Gang culture in NFL

jaxvidBut when 40 times said:
Even here there is a double standard when it comes to us. Take Kevin Kasper for example. According to his official website, he benches over twice his bodyweight, runs a sick 40 time, and is physically ripped beyond belief. Plus, theres pics of him with his hot wife. If he were a black player, he'd be knighted "pimp of the year". But since he's White, its ..."to the bottom of the depth chart you go, Kevin."
Kasper has a problem. He's white and he probably has done steroids. I think most people into bodybuilding now a days take steroids. That is the double edged sword that can ban you. Look at McGwire.

If he could play defense that would be great. That is where we really need athletes like Kasper.

Nice job with the wife.
Freedom said:
Kasper has a problem. He's white and he probably has done steroids. I think most people into bodybuilding now a days take steroids. That is the double edged sword that can ban you. Look at McGwire.

If he could play defense that would be great. That is where we really need athletes like Kasper.

Nice job with the wife.

Whoa, whoa, hold on. Just out of curiosity, what makes you think he juices? Because he's meticulous about his physique? I train like a madman too, and although I'm not as cut as he is, I've never ingested an illegal substance for lifting in my life. Nor have I ever been tempted to.

I read up on Kasper, he just follows a crazy strict diet and he supplements properly. His wife (damn she's hot) is also in the fitness business, and is a health nut as well. Looking the way he does is a lifestyle, and people who don't train like that wouldn't understand.
Every bite of food that enters your mouth is recorded, as is every ounce of water, every gram of protein, every vitamin, every supplement and every repetition of every workout set is all recorded. Having your body look that lean and muscular is a science. Although, many people unfortunately substitute hard work with juicing. Whether is steriods or're still a drug addict in my opinion.
couldn't have agreed more, Fighter. i share the same opinion¡... i work my ass off in the gym and nothing pisses me off some guy that comes in all juiced up and thinks he's all that./rant off
backrow said:
couldn't have agreed more, Fighter. i share the same opinion¡... i work my ass off in the gym and nothing pisses me off some guy that comes in all juiced up and thinks he's all that./rant off

Yeah man, my gym is loaded with these tards everyday at any given time. They're always trying to sell it to me as well. I get classic lines like, "You're a good size now, but you'd be a lit bigger if you "geared up.", or the ever-so-classic "Bro, come on man, you can get a way with doing just one cycle". FOOLS! The funny thing is, for all the extra "cosmetic" muscle they might gain, they can be twice my size, but their overall strength is nothing to holler about. Plus, after three months, they lose whatever they gained from the juice anyway. Waste of time and money.

There's a guy in my gym whos like 6'2", 230, and does two cycles per year, yet as big as he is, he can't even rep 225 for 10 on flat bench. I stay away from that garbage, it only destroys you physically and mentally in the long run.