Glory Road

I don't think your wise man is all that wise. Kinda stupid actually. I doubt you are too concerned anyway about the plight of the black athlete and his finances.
I doubt you are too concerned anyway about the plight of the black athlete and his finances.

wtf??!! LOL

Do you mean the plight that he needs to go on strike because he only has "$100,000 walking around money?" Or to demand a new contract that pays more than $10 million a year because "I'se gots to feed my fam'ly?" That plight?

We're not talking starving Ethiopians in Africa here. We're talking about the highest paid class as a group in the entire United States - the professional sports athlete. And as you know, the majority of those athletes are black. There is no way those guys should complain about money - not having enough nor keeping enough of it to live on after they retire.
Amen. White Shogun!.If a athlete, black or whatever race can't find a sports agent that won't fleece him, that would be his problem.
I reread your post here White Shogun and I think you misunderstood my first posting. Trust me, I am not concerned for the finances of athletes, I was just responding to something the poster(guest) had written.
Im the poster guest301 was replying too. I really dont have an ounce of pity for all these black athletes that do go bankrupt after making millions, after all they had to oppurtunity to get a free education in college and didnt take it, its their own downfall that they're being exploited.

The purpose of my pst was to expose how greatly Jews benefit from the Caste System, thus explaining why so many of them are behind it. The US news media which we so much love to bash here at Caste Football, along with movie directors are almost completely run by the Jews, do you think this is just a coincidence.

If you think im jut BSing ask yourself why the income of the black community(close to 20% including Hispanic blacks) is so less than that of the Jewish community(2%) despite all these black athletes with multi-million dollar contracts.

For more info on Jews and the Caste System check out

Game theory: [url] y.htm[/url]

for info on Jewish dominance of the NAACP check out:
Guest...first of all I could care less about jewish dominance of the NAACP because I could care less about the NAACP. I don't think you are "BSing about how the black community(20%)makes less money than the jewish community(2%)", I just don't think it's all that good a point to make. Black people and overwhelmingly black countries always make less per capita than any other race and country. How is that a indictment against the jews...jews are the favorite whipping horse at this site...but not on this topic. However, there is a rising black middle class in this country and those that are tend to be trending conservative and Republican and so maybe there is some hope for that community to right itself and contribute more to this nation.
guest301 said:
I don't think your wise man is all that wise. Kinda stupid actually.

ROFLOL ! Oh brother,thanks for giving me a much needed belly laugh.That quote about anti -semitism was penned by Joseph Sobran who is a brilliant writer and columnist. Even his detractors admit to his intelligence.
Back on topic:

George Will's column this week was about "Glory Road," and Will essentially points out that the racial angle of the story is a bunch of lies, piled on top of untruth, and topped with a big dollop of bullsh*t. (He doesn't put it exactly in those terms, however).

The column is syndicated nationally, and I'm sure there is a link available to an online version (I'm just too lazy to look for it).

Bart's right about Joe Sobran -- everyone here needs to check out
Why is Guest301 so defensive about jews being targets of anything? It's
backing off from the truth that has led to a lot of problems in this country
in the first place, and that includes jewish (meaning the "top-dog"
Zionists) malfeance in politics, business and the media. The Caste
System we refer to in sports here owes much of its existence to jewish
manipulation, as painful or silly as they may be for others to read or
contemplate. To deny the truth of this is to be either naive or
disingenuous. I don't think things like "Glory Road" have much to do with
jewish worship of blacks either. It has everything to do with Zionist hatred
and jealousy of whites and the West. Their arrogance is showing through
and through these days. It will collapse, but it is going to get a bit worse
first. Edited by: Colonel Callan
I was just stating he facts, though I should have been more clear that my beef is mainly with the Zionist/"reformed" Jews who have completely rewritten their religion for material gains. These are the people behind the caste system and several other wordly atrocities.

I really dont at all have a problem Orthodox/Hesidic Jews who actually practice their religion, in fact I believe many of them to be good people.
Thanks White Shogun for reposting my original thread for the benefit of Colonel Callan...I'm sure he won't agree with me but maybe he will understand where I am coming from a little better. I largely agree with you "guest" about your problem with"reformed jews" who are mostly secular and could care less about the torah and have a mostly liberal view of the world. The ones that actually practice their faith "Orthodox/Hasidic" or better yet the Messianic Jews are the ones really that nobody should have much of a problem with. There are certainly extremists in every bunch though. The mainstream media would say every member of caste football is a right wing extremist. It's not such a bad title to have.
Well 301, we have some things in common. I am Scots-Irish with some
Jewish blood - since it is on my mother's side, and her mother's side
(great grandma in fact, what a scandal), you can see that I could stake a
claim in some areas that many people who call themselves "jews" today
could not. However, I don't consider myself jewish at all, even though I
have jewish relatives etc.. It is the "secular jews" who are behind many of
the problems we have in America. Having worked in television for years, I
can tell that in point of FACT there are biases and agendas overtly at
work, never mind the "covert" war going on. If you don't go along with
the program, you will not last long. Period. I saw this while working in
News and in Sports. I don't go into a lot of it on this board, as I don't
wish to give away who, what, when, where, and so on. Sometimes I come
off as outlandish, off the wall when I make statements that have much
more behind them in terms of facts and experience than most people
would believe, unless they had also worked in the "Mainstream Media".
Many things that go on in the world are "ignored" in the media or slanted
as we all know. However, the depth of deception and the malevolence
behind it would stun most people if they were to see what goes on.

Jewish ownership of sports teams, power in politics (through graft and
threats of bad "press") and of course media ownership/pressure is in fact
the lynch pin of the caste system that is in place. I had worked with jews
in television who would openly root against all whites, and relished
anything that went against whites, whether it was a majority white Celtics
team losing, a court decision in the real world or openly hoping for
something as petty as Sammy Sosa beating Mark McGwire in their
homerun "battle" - because "... Sammy isn't white,". They were well aware
that while they were irritating many whites, most of the whites would go
along in order to keep working - and these ethnocentric, hateful
hypocrites would snicker about that fact. You cannot tell me I didn't see
or hear what I did see and hear in 17 years of TV work. On two small jobs
I took, for an experiment, I decided to make it known I had some jewish
blood. Lo and behold, I would be treated differently, better. This is not a
story. Just fact. It was disgusting. I won't get into the questions and
game of "Jewish Geography" that would start, as I guess some feel they
had to "check". Most of the time, I would never mention it (it's 1/8th
anyway, although under "jewish law", being matrilineal, I qualify as the
magilla). I would watch with others as jews would gain jobs merely for
being jewish, obtain promotions because they were jewish, be put in
charge because they were jewish, and steal the ideas and works of others
and get away with it because they were part of the tribe and running the
show by dammit! Sure, it seems funny, but it really isn't. Yeah, some
"tokens" get through, generally a sack sucker or some Ivy League legacy
clown who went to school with the jewish legacy kids. The favortism,
cronyism, nepotism and racism of these self deceptive, self delusional
jack-asses is far beyond any of the jewish peddled myths regarding the
"WASP" old-boy networks in days of old.

These "secular jews", many of whom are merely bald faced Zionists (like
the bulk of the top "neo-cons") have been working to control and ruin
America for many, many years. Among their most heinous, traitorous
deeds is their creation of the Immigration Act of 1965, which they had
Ted Kennedy "sponsor". And sponsor he had better, if he didn't want to
end up like JFK. After all, many jews always remark that JFK "...crossed
the jews, look what happened to him," even "relatives" and jewish co-
workers of mine. Since I recently finished "Final Judgment" I can see that
indeed they were not exaggerating.

Of course, the Zionists work as a tight group to insure whites do not do
the same, hence the ADL, ACLU, SPLC always attacking any white
organization that is merely looking out for ... whites. They always battle
anything that looks like whites lining up along racial lines, claiming it as
extremism by whites. All the while they themselves line up along their
racial line and dictate that everything that happens must be for the good
of their own, and their own only. I could go on, but read the works of Dr.
Kevin MacDonald if you haven't already. The bulk of his work is

Sorry about the rant, but I am wary of anyone who tries to say that jewish
participation and responsibility for many of the things destroying America
is exaggerated or overblown. If anything, it is the opposite. The MSM
would indeed say everyone here at CF is a right wing extremist. However,
most of the people in the MSM are left wing, West hating, white despising
haters and extremists. Are all jews part of the problem? No. Most are
unaware, although they do on many occasions blindly back any jewish
'cause' no matter how harmful it is to America at large so strong is their
ethnic allegiance.

Enough, this is a sports board, but you do need to see where I am coming
from. Though I rarely mention jews at all, I feel it is justified to defend
many of those who do, because these people understand what is going
on. A sizeable portion of the jewish ELITE has been at war with the white
world for years, and media control has given them unparalleled power.
But nothing lasts forever. Not even the caste system and certainly not
jewish media control. The Immigration Act of '65 is working against the
very people who authored it. When the social chaos and anarchy hits, and
it will, the one-eyed bolshevist in the living room will not be able to keep
all whites hypnotized. They will be far too busy tending to other
problems, and rediscovering their fighting instincts. Those that won't or
can't will be lost. Retribution can be a terrible thing, and too many jews
are so arrogant as to believe nothing could collapse on their watch. If
they don't pull their heads out of the clouds, they will one day find fingers
pointing at them from all sides. It will be their own fault. Anti-Semitism
is almost always a result of jewish behavior, rarely anything else.
Colonel Callan's post is as informative as any I've read. His real life experience is shared by many of us, I'm sure. It should be a sticky...that is, if we had stickys.
It is real hard for me to argue against Bart or Colonel Callan's "real life experiences"..I would just say that I and most jews would not and do not act in this way. Especially those of us who take our faith seriously and live a moral life. Colonel, it seems your problem is with the non-religous type and I have a problem with them too. Generally speaking..I have a problem with non-religous gentiles as well. Where is their moral compass, if they believe there is no God to answer too? I don't want my race or ethnic background to be what I worship, I care about it and want to preserve it but don't bow my knee to it. God is the beneficiary of that action and in the long run I will eternally benefit from it too.
guest301 said:
.I would just say that I and most jews would not and do not act in this way.

I get the feeling you are about as Jewish as my cat.
Just because your mother - may - be Jewish doesn't mean a whole lot. A fellow at a church I used to attend had a Jewish mother but he was raised Christian from his birth. He went to bible studies and was as devout as anybody, but he was totally clueless about Jews and Judaism.

Were you bar-mitzvahed? Did you go to Jewish camps? Did you celebrate the holidays? Did your mom keep a kosher kitchen? Did you havemezzuzah on your door post? Were you raised with the standard vocabulary ...putz, shmuck, and so on?
I think I am a little more jewish than your cat Bart. My mother is ethnically jewish and is something she cares very deeply about but she became a believer early in her life(christian) and raised me that way. She married someone that was very anti-semitic(my stepfather)who did not know about her ethnicity and wouldn't have married her if he did. I have observed passover, seders and certain jewish festivals and holy days through a messianic jewish organization I belong too. But in answer too your question, no I have never been bar-mitzvahed and my mother certainly didn't observe a kosher kitchen! You probably didn't think I would answer your question, did you? If that invalidates me as being a authentic jew in your eyes..I will live with it. Messianic Jews are used to that. Racially and ethnically speaking I am of hebrew heritage, I couldn't change that if I wanted too. I am also of scotch- irish background but do not feel the need to expound or come to the defence of that heritage because nobody at caste football has a problem with the scotch-irish!
Bart, you may not like me or just maybe I amuse you with my postings. But one thing I hope you won't question anymore is my honesty, I am the real thing. Everything I have said about me is true. I joined this site because I have recognized the caste system in sports and certain other areas of life and I feel like I have some kindred spirits who largely feel the same way I do on this site. I just come from a different background and perspective than you and most of the other members of CF do.
Where is their moral compass, if they believe there is no God to answer too?

It is *not* true that atheists, pagans, and other assorted non-christian types are not moral simply because they do not adhere to monotheism. From what I've seen, morality is no respecter of persons and immoral people can be found in all peoples, and *all* belief systems. Having a Christian call an atheist amoral is somewhat like the pot calling the kettle black, when one considers how rife is Christian history with genocide, torture, and mass slaughter.

Having said that, I have found myself in agreement with 301 on other issues and don't mind his religious beliefs, as long as he doesn't mind mine.
To be fair, the same genocide, torture, and mass slaughter can be attributed to heathens, agnostics, atheists, and/or secular humanists.
White Shogun, I don't mind your religous beliefs or "lack of". I also agree with many things that you have posted recently. I do care about the fate of your soul however, My faith requires me too care! You are right about some of the bad things done in history in the name of christianity. Not true christianity but still done in the name of it.
Colonel_Reb said:
To be fair, the same genocide, torture, and mass slaughter can be attributed to heathens, agnostics, atheists, and/or secular humanists.

Yes, Reb, thats why I said immorality is no respecter of persons, Christian, atheist, or otherwise.
Yeah, I know WHite Shogun, I'm just giving equal time in response to the frequent posts that focus on the Christian aspect alone.