I don't understand why it's considered any kind of crime for a pro athlete to bet on other sports. As I've stated before regarding Pete Rose's situation, I don't think he did anything wrong unless it can proven that he bet against his own team. The same would go for Gretzky, or anyone else. I don't even think it would be wrong for someone to bet on their own sport, or even their own games, as long as they are betting on themselves to win. How could a coach (or certainly a coach's wife) effect the integrity of the sport by betting on which teams will win other games?
This situation serves to illustrate, once again (remember poor Pete Ross), that in Don King's America, gambling is considered a greater crime than chronic drunk driving, possession of large amounts of drugs, sex with underaged girls and violence against women. I hope for Gretzky's sake that he doesn't become the laughingstock that Rose has become. Because he played the sport he did, the Great One has never received the respect he deserves. Imho, on any list of the greatest athletes of all time, only Babe Ruth would rank ahead of him. One thing is for certain; the lame, wannabe comedians on ESPN will treat him (and this story) a bit differently than they would if the central figures were say, Michael Jordan and his wife.