Game of Thrones

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Differences in the books, written by George R R Martin, and TV series, produced by (((David Benioff))) and (((D B Weiss)))

Not so many people die in the books, and there is far less sadistic and perverted stuff. The books do not promote homosexuality, as the TV series does.

1) Sansa isn't raped and tortured by Ramsay
2) There are no gay scenes described in the books, no clear indication of either Loras or Renly being gay
3) Shireen (little daughter of Stannis) isn't burned at the stake by her father
4) Meryn Trant doesn't beat and have sex with little girls
5) Yara Greyjoy isn't a lesbian
6) Jamie doesn't rape Cersei beside their son in the coffin, they have consensual sex
7) The Viper isn't bisexual
8) The Sand Snakes do not murder Myrcella (daughter of Jamie and Cersei)
9) The Nights Watchmen kill Jon Snow for a different reason (because he broke his vows and abandoned his watch to rescue Rickon from Ramsay at Winterfell, not because he helped the Wildlings)
10) Blackfish does not die
11) Rob Stark's wife doesn't die because she's not at the Red Wedding. She wasn't pregnant.
12) Mance Rayder doesn't die, he isn't burned at the stake
13) Arya becomes temporarily blind as part of her training, not as a punishment
14) Arya isn't Tywin's cup girl

Game of Thrones has an excellent cast (Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams, Michelle Fairley, Rose Leslie, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, etc), mostly people viewers were not familiar with, rather than the tired old faces we've seen too much of. The costumes, make-up and special effects are very good. The original stories in Martin's books are fascinating. I think it would have been even more popular without the perversion and sadism.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
I wonder if it was simply the producers or did HBO push to add more deviancy and flaws to the White characters? Maybe that was their line in the sand to allow the otherwise great show on the Talmud-vision.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I wonder if it was simply the producers or did HBO push to add more deviancy and flaws to the White characters? Maybe that was their line in the sand to allow the otherwise great show on the Talmud-vision.
Probably a mutual agreement between the (((producers))) and (((the highest HBO management))) - it's in line with (((their))) agenda.

I agree it would be a great series without the perversion, the sadism and the excessive number of deaths.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Game of Thrones and the Promotion of Incest by Jewish Hollywood

“Incest is hot, and we’re going to have fun!” – Bianca Santos, speaking on her role in Jew Ben Epstein’s MTV show Happyland.

The mildly entertaining but highly overrated television show Game of Thrones returned for its 5th Season on Sunday.

The show, produced by two Jews, is based on the popular fantasy book series A Song of Fire and Ice, which is in turn based on Medieval Europe. The content and popularity of the show is bit disturbing, as it is no doubt being viewed by children on a grand scale.

It is riddled from front to back with extremely graphic pornographic and incestuous scenes. For example, last season showed the queen, Cersei Lannister, getting basically raped by her twin brother Jaime on top of her dead son Joffrey’s open casket. Earlier in the series we found out that her son, who was the King (and a raving lunatic), was the product of this brother/sister long-time incestuous relationship.

I’m not sure how accurate these scenes are to the books, but they do fit well with the tendency of the malevolent Jews in Hollywood to portray our ancestors as incestuous sexual degenerates, which is simply an external manifestation of their deep-seated hatred and envy of Europeans.

Indeed, they have portrayed our ancestors as incestuous degenerates in their Hollywood filth films so much that most people believe that that’s how Medieval Europeans actually behaved. Bring it into conversation with the average person and I can assure you that’s what you’ll find they believe, as most get their history from Jewish Hollywood propaganda rather than factual history books.

A couple of recent examples of this, since we are on the topic of television, are the shows Rome and The Borgias.


Rome portrayed one of the greatest White leaders of all time, Augustus, the man responsible for Pax Romana, as having incestuous relations with a fictional sister, Octavia. He is also shown to be a sexual sadist. Both claims are nothing but vicious Jewish libels.

Augustus and Octavia having sex in a sick Jew propaganda television show. Doesn’t it feel good to get your ancestors spit on and denigrated right in front of your face by hooked-nose parasites that hate your guts, White man.

The Borgias was a show based on Pope Alexander VI’s family during his papal reign in the late 15th century. It ran for three seasons between 2011-2013. The first season was fairly entertaining but there was already what seemed like a sexual tension between the brother and sister, Cesare and Lucrezia, which made it an uneasy watch at times. Shortly after it was revealed that Cesare’s right hand man, his enforcer/assassin–the man you rooted for as the “bad ass”–was actually a butt-buggering ******, the show devolved into a full-blown incestuous cringe-fest. The storyline of the entire third season was basically just Cesare and Lucrezia’s incestuous love affair.

I tried very hard to trek through the homosexuality and incest and finish watching the show, simply because it was so ascetically beautiful, and Jeremy Irons performance as Pope was brilliant and fun to watch – but I couldn’t make it. Thus a decent show with much potential was transformed into utter trash virtually overnight, for no ascertainable reason other than Hollywood being a disgusting Jewish cesspit that apparently gets off on promoting degeneracy of the worst sort.

Borgia blood siblings. Now that is some good entertainment, is it not?

Sigh. Imagine the potential if Hollywood wasn’t infested with Jews.

I don’t know much about the actual Borgias family, but I do know that the incest allegation is a silly rumor that is not to be taken seriously by anyone. (Unless you are Jews, of course. Then you make it the focal point of an entire series.)

Several rumours have persisted throughout the years, primarily speculating as to the nature of the extravagant parties thrown by the Borgia family. Many of these concern allegations of incest, poisoning, and murder on her part; however, no historical basis for these rumours has ever been brought forward beyond allegations made by rival parties.

This promotion and normalization of incest has become an increasingly alarming trend in Jewish Hollywood and seems to have kicked into high gear in recent years with many, if not most, popular shows now featuring it in one way or the other.
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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
True Blood

The show True Blood ran from 2008-2014. First let me explain what this pile of anti-White drivel was all about, as I had the misfortune of viewing a few episodes of it.

It was basically a degenerate orgy of homosexuality and pornography that played like a very dark, anti-White allegory for SJWs to paint their faces and masturbate to. Every single White male in the show is shown to be a complete idiot or creep, without exception. The main character – a slut named Sookie Stackhouse – can hear people’s thoughts and without fail all of the Whites are always thinking gossipy or perverted trash. The only likable characters, except for some very, very stupid – even borderline retarded – Whites are either mutants (werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, etc.), or homosexuals, or non-Whites, or women, or some combination thereof, without exception.

The vampires in the show literally murder humans and drink their blood constantly yet they are portrayed sympathetically, while any character who objects to the vampire slaughter is portrayed as some kind of idiotic, toothless gun nut. One of the idiot White male characters even joins a (self-proclaimed) “hate” group after having a bad experience with a vampire, and the cartoonishly portrayed group actually begins chanting “Hate! Hate! Hate! Hate!” at one point. It’s rather absurd.

The subliminal message here is clear: the only people who would object to being overrun by hostile vampires and other assorted mutants that murder, rape and steal their women and destroy everything in their path are trashy, toothless, irrational, hate-filled White supremacist hillbillies. Does that sound familiar? Does that sound a bit analogous to real life on this bizarre planet at this point in time?

It was a very surreal experience for me watching this show.

But I digress. I am obviously only mentioning this silly pigslop because, of course, it included incest.

The very Nordic looking villainous vampire Eric Northman (yes, “Northman”) is shown having gratuitous sex with his “sister.” Since they are only siblings in the sense that they have the same “maker,” i.e. vampire father, and so are not blood related, the show makes a concerted effort to make them act like brother and sister by having them bicker with each other.

“We fight like siblings but we **** like champions” is a direct quote.

They even call each other brother and sister while having sex. Just imagine the vile creatures who we have, for some reason that I still don’t quite understand, let take control of our media. They actually sat down and wrote this script and the director then directed the actors to strip down and simulate sex while calling each other brother and sister.

I wonder how many takes there were before they got it right? Put yourself there for a second, on set, and think about it. It boggles the mind to no end.

For those of you who are curious to see just how far television has sunk, the disturbingly graphic scene of incestuous perversion that this screenshot was taken from can be viewed on YouTube here.


The show Weeds, which ended in 2012, was a cultural Marxist wet dream of degeneracy and depravity. At one point, the young son in the show, Shane, apparently gets caught chronically masturbating to a picture of his drug-dealing, race-mixing whore of a mother, Nancy.

The plot of the show is that Nancy’s Jew husband died so she decides to sell weed for a living to support her family. The hook-nosed Jew brother of the deceased Jew husband shows up in the show and then proceeds to masturbate on the internet while having ‘cybersex’ with the other son’s underage deaf girlfriend – a scene that the Jew actor was admittedly “delighted” to do.

The Jew brother-in-law shamelessly tries to have sex with Nancy throughout the entire series and they eventually do that – outside on the lawn where the other Jew brother, Nancy’s dead husband, actually died in a car crash!

Boardwalk Empire

The mafia series Boardwalk Empire featured a scene where one of the main characters, Jimmy Darmondy, has sex with his biological mother. The kooky mother was so obsessed with having sexual relations with her son that later in the series, after Jimmy is [spoiler alert] dead, she has sex with a young man who kind of looks like Jimmy so she can pretend that she is having sex with Jimmy again, and then she shoots the Jimmy look-alike up with heroin and drowns him in a bathtub.

Jimmy Darmondy having sex with his mother in Boardwalk Empire. WTF?!

In this interview, the goofball creator of Boardwalk Empire explains how the incestuous sex episode is the one he is “most proud of.”

Pretty edgy, dude.


Another otherwise decent show, Dexter, which is about a lovable serial killer who murders criminals, hacks them into tiny pieces, stuffs them into garbage bags and then chunks them into the ocean in order to satiate his overwhelming bloodlust, also jumped on the incest bandwagon a few years ago, virtually out of nowhere. All of a sudden Dexter’s sister Debbie realizes that she is in love with Dexter and the viewer is then subjected to visualizations of Debbie’s incestuous sexual fantasies and wet dreams.

Having sex exactly where the brother/husband died in a car crash in Weeds. Sick!

Brother/sister dream sequence in Dexter. Goddamnit, why? Why is this necessary?

Arrested Development

Arrested Development was a show that was maybe a notch less Jewish than Seinfeld but probably even more obnoxious, if that’s possible. It had a long-running joke of sexual attraction between first cousins – the very Jewy-looking but apparently not Jew Michael Cena and his Jew/mystery meat cousin Maebe Fünke.

Listen to this interview if you want to hear Mitchell Hurwitz, the Jew creator ofArrested Development, give an extremely creepy and bizarre excuse for his gratuitous joking about incest.

Apparently that is the kind of thing Jews consider to be hilarious, jokes about incest. Also hilarious to Jews are jokes about feces and homosexual butt-sex, or some combination thereof. Disgusting, I know, but if you don’t believe me just go watch any comedy coming out of Jew Hollywood, and you will see that I am being quite literal.

Modern Family

Another heavy dose of in-your-face cultural Marxism is the show Modern Family. It is basically like a giant middle finger to Western Civilization and White normality. It’s like a white flag of victory planted over the grave of our once great civilization by an assortment of anti-Whites, Marxists, feminists, Jews, sexual perverts, race-mixers and non-White invaders. It comes second only to the actual Presidency being filled by a talking ape.

The main characters of the show are a so-called “modern family,” and are thus:

The father/grandfather of the show, played by Al Bundy, is married to a big-breasted, much-younger South American mestizo import who acts like a man. Their tubby little mestizo son acts more sophisticated than anyone else in the entire show.

Al Bundy’s adult son is a flaming homo who is married to a fat slob who literally acts more feminine than a 12-year old spoiled schoolgirl. They have a hideous looking adopted Asian daughter who is probably destined to kill herself later in life in response to the psychological damage from being raised by such a freak show.

Bundy’s adult daughter is clearly the “man of the house” and she is married to one of the most pathetic heterosexual White male characters ever put to film. You would think he would be a closet homo but the show makes it perfectly clear that he is not.

The manly woman and her mangina husband have three White kids, two girls and one boy. One daughter reads books, so she is naturally dorky and considered ugly and not “cool.” The other girl is basically a typical ditzy party slut type, and hence she is the “cool” one. Her boyfriend is a slack-jawed, surfer dude White kid who is portrayed as too stupid to even spell his own name. The son is also shown to be pretty stupid, naturally.

Apparently the show has ongoing, creepy incest jokes between the slutty daughter and the son, in the same vein as Arrested Development (except I guess a little worse.)

“Modern Family.” Are you going to just roll over and take it, White man? How could anyone sleep at night unless they know they are taking an active part in fighting against this?
These are only a fraction of the shows with incest-related themes in them, used to illustrate a point. God knows how many other shows promote it, and how many more will in the future, but I’m sure quite a lot.

So, while millions have a fit of excitement over the return of Game of Thrones, I won’t, but I will probably watch it, for recreational and social reasons. And no doubt I will be entertained from time to time while I am not dying of boredom or being disgusted by scenes of incest, homosexuality and all manner of other perversions, but let this be a clear warning to only watch Hollywood shows with extreme caution and infrequency, and most certainly, if you have kids, monitor very closely what shows you allow them to watch – if any at all.
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May 1, 2015
There was also a series from ShowTime (I believe) called "The Tudors" that looked like it was contaminated with the same degeneracy, so I didn't watch it. I like reading about that era whether it's fiction or actual history, so I really wanted to watch it, but didn't because of the trailers I saw.

There was also a Western on HBO (can't remember the name of it) about the same time "Rome" aired that you could put into this category.

There's also a new series out called, "The Pope" (or something like that), either on HBO or Showtime, where the Pope is an atheist and bisexual. I think he uses marijuana regularly as well. That a series like this exists that depicts a Pope like that pretty much lays to waste the notion that "The Vatican" controls everything. There's only (((one group))) that could depict a Pope like that and get away with it.

It seems like the plots in these shows exist solely to interject these same narratives of degeneracy into them, no matter the era. There are no redeeming characters or story lines. A total concentration on the "lower Chakras", if taken from a Hindu perspective.

(((They))) are also taking many of the classic movies and remaking them, often replacing a White man with either a White woman or other minority and stripping out any redeeming value from it or watering it down so that some of the underlying messages from the original are washed away. Too many examples to mention, but one of the most notable that comes to mind is "The Manchurian Candidate". Sinatra's character was replaced by Denzel Washington and the true love story in the original between the brainwashed assassin and his girlfriend-turned-wife was removed and replaced with just being a cold acquaintance. The injustice done to the brainwashed assassin and the deep love story in the original is what made this film a tragedy and gave the film an emotional resonance. Also, if you ever watch the original, check out the characteristics, personality and mannerisms of the assassin's girlfriend/wife. Beautiful, feminine, and full of innocence. That female archetype has since been expunged from films, TV, or cable TV series and replaced with something entirely new and alien.
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Old Scratch

Nov 29, 2012
Differences in the books, written by George R R Martin, and TV series, produced by (((David Benioff))) and (((D B Weiss)))

Not so many people die in the books, and there is far less sadistic and perverted stuff. The books do not promote homosexuality, as the TV series does.

1) Sansa isn't raped and tortured by Ramsay
2) There are no gay scenes described in the books, no indication of either Loras or Renly being gay
3) Shireen (little daughter of Stannis) isn't burned at the stake by her father
4) Meryn Trant doesn't beat and have sex with little girls
5) Yara Greyjoy isn't a lesbian
6) Jamie doesn't rape Cersei beside their dead father in his coffin, they have consensual sex
7) The Viper isn't bisexual
8) The Sand Snakes do not murder Myrcella (daughter of Jamie and Cersei)
9) The Nights Watchmen kill Jon Snow for a different reason (because he broke his vows and abandoned his watch to rescue Rickon from Ramsay at Winterfell, not because he helped the Wildlings)
10) Blackfish does not die
11) Rob Stark's wife doesn't die because she's not at the Red Wedding. She wasn't pregnant.
12) Mance Rayder doesn't die, he isn't burned at the stake
13) Arya becomes temporarily blind as part of her training, not as a punishment
14) Arya isn't Tywin's cup girl

Game of Thrones has an excellent cast (Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke, Maisie Williams, Michelle Fairley, Rose Leslie, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, etc), mostly people viewers were not familiar with, rather than the tired old faces we've seen too much of. The costumes, make-up and special effects are very good. The original stories in Martin's books are fascinating. I think it would have been even more popular without the perversion and sadism.

It's subtle, most people don't notice (I didn't), but there are clues that Loras and Renly are homosexuals. The show made it blatantly obvious and made them poofs.

I think the biggest change is all the unrealistic women fighters. There's still some of that in the books but it's more lowkey, and Brienne isn't a super warrior. In the show she beats the Hound, is everywhere at the right time and no one can stand to her, she is probably the best fighter in the show's world. In the books she has somewhat a Don Quixotic, bumbling plot.

George RR Martin was always a liberal nerd but the HBO show takes it up about 100 notches.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
In the final episode of Game of Thrones Season Seven, the two man characters have incestuous sex: Jon Snow (aka Aegon Targaryen) and his aunt, Danerys Targaryen.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
In the final episode of Game of Thrones Season Seven, the two man characters have incestuous sex: Jon Snow (aka Aegon Targaryen) and his aunt, Danerys Targaryen.

Still have yet to this garbage! Didn't Season 1 begin with incest?! These ((writers )) have sick fantasies.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Glad I don't have HBO and don't watch GOT.


Oct 6, 2007
In the final episode of Game of Thrones Season Seven, the two man characters have incestuous sex: Jon Snow (aka Aegon Targaryen) and his aunt, Danerys Targaryen.

I just started warching Game of Thrones a few months ago. I am torn between all the sick crap that people on this board have pointed out and the fact that the show is actually well made and ascetically pleasing in a Lord of the Rings kind of way. Yes Jon Snow and Danaerys Targaryan are committing incest in the episode which aired the other night, but they don't know they're related, so they can't be blamed, unlike Jaime and Cersei. But of course the sick Jews who make the show couldn't resist showing more perverted, degenerate garbage.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I just started warching Game of Thrones a few months ago. I am torn between all the sick crap that people on this board have pointed out and the fact that the show is actually well made and ascetically pleasing in a Lord of the Rings kind of way. Yes Jon Snow and Danaerys Targaryan are committing incest in the episode which aired the other night, but they don't know they're related, so they can't be blamed, unlike Jaime and Cersei. But of course the sick Jews who make the show couldn't resist showing more perverted, degenerate garbage.


Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett is a very good book, I just finished reading it yesterday.

The TV series made the usual changes:

1) TV: The villain William has an incestuous relationship with his mother, and eventually strangles (murders) her.

In the book, William is a cruel character, but there is no incest and his mother dies of natural causes.

2) TV: Remigius is a homosexual monk.

In the book, Remigius is not gay.