Game Suspensions For Players


Oct 21, 2004
I want to compare the discipline doled out to white punter Todd Sauerbraun, who is apparently going to face a four game suspension if any team signs him this season. If you recall, Todd was summarily cut by "old school" Denver coach Mike Shanahan, after a relatively tame incident with a taxi driver. Shanahan had similarly threatened to cut white WR David Kircus on the spot after he'd been accused of hitting another man. Meanwhile, Shanny stood by character guy Travis Henry last year, then signed veteran woman beater Michael Pittman to take Henry's roster spot this season. Shanny also called chronic criminal WR Brandon Marshall a "good kid," despite his numerous offenses. Interestingly, I found a story on the web where Sauerbraun complained bitterly about the Broncos cutting him, and lashed out at their hypocracy in signing so many "character guys" while cutting him.

While Sauerbraun faces a four game suspension for a tame altercation with a taxi driver, Brandon Marshall will get a maximum THREE game sentence for his numerous offenses. It was recently revealed that police had received ELEVEN 911 calls to Marshall's house over the past two years. In typical celebrity style, only one of those calls resulted in a written report. Boy, that three game suspension will really send a message, "hard liner" Goodell.

Ex-Bengals' WR Chris Henry, who is second only to PacMan Jones in terms of truly consistent criminal thug behavior, will be given the same punishment as Sauerbraun, a four game suspension. Yes, Henry's litany of arrests for violent offenses garners the same punishment as this pathetic white punter's small scrape with a taxi driver.

Panthers' WR Steve Smith will be suspended for TWO games by his team, not "hard liner" Goodell, for his violent assault on unguarded teammate Ken Lucas during practice. This little beast has a history of "sucker" punching teammates. A few years ago, he jumped some forgotten fellow receiver from behind, during a team film session, and beat him so badly he had to be hospitalized. In predictable fashion, the team didn't punish thug Smith at all, and summarily cut the receiver he jumped. I wonder why Roger Goodell hasn't become involved here? Is he no longer interested in "sending a message" to the throngs of black thugs who comprise a good portion of the players in his league?

Talk about double standards....


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Great post, as usual....but you forgot to mention that Shannahan's love child (Marshall) was present during the shooting of Broncos teammate, CB Darrent Williams. He claims that Williams died in his arms after being shot.

Hmmm, I dont really see a pattern here, do you?

I'd love to see Marshall get arrested for good and locked away....then maybe a more deserving WR could take his place (John Standeford, Danny Farmer, Mike Hass, David Ball, Ed Hinkel, Chas Gessner, you know, all those "bums" with "tight hips" and "lead feet").


I could not believe the Marshall situation. Or rather, I could easily believe it. He's black, he's allowed to do whatever he wants.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I was watching a report on Smith on the virtually all-black NFL Network (I supposethe drunk white fansalso believe there is no affirmative action going on there either), during which the reporterstill referred to Smith after this latest brutal assault as "the team's leader."

Says a lot about the dynamics at work in the NFL.


Sep 9, 2005
Isn't Steve Smith married to a white woman? I hope he beats her as well.

"Among Steve's tattoos are Papa Smurf..."

Gotta laugh at that.


Oct 21, 2004
Wonderful news today for those who love criminal players. First, Pacman Jones was cleared to play by "hard line" commissioner Goodell. Then, Goodell made another fantastic decision in lowering chronic thug Brandon Marshall's suspension to one game. For those keeping score, that's 3 games less than a white punter who had a single, rather tame incident (alleged altercation with a taxi driver) received from the league.

It appears as if Goodell's brief resolve to crack down on the behavior of NFL players has disappeared, replaced by a Paul Taliabue-like attitude. At this point, there is very little to like about the NFL.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Man these guys keep getting arrested over and over again. What an absolute disgrace. Now if the NFL were 70 percent white the crime rate would be much much lower. This time however the "brothas" can't blame the crime on poverty.

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
Sometimes I really think that many of these caste NFL coaches might enjoy being around young black males a little too much, if you catch my drift. It can get downright embarrassing they way many of them go on about their black players. Dick Vermeil gave me a queasy feeling on many occassions. Politicians are chosen now days for the control that powerful people can have on them because of the skeletons in their closet, why not NFL coaches? It is an equally corrupt choice of profession. You have to go through roughly the same type of process. You have to schmooze, be brought into someones coaching tree, toe the line and be a good little boy if you want to find yourself coaching in the NFL someday. Kind of like how politicians have to pay their dues and be a flunky for a higher up if they have any political ambissions that go beyond being small time. Edited by: Bear Backer


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
How could these asinine decisions shock anyone here? Jock sniffing Goddell is the one who gave Pacman Jones the opportunity to COME BACK! While the poor security guard who got in the way is now paralyzed for life because Jones' "homies" decided spray bullets at innocent people. The injured man was white, so it doesnt make for a good "human interest" story on the jewish-owned, mind-control device know as the "news."

This is a league in which Leonard Little is not only still playing, but still starting!