Get Whitey


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled " The Case of Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld: Harvard Hates Americaâ€"America Should Shun Harvard"

I have experienced Harvard's attitude about WASPs myself, and it is nothing new. When I was interviewed at Harvard in 1975, I was bluntly told to my face by the admissions officer whom I met, a Jewish gentleman from Brooklyn, that Harvard had no inclination to admit WASPs from prep schools, qualified or not. He was much friendlier with my Chinese classmate, whom he also interviewed.

I made it to Harvard's waiting list and no farther, despite being a somewhat desirable commodity (varsity oarsman). My pa, who had Harvard business and law degrees to follow his Sewanee B.A., could not have hit the "Harvard Number"Â￾ of the day. But he would have refused to give Harvard the satisfaction, had the question come up.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Southern Baptists elect first Black vice president"

If the Southern Baptists want to guarantee further membership decline, all they have to do is stay on their present course. No sensible White family will put up with this nonsense for very long.

They are ushering in their own demise and it will end just like integration ended in the public school system. Whites will leave and all these churches will have left are a bunch of people who trash their facilities and offer no tithes.

At least the schools had no choice. The churches are voluntarily slitting their own throats.

Organization after organization be it government, business, nonprofit or other has end up with "leaders" who are too often merely social climbers who love to be seen and praised especially by the powers that be. True leaders take unpopular stands against the power that be are either forced out or quit in disgust leaving the rump to "lead" and all they want to do is find the path of lest resistance that leads to power, money and fame.

This type of "lead" only made a real morel stand to keep their position but will only halfheartedly oppose the powers that be and not truly to win and when they feel secure in their potion will betray their people in order to please the powers that be who still hate them.

This is why the mainstream "right" never wins any thing important because they don't want to!


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Pathetic but increasingly typical stuff there from the SBC. Al Mohler's comments about h0mosexuals is disappointing as well. He's a compromiser who parades around as a conservative. I've known he wasn't shooting straight since we had an email conversation a few years back. Sad.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "On College Forms, a Question of Race, or Races, Can Perplex"

Note how some Whites are listing race either in "protest" or because they fear it will cause discrimination against them! Most college students are younger so all the propaganda that the egalitarians have been trying to brainwash the young Whites with may not be as effective as claimed. Most young Whites will reply if ask question about race with the egalitarian approved propaganda that trey have had drummed into their heads since kindergarten but a problem with propaganda. The trouble with propaganda is it works great if people aren't expose to the truth, but when they see real nonwhites everyday and they don't fit the egalitarian stereotype for nonwhites, a conflict develops some will try to really believe the lies and dismissed what their eyes see but others probably most will learn to spout the egalitarian lies to avoid punishment but they know the truth in their hearts. In all probability, there is in percentage probably more real racial aware Whites today then in the 1950s' but today they hide it.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Django Unchained"

We all know that Germans and White Southerners are the two types of people in this world who are hated above all others.

Now that the Germans have gotten their comeuppance from Hollywood, it’s time for White Southerners to get theirs.

Another great movie from Quentin Tarantino is coming soon to a theater near you!

It’s called Django Unchained and it’s about a slave-turned-bounty hunter who sets out to rescue his wife from the brutal Calvin Candie, a Mississippi plantation owner who seeks to put Django in chains once more.

Filming begins this fall and the release date has been set for Christmas Day, 2012. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the evil plantation owner and Jamie Foxx as the righteous slave, Django.

One can only assume that Django will enjoy killing Confederates as much as Bear Jew enjoyed killing Germans.

Like Inglourious Basterds, it is being produced by the Weinstein Company.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "There’s no need to withhold Social Security checks."

First of all, that’s false. The checks would still go out. Democrats love to scare people, and they are hoping enough ignorant people call their Congressmen about this. The United States currently takes in something like $200 billion dollars per month in revenue, and Social Security only pays out approximately $50 billion dollars per month. So the idea that there will be no money to pay Social Security benefits is garbage.

Because Congress has borrowed so much money, we could eventually get to the point where the interest payments will make it impossible to have enough money left to pay Social Security. Let’s say the national debt climbs up to 20 billion and we’re paying -say- five percent interest, that would be a trillion dollars per year in interest alone or 83 billion dollars per month. This is why it’s important to stop deficit spending as soon as possible. The current federal budget deficit is $1.5 trillion per year.

This is Obama’s version of holding his breath until his face turns blue. Obama is threatening to hurt old people and veterans, many of them disabled, if he doesn’t get his way. Meanwhile, the salaries of Congressmen, FBI agents, and IRS employees would still be paid. Someone should check to see if Obama plans to cut off Social Security checks for Americans (who paid into the system all their lives) before cutting the Section 8 (free) housing money for millions of Blacks and Latinos.


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
This DHS propaganda video defines the tread "Get Whitey"



Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "The Feds drop the hammer on man protecting his family."

This one is hard to believe, but it’s true. Apparently in Obama’s America, grizzly bears are a protected species, while White children are not.

One wonders how much Mr. Hill being a straight White male played in the decision of the Feds to prosecute. Obama has appointed lots of fellow closet communists. The people who made the decision to prosecute Mr. Hill either want to throw an innocent White man in jail and cost him a fortune in fines. They don’t care that he was protecting White children. Maybe they would have been happier if his children were killed

An article entitled "White Citizen Uses Nonlethal Force To Stop Black Carjackers

Now he sits in jail facing aggravated assault charges, without bail."

Michael Weaver’s real crime? Passing out flyers advocating for White civil rights. As the article states, bloodthirsty local law enforcement agents, allied with an over-aggressive prosecutor, are “out for blood†as one person close to the case has described their witchhunt against the National Alliance supporter. They were angry at him for having politically incorrect ideas. They were angry with him for distributing patriotic literature which their Jewish, Black, and Mexican bosses didn’t want the White citizens of Georgia to read. Michael’s literature distributions, regardless of the impression which the controlled media tries to convey to the sheeple who are afraid to express any unpopular opinion, were not illegal. Neither were his political views, as we do still have a first amendment in this country, at least officially. But when, as Michael states, two Black males attempted to carjack his car in the increasingly violent, crime-ridden, majority black area of Georgia where he lives, Michael chose to resist. Rather than giving up his car voluntarily as the anti-White police tell you to do, he fought back, though outnumbered, and during the ensuing scuffle in which he manfully defended his life and his property, one of his Black attackers may have gotten sprayed with some Mace type chemical deterrent.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled '"Another California public school persecutes a white student."

A 5th grader at a California High School casually mentioned that a local newscaster looked like Obama.

Extremists in the school’s faculty then EXPELLED the boy for being a “racist.â€￾ Superintendent Winger told the media “it’s not what he said, but how he said it.â€￾ School board president Suzan T. Solomon ordered board members and faculty not to talk to the media.
Jan 27, 2009
In the woods at my still.
Thanks for this article, Michael. (I know a thing or two about WV and it made for some interesting reading.)
It's the same here in East Tennessee, if an industry wants to relocate in Tenn they have a "Close Door Meeting" with our politicians and the industry is aways moved to the middle of the state on what is known as the "Ohio Ridge" where there's no coal deposits.

By keeping the people in the Eastern part oppressed they keep them more willing to work at low-paying mining jobs and looking the other way at the destruction.
And the end result is a few mine owners geting rich, the state geting taxe money and the workers end up on social security disability by 40 yrs old and are nothing but a burden to the nation..

And believe me, the state works hard to keep East Tenn poor. Running out groups from other states who want to help and spending millions to stop "Pot" growers while Mexcians ship it up by the tons through the US. mail....


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "“Ching and Chong, Your Orders Are Readyâ€"

Ironically, since the race of the cashier wasn’t mentioned, it’s possible that this cashier was black or Mexican, especially in Los Angeles. However, to my mind the fact that she was immediately fired indicates she was probably White, since a black or a Mexican would have their own minority clout to protect them.

We’re getting almost down to U.K. standards here as far as the petty PC policies go. How many White people every day lose their jobs because of some minor verbal slip which causes “offense†to some piddling little minority who shouldn’t even be here at all? More importantly, how many millions of Whites every day hold their tongues and put up with insults, abuse, and violation of their civil rights by blacks and Mexicans because they are terrified of losing their jobs?

In some nations in Europe, this woman referred to in the story above would have been arrested and she’d be in prison now, like the White woman who recently cut loose with a diatribe on a minority-filled bus in London and was caught on the spy cameras which are now a daily part of British life. This is what our enemies call a “free societyâ€. This sounds more like tyranny to me.

White people all over the world need to fight for free speech and that includes INSULTING or OFFENSIVE language. The limp-wristed, British-sort of hyper-sensitivity to minorities is making us slaves in our own homelands. It’s much more important to have Free Speech than it is to be “polite†toward people invading your home country. If Orientals or Muslims or Latinos don’t like the occasional racial epithet, then they can go back to their poverty-stricken Third World homeland and stay there.

"Racism" in the White community is an allegation made by upper class Whites and their lackeys (wannabes) against lower class Whites. Minorities may use it as a get out of trouble and get free stuff card, but upper class Whites use it to put down and oppress lower class Whites. As has been pointed out "Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White." But it is more a way for the Upper class Whites to look down on middle and working class Whites without admitting to themselves that they are snobs who look down on people with less money than they have.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Being ‘Politically Correct’ is bad for your health!"

Below is a very interesting piece about a new study of race relations and stress. We have maintained for years that there is in reality a guilt complex that affects a huge proportion of white people. Some of it is self-imposed, but it is also systematticaly projected into white communities world wide. Consider the “privilege†classes and exercises that white kids go through in schools and colleges everywhere. White people are scared of being called racist or white supremacist, hater or bigot – all ignorant labels with no apparent real meaning aside from what the accuser wants the labels to mean. For everyone’s health – I say – Get over it. Be the nice, decent, friendly, person you are. If they call you names because you dare to express intelligent opinion about cultural and racial happenings – so what.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Psychology Today promoting hatred of white people."
Are you a white person who treats members of all races the same? Then you are a despicable “racistâ€￾ according to an article in Psychology Today Magazine. Their article “Colorblind Ideology is a Form of Racism,â€￾ makes absurd and incendiary claims meant to vilify all white people. The article claims all white people who treat everyone the same are “racists.â€￾ The article says only white people who aggressively pander, grovel, and give preferential treatment of non-whites can be a non-racist. In other words, only people who are anti-white can be consider non-racist. The article also claims that white people are holding non-whites back, and that white people get special privileges for being white. Psychology departments in American Universities are already well known as a playground of the extreme left-wing. Dr. Monnica T. Williams of the University of Louisville wrote this hate-filled diatribe against white people. Williams is a race hustler who boast of being a members of the Delaware Valley Association of Black Psychologists, the Association of Black Psychologists, and is the leader for African Americans in Behavioral Therapy of the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Notice how this “blackâ€￾ race hustler has so much white ancestry.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
It just never ends does it! This time John Elway will be feeling the heat from the magic negroes.

[h=1]Discrimination suit filed against Elway dealership
[/h] AP – 7 hrs ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A former employee is alleging workers were routinely subjected to racial discrimination at a California car dealership partially owned by former Denver Broncos star John Elway.
In a lawsuit filed Monday, a former sales manager at John Elway's Manhattan Beach Toyota alleges he and other minority employees were denied promotions and opportunities based on their race.
Timothy Sandquist says he didn't get a promotion he deserved despite eight years of successful employment because he is black. He was instead made to work the job without earning the title or a raise.
Sandquist alleges the dealership's general manager used ethnic slurs against black, Latino and Middle Eastern employees.
A lawyer for the dealership, James McDonald, says the lawsuit appears to have numerous inaccuracies and the allegations don't appear to have merit.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
There was a small exchange between Benjamin Franklin and a woman, as he was leaving the constitutional congress. The woman asked him what kind of government we were going to get, a monarchy or a republic? He answered, "A republic, if you can keep it."

I always remembered that. Especially the part, "If you can keep it." I've always thought he was talking about standards. That standards have to be high to maintain such a govt. and society. It seems from day one of the victory of the "Civil Rights" movement, the one consistant factor has been the removal of all standards in everything in every walk of life to accomadate the inability of the minorities to measure up to any and all standards. That's what all these lawsuits are actually all about, standards. Of course, I don't know the details of this particular case, but if I were a betting man, I'd wager, at the bottom of this thing, is the plaintiffs inability to measure up.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Nice post, Tom Iron! I agree with your take on the intentional erosion of standards throughout our society, especially since the CRM.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "The Government Wants to Take your “Under-Occupiedâ€￾ Home"

It is none of the government’s business how big a house anyone has. In fact, the property tax already punishes people with big houses, with big taxes, which the liberals then proceed to squander. Given the sky high unemployment rate, it’s a good bet that most of the younger generation will be stuck at home well into their 20s if not their 30s and beyond.

The liberals want to steal big houses from elderly European people and fill them up with large non-European families. If the liberals in England get away with this, it’s a safe bet their liberal cousins in America will try to oust elderly Americans so that their houses go to large Mexican families. This may seem a bit extreme, but ever-increasing property taxes are a sure sign that liberals would love to push people out of their homes and hand those homes over to their Third World constituency.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Radical leftists erect anti-white billboards in Duluth."

“Anti-Racistâ€￾ is a code word for anti-white.

Don Ness is the mayor of Duluth, Minnesota. He is part of an extreme left-wing campaign to erect anti-white billboards and posters around Duluth, Minnesota.

Black people in Minnesota benefit from runaway affirmative action programs in the state. Minnesota has also seen a dramatic rise in racially motivated black on white violence in the past year. White people in Minnesota are discriminated against and victimized because of their skin color at rates astronomically higher than blacks are. Yet the billboard/poster campaign claims that white people have an “unfair advantage because of their skin color.â€￾ The ads claim that white people are treating blacks unfairly.

The website for the campaign is viciously anti-white. It shows pictures of fair-skinned white people and then depicts them as the enemies of non-whites. It claims blacks and immigrants are being treated unfairly by whites. It’s absurd claims will only fuel actual racial hatred, the hatred directed at white people.

During the past year, vicious black mobs have been attacking random white people in Minnesota. This large scale black mob attack on scores of white people took place in Minneapolis last August. This hate-filled anti-white campaign backed by mayor Don Ness will only encourage more violent black thugs to attack white people in his state.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "John and Ken Show Suspended over Whitney Houston Remark"

The decision to punish John and Ken by suspending their radio show for ten days was not about someone seriously suggesting that Houston was a prostitute. No one would infer that from the remarks on the show especially if they listened to the whole show. The decision to punish John and Ken was yet another act of submission to the liberals, and a sign that White men on the radio must cower in fear before the minorities and walk on eggshells at all times.

Curiously, the decision to punish John and Ken comes after Pat Buchanan was recently fired by MSNBC and after repeated attempts to portray Ron Paul as a “racistâ€￾. I suppose any sincere White political activist, who fights the liberal agenda, should not be surprised to find there’s a target on his back.