***FYI, Ron Paul on Alex Jones (4/10/07)!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Sorry for the late heads up, but Alex Jones interviewed 2008 Presidential candidate Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX)on his radio show today. They'll re-play today's show round the clock until tomorrow's show begins @ 11AM CDT/12PM EDT.


***Fyi,click on "Listen Now : Infowars Main Stream"(upper right hand side of the webpage)...Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Ron Paul just killed any chance he had of being nominated by being interviewed on this show. Although I like Alex Jones and agree with a lot of what he says, the stuff on his site is considered beyond the pale and makes him look like a fruitcake in the eyes of the mainstream, which means practically 99% of the country.

Ron Paul might as well have worn a tin foil hat and answered questions about the Illuminati and their struggle with the Greys for control of the Universe.
I would have to agree, White Shogun.
Where is Ron Paul going to get his soldiers and officers from if he's going to build the kind of grassroots movement needed to force his way onto the national political stage? It's not going to come from the Beltway conservatives. His campaign by definition is a political insurgency, and if it's to gain traction, it will have to come from the disenfranchised, the angry, and those who have (completely understandably) lost all faith and confidence in the irretrievably broken and criminally corrupttwo-party system and the "liberal-conservative" charade.

As the late, great Samuel Francis pointed out on numerous occasions, Pat Buchanan's fatal mistake was utilizing the rhetoric of nationalism and patriotism while failing to openly embrace all of those elements to whom his alleged beliefs most resonated. Francis specifically mentioned populists, white racialists (including David Duke supporters), constitutionalists, and presumably the listeners of Alex Jones' show, all of whom were rigidly rejected by Buchanan. In other words, the true believers and others highly motivated, no matter how distasteful they may be to the self-appointed arbiters of the "mainstream" in America, are exactly the folks whocan make or break Ron Paul's campaign and whose support he must cultivate if he is to get anywhere.

Paul's campaign may never become anything, but it certainly will never get anywhere by following the tried-and-true formula for failure of being oh-so careful not to offend the perpetually offended (ala what Don Imus is being put through right now), and making sure not to let anyone decreed as "politically incorrect" by the standards of the establishment play any part in his campaign. Alex Jones has a substantial audience and if they are gung-ho for Ron Paul, he is absolutely correct to embrace their support. One and two percent is all that's needed to forge and leada powerful movement; that's how history has always been changed, not by the masses, and don't forget it's only one percent running things now.
There are plenty of people unhappy with both political parties who aren't Beltway conservatives that might have supported Ron Paul but who will now write him off as some kind of kook. One doesn't have to believe in all of Jones' conspiracy theories to be disgusted with the current state of affairs in the U.S. government.

But hey, I'll still vote for him. I already own a tin foil hat.

Don, I agree with you 100%. People want a leader who is completely fearless in their convictions. If Americans want a leader that tries to appease everybody, then they already have plenty of mainstream candidates to chose from. Ron Paul will get a bashing from the mainstream media no matter what. So, why not just embrace those that have embraced his views. The only way Ron Paul has a chance is if he embracing the alternative media.
White Shogun said:
Ron Paul just killed any chance he had of being nominated by being interviewed on this show. Although I like Alex Jones and agree with a lot of what he says, the stuff on his site is considered beyond the pale and makes him look like a fruitcake in the eyes of the mainstream, which means practically 99% of the country.

Ron Paul might as well have worn a tin foil hat and answered questions about the Illuminati and their struggle with the Greys for control of the Universe.

WS, the GOP would never nominate anyone who wasn't willing to be/become a globalist puppet anyways. The GOP and DNC "leadership" are all proven globalist shills. Dr.Paul will probably (eventually) run on the Constitution, Libertarian,etc. ticket. It'll serve the traitorous GOP right after they've sold out to the globalist agenda with NAFTA, CAFTA, NAU, FTAA & open borders/forthcoming amnesty (via McCain/Kennedy or Johnny Isakson's proposed legislation).

Gentlemen, it's also be "word of mouth"/grassroots support that will help Dr.Paul's campaign. Don't buy into negative propaganda on Dr.Paul from proven shills like "Pawn Vanity", etc. We need to call into/write "mainstream" radio talk shows asking for interviews with Dr.Paul, e-mail national TV shows & networks asking for more coverage of Dr.Paul,etc. It'll be a largely "underground", internet, grassroots driven base that helps propel Congressman Paul's campaign! Checkout his site, spread the word to fellow paleo-Conservatives and donate if ya can!

http://www.ronpaul2008.com/ Edited by: DixieDestroyer
spotle1 said:
Yea, well I wouldn't want white racialists either

As opposed to the "black racialists" that comprise a large portion of the DNC??
This has to be a grass roots effort. We cannot worry about what other people think, time is not on our side. Just yesterday I read Newt Gingrich subscribed to the global warming theory and guess what? Their solution is to fight global warming through the pentagon budget. Any guesses on whats coming next?
Obama supposedly led a grass roots effort got somewhere around 25 million. I think this country is in more trouble than you think.
spotle1 said:
I wouldn't want black racialists either

Alright...I'll take bait (for the sake of levity). Are you suggesting this site is comprised of so-called "white racialists"? If so, what's your definition of that?
I was solicited to take part in an online poll published by a conservative, family-rights organization. One could select from every candidate in the race, including both announced and those only 'exploring' the idea, from both parties.

Ron Paul had by far the lowest vote total of all candidates. He had less votes than Huckabee and Brownback. Tancredo was also way down the list.

The Republican front runner was Fred Thompson, who had more than double the votes of the next candidate, Giuliani.

Barack Obama was the front runner on the Democrat side, with Hillary running a distant second.

It *is* worse than I thought.
No, I was responding to this line:

"Francis specifically mentioned populists, white racialists (including David Duke supporters), constitutionalists, and presumably the listeners of Alex Jones' show, all of whom were rigidly rejected by Buchanan."
Spotle1, got'cha...thanks for the clarification.

WS, most supporters of traditional conservative values are still buying into the phony Left/Right paradigm (as I did up until a few years ago). Also, alotta polls have contrived & manipulated data, so it's often hard to discern what's legitimate. In any event, we need to need to keep educating our fellow conservatives that the NeoCON platform is that of the Globalist Elite. Start off with mild info like the NAU, open borders, the privately held Fed, etc. Then/eventually work up to the NWO's overall agenda. Take small steps to educate folks on what's really happening to our once great Republic, Constitution, sovereignty & borders!

Here's the same poll White Shogun was talking about. I got it too. Take the poll and then check the results for yourself. Republicans Chuck Hagel, Duncan Hunter, and Tommy Thompson all had less votes than Ron Paul as of when I wrote this.

Wow, big difference in just one day!

Fred Thompson has 18,000+ votes, twice as much as the next runner up, Newt Gingrich,and Romney is now in third. Giuliani fell to 4th, although I wish he'd fall out of the race completely.

John Edwards now holds a very narrow lead over Barack Obama for first place on the dems side.

Guess I'm going to have to read up on Fred Thompson.
I still don't understand the attraction to Barack Obama. Can someone explain?

He backed Imus firing last night. So I can see he is no different than every other black politician.
Obama is a pretty boy, a slick orator like Bill Clinton, who can rouse cheers without saying anything of substance. He has avoided negative campaigning and it is attracting people to his camp. But the main reason is, I believe, because the mainstream media supports him. He's new, he's black, the son of an immigrant, he's the sexiest political story they have going. It will be interesting to watch the race develop over the next few months before the first ever 'national primary day' on February 5th, to see if Obama can keep up the pace once the Billary election machine is really stoked and running full steam. I will not be surprised in the least if something sordid is revealed about Obama just before the primary.

People are interested in Obama for everything except his stance on the issues. Having said that, maybe he will get elected!
And the one I just posted on!