto, you have to hold and buy the dips. It’s a scary roller coaster ride, for sure.
I’m in Monero, and it’s up 300% in the past 12 months. And, it went from $519 down to $157 in less than a month. It’s back up to $280. That’s crypto, you have to hold and buy the dips. It’s a scary roller coaster ride, for sure.
That’s true and I’m a fan of Monero too. I’m sure you are attracted to the built in privacy like I am. When crypto newbies ask me what I like or recommend, I always include Monero in my top 3.
After enormous money printing Silver is trading less than 22/ounce

Not a terrible thing to have some of but def not a basket you want put all or even most of your resources in
That’s true and I’m a fan of Monero too. I’m sure you are attracted to the built in privacy like I am. When crypto newbies ask me what I like or recommend, I always include Monero in my top 3.

I need to get some monero someday. I tried to get pirate chain about 2 years ago but gave up. It was too hard to find. I do have a few cryptos. What are your other 2 of your top 3? Ethereum, Bitcoin?
I’m not involved with any of them. I don’t know enough about what differentiates them to be able to make a good decision. I think they are all over valued based on the little I know so I stay away.

I like the Buffett approach: If I don’t understand it, I don’t get involved
What do you guys think of XRP? I'm considering it. Not sure of these investment ventures though. I'm really not in the know on this stuff.
What do you guys think of XRP? I'm considering it. Not sure of these investment ventures though. I'm really not in the know on this stuff.

To be honest that will be one of the big ones as the Banks love XRP. The problem with all of these cryptos other than the few privacy coins is that they will be able to make it where you can only buy where they want you to shop. They can also
turn off your digital money at anytime for any reason. It's scary times we are moving into. A Dystopian, Tyranical Global Technocracy. We are much better off with dollars. I hate this move to digital slavery. Hoping somehow some way enough
people will find a way around their system. Make sure you have some silver or gold. I can't afford gold but I do have a little silver.
You have to be wary of all potential replacements to government issued currencies.

not because fiat currency is so great, but more because whatever they say, there will always be the possibility that government can render those alternatives worthless.

so do they belong in a portfolio? Probably, but relying on them as a perfect hedge against the end times is I think unwise.

I’m sure there are posters here who know this better than I, I’m a fixed income guy.
I've seen "experts" claim Bitcoin can climb back up to 500k, but that could be years. If it runs down anymore might be worth buying some on the dip for a massive discount..

Also the way cryptocurrency has been hit lately, it's clear the powers that be are trying to eliminate the probably too many coins out there. In the end it will end up with about 15-20 cryptos and heavily regulated..
For me that is the fundamental issue. There may be a finite supply of bitcoins but there an infinite supply of potential bitcoin imitations.
That plus the government shutdown angle keeps me away

I admit I don’t follow it closely but that’s my .02
There are websites that specialize in always claiming that gold and silver are about to "go to the moon," in other words skyrocket in price. I've been reading these predictions for over 20 years and as is always the case those making the outlandish claims are almost never right but they often make lots of money from gullible people. Remember Y2K and all the fear hustlers operating back then, most of them were "conservatives" and "right wingers." America has never had a shortage of grifters, in fact grifting may be this country's original and still favorite pastime.

To me it's best to have a mix of assets to the extent one can afford them -- precious metals, stocks preferably mutual funds, and real estate (house, land, etc.). I don't know enough about bitcoin to have an opinion on it other than I'm not interested in an "asset" prone to such wild ups and downs.

Betting too much on a single asset rather than having a mix can result in catastrophe. Of course, it looks like the "asset bubble" is bursting since Comrade Joe and his cabal of destroyers took over, and all assets may go way down, including housing next. There's not much you can do in such a situation except keep debt to a minimum and become as self-sufficient as possible and ride it out and hope things eventually start to improve. Being as liquid as possible is probably a good idea even though inflation is making the fiat dollar worth less by the day. When assets are declining even faster than the dollar it's the least bad of a lot of bad choices.
Well said Don. We live in a centrally banked world. Not just country - world. As a result there will be more booms and busts and volatile markets than there should be. Housing in parts of the country is 40 percent higher than Late last year! Clearly unsustainable, and now the fed will burst the bubble they made and there will wailing and gnashing of teeth.

diversify best you can as you say. Housing is a good tax efficient investment particularly when compared to rent, just don’t overpay and then over spend once you have it
I need to get some monero someday. I tried to get pirate chain about 2 years ago but gave up. It was too hard to find. I do have a few cryptos. What are your other 2 of your top 3? Ethereum, Bitcoin?
Yep, those would be it.

Honestly, at this point I’d only really be interested in those. I think crypto is going into its next phase. Perhaps similar to the dot com bubble bursting. Most crypto tokens will be wiped out, and rightfully so. I think the next year or two could be rough, but what survives will likely grow, as a decentralized money system not controlled by global bankers is desperately needed.

Regarding silver, I’m still a big fan. If those in power are serious about their “green” ambitions, silver is going to have to be priced higher eventually. Its needed in many of the technologies they are pushing like solar panels and electric car batteries. I don’t see how they can keep the price artificially low forever.
I agree Freethinker. I'm more bullish on silver than gold. Of course I don't own any gold because it's too expensive. Had some a long time ago but hit tough times and had to sell it. I regret it but silver will have it's time to shine someday!

To SneakyQuick. I like how you talk about wailing and gnashing of teeth. The BIBLE prepares us for what is to come.

B Basic
I Instructions
B Before
L Leaving
E Earth

I also know that Gold and Silver is Gods money. Just like the lands flowing with milk and honey.

So the best advice is buy extra food, water, alternate power sources like a solar generator and a duel fuel generator.

Grow a Garden if posssible. Get to know your local small farmers and buy from them now to establish friendships before the S.H.T.F. Have water filtration and make sure you have your b.b. guns. :) Lol.

Mostly trust in God and Jesus. After that your family and a close circle of friends and or neighbors you can trust.
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