Future of College and Education


Dec 17, 2004
With society becoming more and more judgemental, education may change for the worst.

People will be judged by what they do early on(in meaningless
high-school classes), and where they go to college. Where you go
to college is becoming more important than ever. People that go
to weaker colleges get passed up for promotion. Also, top
graduate schools don't accept people who went to weaker undergraduate
schools. In the old days, people were judged by there performance
in more ways than this.

More importantly, it is becoming increasingly
difficult for someone who has been in the workforce to be able to get a
degree to advance. Schools will not take "Late Bloomers"

This prevents a lot of people from having careers.

I think that these factors make life more
pre-determined. I feel this pre-determination is a threat to
American liberty. America has been made strong partially do
to people that worked "Low Level jobs", and then went to college and
advanced at companies.

Do you guys think it will be possible for people that did not go to a
great college, to have a great career in the future? I mean in
academic fields such as medicine, engineering, law, politics.

Edited by: IceSpeed
America has always been more of a class-structured society than many people realize or are willing to admit. The upper class has always sent their children to elite colleges, which are extremely difficult for anyone else to get into, with the exception of affirmative action cases.

The difference today, actually going back to about 1973 and the first "oil shock," is that most of the huge American middle class is in the very slow process of sinking to lower-middle or lower class status. That process could well accelerate in the second Bush administration. Very few are moving upward. There's just too many factors working against upward mobility for most people now.

One of the best things about this country is that people can work for themselves. I think that's the way to go whenever possible. Of course many people are not cut out for that, and even many that are cannot make it because of a variety of factors. If you can't work for yourself successfully, being employed in a job or a field you like is the next best thing.
Would it be alright to tell your children to get up in class and challenge the teacher when the teacher lies about our nation? Or should we not use our children that way?
Would it be alright to tell your children to get up in class and challenge the teacher when the teacher lies about our nation? Or should we not use our children that way?
Nothing wrong with this, it should be encouraged. The HS teachers at our school lean right, so it's not as much of an issue, but my 17 year old is particularly vocal and has facts in line to back him up when he challenges.
Being silent and getting sucked into the propaganda is one of the many reasons kids are so brainwashed. I tell my kids to think for themselves and speak up, I've got their backs.
I tell anyone who will listen don't seed their kids to college if they want to have a normal thinking, hard-working, American loving, productive child. Send them to trade schools and let them learn a skill or skills that will always be useful all their lives. In my family with no help from me, for I have been an absent father most of my children lives, my wives have sent 4 out of 7 to college. I am proud to a certain point of what they accomplished. Then I see what they have become and what they believe, I feel like crap. They believe in everything I don't, gay rights, open borders, mixed marriages, climate change, and any other far-out liberal causes that upset me to the point of not ever seeing them again. I know they became this way by the things they told me they were taught and saw on campus. Keep your children out of these colleges that ever professor is a queer or bisexual and a socialist. This is just one man's opinion.

I tell anyone who will listen don't seed their kids to college if they want to have a normal thinking, hard-working, American loving, productive child. Send them to trade schools and let them learn a skill or skills that will always be useful all their lives. In my family with no help from me, for I have been an absent father most of my children lives, my wives have sent 4 out of 7 to college. I am proud to a certain point of what they accomplished. Then I see what they have become and what they believe, I feel like crap. They believe in everything I don't, gay rights, open borders, mixed marriages, climate change, and any other far-out liberal causes that upset me to the point of not ever seeing them again. I know they became this way by the things they told me they were taught and saw on campus. Keep your children out of these colleges that ever professor is a queer or bisexual and a socialist. This is just one man's opinion.

Booth, your post is 1,000% spot on.

Every hair-brained Communist tripe bullshite thing people learn nowadays is spawned by the satanic seminary (the University). Then it's repeated in the public schools from Pk through 12 and on tv and (((media))).

There is NO other way to rid our nation of this poison except a total overthrow of the entire world of academia in toto. There is no other way. Btw, that's exactly what will happen when Christ returns. Of course he knows it's irreparable.
I tell anyone who will listen don't seed their kids to college if they want to have a normal thinking, hard-working, American loving, productive child. Send them to trade schools and let them learn a skill or skills that will always be useful all their lives. In my family with no help from me, for I have been an absent father most of my children lives, my wives have sent 4 out of 7 to college. I am proud to a certain point of what they accomplished. Then I see what they have become and what they believe, I feel like crap. They believe in everything I don't, gay rights, open borders, mixed marriages, climate change, and any other far-out liberal causes that upset me to the point of not ever seeing them again. I know they became this way by the things they told me they were taught and saw on campus. Keep your children out of these colleges that ever professor is a queer or bisexual and a socialist. This is just one man's opinion.

Booth, I respect your posts and enjoy them, however, I have to disagree somewhat. I have 5 children and 4 of them have been to college. Both my boys have graduated and I currently have 2 girls in college. A sophomore in HS, also. One at Wake Forest on a full academic scholarship!! I think a lot determines on how you raise them. You said you've been an absentee father and I'm sorry about that, but it's been different in my case. I've been there for all of my children and from an early age I raised them first as Christian and to adhere to Christian beliefs...and conservative values. I read to them before they were born and all the time from a very early age. From there they started to read when they were able to, many books. My children didn't grow up perfect. They made their share of mistakes, but thankfully, they have never been in any serious trouble and are very intelligent. I guess that comes from their mother. LOL. We have been very blessed by God with our children. I think because we raised them in admonition of the Lord, they haven't strayed.

Before each one went off to their respective liberal institutions and even before high school, I taught them not to believe in anything the teachers or professors spouted that went against what the Bible taught including homosexuality and evolution among others. Yes, I told them to make the grade, but do not believe their professors insanity.

So far, they've survived without coming to tell me the that they have changed their mind on anything liberal. My youngest son once walked out of class because the professor had a pro-abortion, pro-homosexuality, feminist come in and speak to his class. He took a 'C" in that class and was the worst grade he made in college. He never made less than 'B' and graduated Cum Laude!

My daughter, at Wake Forest has come home and told me I was right about the mass liberalism at Wake, but she hasn't bought into it. She has found a Christian Organization, a REAL Christian group to get involved with. Even at Wake Forest or any other College, there's still genuine conservative students out there.

Yes, sometimes no amount of correct parenting will guarantee your kids will grow up knowing right from wrong, but so far, with a lot of prayer, it has worked out with my children and I highly recommend it.
CS thank you for your post. I'm really glad things worked out for your situation. This might be hard to believe but my oldest daughter is a Christian who has taught the young people class at her church for 12 years now. I will never ever say someone is not a Christian if they say they are. However, her belief system is more with worldly beliefs than religious beliefs. My third oldest has been on countless mission trips to central & South America, it is the same situation as her sister's, she has these worldly beliefs that don't fit with Christianity. I guess I should have just said if you send your children to college be prepared for Satan to be teaching the classes.
Booth, certainly not to cast any dispersions on your children (by any means), but (rather) in general I think we can indeed tell if one is saved or not. The Bible implores us to judge righteous judgement (John 7:27) & use discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10). Those who have true salvation are inter-dwelled by the Holy Spirit...which draws us to what He inspired...the written Word. If one has the Holy Spirit, they will NOT reject God’s Holy Word. In other words, they are drawn to the learn/know & obey the Bible. Conversely, they who reject God’s Word are unregenerate heathen...plain & simple. Likewise...those who claim they “agree” with some parts of God’s Word but not others...I truly believe are also unsaved. Christians will bear fruit of the Spirit and also are drawn to the inspired Word of the Spirit. With that, I believe it’s easy to identify “false professors”...those who “claim” the name of Christ, but reject the written Word (even if “just” parts of it). In my estimation, about 75% of those who “claim” the ‘name’ of Christ are indeed unsaved...as they reject God’s written Word.
Thanks DD . I believe you are totally on the mark with your comments. I also agree with CS that I should have been around more but that ship has sailed. I really want them to change for their own sake but t for the sake of my grandchildren, I don't want them to believe the same load of crap their parents believe. My relationship with my children is strain at the best of times, they still are a shame of my past, which i will never renounce . I just want them to live in the America I grew up in , but I feel a little more hopeless ever day. Again thank you and CS for your comments.
Thanks DD . I believe you are totally on the mark with your comments. I also agree with CS that I should have been around more but that ship has sailed. I really want them to change for their own sake but t for the sake of my grandchildren, I don't want them to believe the same load of crap their parents believe. My relationship with my children is strain at the best of times, they still are a shame of my past, which i will never renounce . I just want them to live in the America I grew up in , but I feel a little more hopeless ever day. Again thank you and CS for your comments.

Hey Booth. I hope you're enjoying all this snow we're getting. It looks like we've got about a foot so far. I appreciate your total honesty! I could be wrong but I sense you feel a little guilt. If I'm wrong, I apologize. But there's no reason to feel guilty if you've ever given your life to Jesus Christ. Doesn't mean we don't pay for the consequences of our mistakes and sin. You paid for your mistake in life by going to prison. Now, if you don't know the savior, let Jesus Christ pay for your sin debt by trusting in him. "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23." If you already have, I would suggest praying when you feel hopeless. I feel this way at times also, especially when I get my eyes off of Jesus and look at the world.
"The World and its desires pass away. but the man who does the will of God LIVES Forever." I John 2:17
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2.
Concerning your children, If they are Christian, then they shouldn't be ashamed. The Bible says there are NONE righteous, NOT one...and all have sinned. Romans 3:10 and 6:23. They need to forgive you just as Jesus forgave them!
"Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13.
This is one of the hardest things for Christians to do and for non-Christians to understand. Until you understand you're a sinner and are in need of the Savior, you can't be saved, but sometimes we make the mistake as Christians of not forgiving others. However, doesn't mean we condone the sin, but we repent and ask forgiveness when found guilty.
I hope your children will one day not be ashamed of your past. Maybe remind them of what the Bible says.
Concerning Homosexuals among other things remind them of this verse:
Do you not know the wicked will not inherit the kingdom God, neither Homosexuals, nor thieves, nor drunkards, etc. will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you WERE. I Corinthians 6:9-11 That means practicing these things, not making the mistake of committing them in an act of sin.
The only hope we have is in Jesus Christ!
"Praise be to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Stay safe in all this snow, my friend!
CS, sometimes posts to other C.F. members apply to some of us unintended ones. Even us Christians. Good word for me and my situation too, even though different in details, etc.

Thanks to all you CFers in this Christmas season. This is the third one in a row I'll be alone, yet Christ is with me, and my cyber family at Caste Football :)
CS, sometimes posts to other C.F. members apply to some of us unintended ones. Even us Christians. Good word for me and my situation too, even though different in details, etc.

Thanks to all you CFers in this Christmas season. This is the third one in a row I'll be alone, yet Christ is with me, and my cyber family at Caste Football :)

Amen! Know they you’ve some breathren here that are like minded Christians...as well as being real men & true Americans! ;)
It's here TomIron361. I have told anybody that would listen to me to send their children to a trade school or nursing school and keep them away from a state college if they don't want their children to become radicalized and brainwashed. They will not have all that college debt and can make good money with a degree. Colleges have been pushing a gay agenda since at least the late 80s.
St. John’s professor allegedly fired for reading racial ...
May 15, 2021 · In a twist worthy of Mark Twain himself, a St. John’s University professor has been fired for reading a passage containing the N-word from Twain’s anti-slavery novel “Pudd’nhead Wilson” in her “Literature of Satire” class. Hannah Berliner Fischthal, an adjunct instructor at the Catholic college in Queens for 20 years, uttered the N-word once during a remote class Feb. 10 ...
I don't know what this world coming to? How can it be for a Jewish female to be fired for anything? Isn't there anything sacred anymore?
St. John’s professor allegedly fired for reading racial ...
May 15, 2021 · In a twist worthy of Mark Twain himself, a St. John’s University professor has been fired for reading a passage containing the N-word from Twain’s anti-slavery novel “Pudd’nhead Wilson” in her “Literature of Satire” class. Hannah Berliner Fischthal, an adjunct instructor at the Catholic college in Queens for 20 years, uttered the N-word once during a remote class Feb. 10 ...
I don't know what this world coming to? How can it be for a Jewish female to be fired for anything? Isn't there anything sacred anymore?

You must never utter the sacred word, in any context.
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