Gasol and Miller Jewish?

I looked at occasionally back before it went into an apparently permanent reconstruction mode, and fairly often a certain person was claimed to be part-Jewish and that later was contradicted by other information and vice versa.

Some people get carried away, including some white racialists, and claim virtually everybody of influence is Jewish, including many presidents of the U.S. and other powerful figures who clearly aren't. Then there are those like Madeleine Albright and Christopher Hitchens who find it convenient to suddenly "discover" that they're Jewish well into middle age.

Looking at how many Jewish celebrities are half-Jewish or less, it's clear that Jews are "assimilating," at least genetically, into the larger population in the U.S., something often bemoaned by various Jewish organizations. Despite their desire of remaining segregated racially while everyone else happily devolves into what H. Millard is fond of calling the "Tan Everyman," many Jews aren't listening and are more and more marrying "gentiles."
I did a search and found this item. It's somewhat of a condensed version of the radio interview I heard, not as complete with slightly different details but essentially the same. It was found at his web site.

December 8, 1999

Many years ago, when I was in the B'Way musical "Camelot", I was occasionally allowed a leave of absence to travel to L.A. to appear on important TV show - :Lucille Ball, Bob Hope Specials, the Academy Awards etc..., and on one occasion, for reasons I cannot remember - I had to do two days of seemingly constant radio, Television and press interviews.
Earlier, that last day, I had been interviewed by a charming young man named 'Stanley Applebaum'. When at last, I was stepping into my limo to (take me away from the fray), leave - one last question was fired at me (amidst a horde of writers and photographers), asking if my real name was Robert Goulet! Exhausted, yet seemingly holding on to a tentative sense of humor - I answered - "No, it's Stanley Applebaum!" I thought it was humorous & knew that the Stanley would think so as well but suddenly the press seemed to find a seam on which to stitch a by-line. My manager, my lawyer & accountant, my P.R. man were all Jewish & not really having ever had any in-depth conversations with me, called each other to say --: "He's one of us!"
Now -- had I been born a jew, I would never had denied that fact. But, I was born into French Roman Catholic home in Lawrence, Mass., and my real name is Robert Gerard Goulet. I do have a strange sense of humor, and didn't intend to insult anyone. So please -- laugh with me.

Robert Goulet
My mother "assimilated" me. Not that I mind. It's the assimilated part of me that appreciates this site.
Gasol is from Catalonia, an autonomous region in Spain. The people there have their own language. Spain has a few regions like this ,but it is unlikely that this would be an area densely populated with Jews. I have found nothing indicating that he or Mike Miller are Jewish. Jews are usually pretty proud of their athletes and if they were in fact Jewish they would have been claimed by now.Edited by: KG2422
KG2422 said:
Gasol is from Catalonia, an autonomous region in Spain. The people there have their own language. Spain has a few regions like this ,but it is unlikely that this would be an area densely populated with Jews. I have found nothing indicating that he or Mike Miller are Jewish. Jews are usually pretty proud of their athletes and if they were in fact Jewish they would have been claimed by now.

I will second that, they would have claimed them already. The Jewish people are very proud of their athletes. An interesting story I know relating to this subject is about Sam Jacobsen. He played for the University of Minnesota in the early- mid ninties during there final four appearance. He was a white kid with alot of hops and made quit a few ESPN highlights with his dunks. ESPN always described him as the leaping-lonsman. Funny thing was, I found out later through a friend that he wasnt jewish but some group was claiming him as one.
American Freedom News