George (Slick) Allen

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
sport historian said:
Just what I was saying. What goes on in real life (where we have enough problems) is more important than a novel.

True enough.

In your opinion, what are the chief political differences between the two?
Dec 18, 2004
It's really amazing to me that the Democrats are backing James Webb at all. Their party leaders backed Webb over a long-time activist in the Democratic primary last Spring. Liberals can be pragmatic if it would help them take the Senate.

Webb can be described as a culturally conservative Democrat who was upset with the leftward drift of the Democratic Party in the 1970's. Jimmy Carter's pardon of the draft dodgers was the last straw, he has said.

This year, Webb has backed off on his previous criticisms of women in the military and endorsed "gay rights." He still has a more conservative stance than the typical Democrat. His main theme, is that he opposes the Iraq War. For a long time, he has harshly criticized the neocons for sending Americans into combat, while avoiding it themselves in their youth.

Unsurprisingly, the neocons, Limbaugh, Hannity, and company have blasted him. Webb has a son who is a Marine in Iraq, and his third wife is an Asian woman. Webb would be more responsible on foreign policy than most of the Senate. I have a feeling that he would be good on immigration once elected.

Allen is the typical GOP politician. He says the right things for the dittoheads about low taxes, and often talks in football metaphors. Before this year, I felt his main drawback as a Presidential contender was that he was too similar to George W. Bush. He has shown a tendency to make serious gaffes, likely eliminating him from the 2008 Presidential race even if he wins.

Usually Republicans like Allen sell their voters out in the end. Webb may be a welcome addition to the Senate, or may not function well there at all.

What are their chief political differences? It would be on foreign policy. James Webb would give Bush and his neocon handlers a hard time.


Nov 2, 2004
Howdy Sport Historian

You've hit on it, Mate! The James Webb -- George Allen fight is easily the most significant political race in the election season. Webb could be a SERIOUS opponent of Bush, Incorporated and none of W's entourage possibly could be happy about his appearance on the scene.

What a snidely wimp George Allen has turned out to be! I guarantee his dad the former coach would be disgusted. George Allen is exactly as you described him, an oily pimp of the Ruling Class, a "conservative" with feminist values. He makes me puke.

Posted at American Nationalist Union discussion forum:

"Mr. Webb has both mainstream parties quite scared. Dems are frightened of the guy because he's just not a commie-lib Pinko ... a hard thing for the battle-hardened Vietnam vet Mr. Webb to be.

The GOP hates him passionately because he is James Webb - Vietnam vet, combat veteran, counter-grain to the Big Business GOP. Washington Post lists latest fight between George Allen and James Web here: /27/AR2006102701000.html

I wish Mr. Webb luck. He would be a sea-change from the outrageously pink and corrupt politicos of Virginia. Ever try to stifle a puke when Governor Mark Warner was in charge of VA and making a public statement? He made Gray Davis look like a populist conservative

George Allen has turned out to be a huge waste of space. A country-club Repub extraordinaire. Suddenly finds out he is Yiddish. What would his Redskin Coach father say? Won't miss George Jr. at all"

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
From perusing Mr. Webb's campaign site, it appears that he:

1) wants a time table for withdrawal from Iraq;
2) wants to raise taxes;
3) supports the "No Child Left Behind Act;"
4) wants socialized government health care;
5) is ambiguous on amnesty and 'guest worker' programs;
6) is pro-israel:

Israel and the United States have shared a special relationship founded on common democratic values and ideals. Israel is a crucial ally in the War on Terror providing invaluable expertise on counter-terrorism activities. Threats such as Hamas and Iran have threatened stability in the region by refusing to acknowledge Israel's right to exist, by engaging in terrorist activities, and by developing nuclear weapons. The United States must stand with Israel as she defends herself.

I'm wondering what his stance is on the 2nd Amendment. Sometimes it's what they don't say that is important.

I personally don't see what difference it makes if a person has served in Vietnam. John Kerry is a Vietnam veteran: 'nuff said. Advocating socialized health care and raising taxes makes him a 'commie-lib Pinko' in my book, whether he fought in Vietnam or on Bunker Hill.

What difference does it make that Webb is married to an Asian woman? Does that imply certain political values? If anything it implies he will be weak on immigration enforcement, not stronger.

Jim Webb for U.S. Senate

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
From perusing Mr. Allen's campaign site, it appears that he :

1) supports lower taxes;
2) is conservative on fiscal spending;
3) supports the war in Iraq;
4) is against amnesty, and for stronger immigration enforcement;
5) promotes less federal control of public schools;
6) and has received an A+ rating from the NRA.

Allen doesn't have a separate paragraph devoted to showing support for Israel, like Webb does. But like 90% of the rest of our Congress and Senate, he is 'pro-Israeli,' too.

Other than the war in Iraq, on what issues would you prefer to have someone like Webb in the Senate than George Allen?

Issues - Friends of George Allen


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
After spending some time at his site, it appears to me Mr. Webb would not be sympatheticto our views. Apolitician openly agreeing with any of our concerns wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting anywhere near the upper echelons of government, unless he was a stealth candidate.

Endorsed by:

Democratic Latino Organization of Virginia.

Reverend Curtis Harris, former Civil Rights marcher with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and a founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Dr. Milton Reid, retired minister and a former Chairman of the Board of the Virginia Unit of the Southern Christian Leadership Conferenc.
Dec 18, 2004
Most Vietnam veterans in public life have been bad on the National Question, as Vdare calls it. This includes Senators McCain and Hagel, plus FBI Director Mueller (a typical Bush appointee).

James Webb is his writings has been a critic of "liberal elitists." He has courted these people as a Senate candidate. Allen is making a last-ditch attempt by attacking Webb as an amesty supporter. I heard him doing this on Hannity's show on Friday.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The information I posted about Webb and Allen I obtained from their respective websites.