Good Books to Read

Richard Wagner wrote to the Jew, Felix Mendelssohn that he should stop trying to write German music. Interestingly, the Jew, Joseph Heller who wrote "Catch 22" tried (in my opinion to emulate the German, Erich Maria Remarque) who wrote "All Quiet on the Western front." All Quiet on the Western front is a must read for every young man. It is literature in its totality. Catch 22 is just a shabby cartoon by comparison. It's interesting that Wagner had it right about Jews. They can only imitate western civilization. It's not in them to get the complete essence of our culture.

Heller's book was intended to be a satire. Irwin Shaw's "The Young Lions" and Norman Mailer's "The Naked and the Dead" were supposed to be The Great American War Novel. ((Shaw)) and ((Mailer)) painted the WW II US Army as filled with fascists, Shaw in the lower ranks, Mailer higher up. Shaw had American soldiers beating up his Jewish protagonist.

BTW Hitler had "All Quiet on the Western Front" banned (it was part of the Great Book Burning) as "anti-German," with the full approval of your hero, Rosenberg.
Rosenberg and his book weren't taken seriously. "They" couldn't care less if someone wasted their time reading anything he wrote.
For books not taken seriously, they sure sold a lot. He was most certainly executed for writing what he wrote and the most important thing is he wouldn't back off what he wrote. He believed completely even at the end what he wrote. Once I read it, I believe it myself. All he did was connect the dots. If we look at things closely, we see what he was talking about. Not only him either. Very much the same things have been said about the Jews through the ages by many famous men. He also clarified the relationship of the Christian Church to all that's going on today. I don't look at Rosenberg as a "hero." Just a brilliant man who saw things as they were/are.
"Exquisite Corpse" is a true crime book about the Black Dahlia Murder. Excellent read and the actual crime scene photos makes this book one of the best on this crime.
For books not taken seriously, they sure sold a lot. He was most certainly executed for writing what he wrote and the most important thing is he wouldn't back off what he wrote. He believed completely even at the end what he wrote. Once I read it, I believe it myself. All he did was connect the dots. If we look at things closely, we see what he was talking about. Not only him either. Very much the same things have been said about the Jews through the ages by many famous men. He also clarified the relationship of the Christian Church to all that's going on today. I don't look at Rosenberg as a "hero." Just a brilliant man who saw things as they were/are.

It was said Rosenberg's book was one of the two most sold and most unread books in the Third Reich. The other was Mein Kampf.
A lotta love goin' on here today...
what would you recommend as some good examples of movies with positive portrayals of Germans, especially ones outside of the predictable "anti-Nazi good, pro-Nazi bad" historical box.
There's not a single movie about WW II that portrays Germans as the good guys. There are a few such as Cross of Iron which portray a few German soldiers as decent people, although even those movies show most Germans as evil, insane, stupid, heartless and/or very unlikable. There are a very few movies such as Land of Mine about the time period just after the war that do not portray Germans as in such a negative way.

And of course, there are movies, usually made or partly made in Germany and set in other historical periods (such as one of my favorites Luther) that portray the German people in a more positive way.
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Just finished this one. Highly recommend it!!

View attachment 2222

Thanks for the suggestion, Bucky. The subtitle is all about my ancestors and the title, I love! I will definitely look into it. My dad is in his last days and may also benefit. Cheers mate!
Thanks for the suggestion, Bucky. The subtitle is all about my ancestors and the title, I love! I will definitely look into it. My dad is in his last days and may also benefit. Cheers mate!

Cheers! Let me know what you think of it, when you get around to reading it.
Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and The Secrets Lives of the Stars by Scotty Bowers. This book is about a male prostitute and pimp who supplied the biggest stars in Hollywood with men and women to have sex with. All the biggest stars used him, if this book is true there was not a straight male in Hollywood from the '40s through the '80s except just a few of the like JohnWayne and Jimmy Stewart. There is a story about Fatty Arbuckle that is absolutely disgusting.
Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and The Secrets Lives of the Stars by Scotty Bowers. This book is about a male prostitute and pimp who supplied the biggest stars in Hollywood with men and women to have sex with. All the biggest stars used him, if this book is true there was not a straight male in Hollywood from the '40s through the '80s except just a few of the like JohnWayne and Jimmy Stewart. There is a story about Fatty Arbuckle that is absolutely disgusting.

I read a number of reviews of this book. Based on what I read I think most of this book is made up, it is more or less a work of fiction.
Here's a book - "Hitler's Revolution." It's about when he came to power and cleaned up the mess Germany was in and how he did it. t show why the Jews hated him because he was on to their financial schemes and put an end to their bad behavior. It documents how FDR wouldn't allow England to make peace with Germany. A great book that gives you the scoop on what went on in that time. Few people know how WW2 came about.
Here's a book - "Hitler's Revolution." It's about when he came to power and cleaned up the mess Germany was in and how he did it. t show why the Jews hated him because he was on to their financial schemes and put an end to their bad behavior. It documents how FDR wouldn't allow England to make peace with Germany. A great book that gives you the scoop on what went on in that time. Few people know how WW2 came about.
Thanks for that info TomIron361, I'm going to look into that book. We are going to be in dire straits if things aren't turned around and soon. Every year it is an escalating war against us simply for existing in the same world they do. They are a very small minority and feel legitimate guilt because they are!! No wonder they hated A.H. so much and anybody else who exposes them for all their self-absorbed nefarious crap. I can't think of a better outcome than them on the defensive and losing ground. No wonder they are such paranoid, miserable, hateful pieces of ****.
I strongly recommend the works of Douglas Reed, especially 'The Controversy of Zion'. Reed was a legitimate and well-respected European correspondent for, I believe The Times of London newspaper, in the 1930's. His books cover current affairs in Europe in the 1930's and 1940's.
Reed was smart enough to figure that something was amiss in Europe in the lead up, the conducting of, and the aftermath of WWII.
If you want to understand who Hitler and the National Socialists were and the significance of a lesser known German, Otto Strasser, his books are required reading.
His masterpiece, 'The Controversy of Zion' written in 1956, is lengthy at nearly 600 pgs, but is essential for a true perspective on the times. It's main topic is the power of the "Jews", and the corruption of Western leaders. Reed makes a convincing case for the Khazar theory.
For anyone who likes history, I highly recommend "Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick." It goes into how men were once trained to become warriors, but that changed with the spread of the ancient walled cities. It argues that walls made civilization possible. Lots of great stuff on the ancient barbarians, the Spartans, and the Mongol Invasions. It put a lot of history into perspective for me.
For anyone who likes history, I highly recommend "Walls: A History of Civilization in Blood and Brick." It goes into how men were once trained to become warriors, but that changed with the spread of the ancient walled cities. It argues that walls made civilization possible. Lots of great stuff on the ancient barbarians, the Spartans, and the Mongol Invasions. It put a lot of history into perspective for me.

Thanks for the recommendation, sounds right up my alley.
I just read "Witch Hunt" by Gregg Jarrett. It is a compelling book on just how corrupt our FBI,CIA, and DOJ has become. If you like the President or not you will not like the tricks and tactics used to try to destroy him.
I just re-read "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." by Mark Twain. I haven't read that in twenty years or so. Interesting how in this phase of my life, I get a different take on it. Of course, Mark Twain was a liberal. And seemingly, he stands up for right and justice in the book. But now that I have achieved this phase of my thinking, he was/is wrong. He's wrong because it is a higher calling to stand with your people and caste. The other races and peoples stand together. We should also. Not standing together is what finished off the Aryan peoples of Persia/Iran and India and later, Greece and Rome. Race and Race Soul are the most important things in life that count for anything. Stand with your people/kind, through thick and thin, no matter the seeming injustice of it.
Just read a book, "The Weimar Chronicle" - Author Alex de Jonge. Got it on Amazon. Talks about Germany between the wars. Very interesting and balanced. Explains the hyper-inflation - 18 trillion marks to 1 English Pound and how people were made into beggars overnight. Goes into the lunacy that engulfed Berlin (every freak in Europe made his/her way to Berlin). Talks about all the Red vs Right wing fighting. Very well worth a read. I've always been very interested in why people do things. This book covers the years, 1918 - 1933 when the Nazis won and took over power.
"A Republic Under Assault" by Tom Fitton. This is one of those books that you can't put down. Recommended reading for everybody regardless of your political party. It covers everything from Obamagate to illegal immigration.
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