Hall of Famer
I'm sure a few of you have some funny sports related pictures you could add to this thread. I found these two today. The first is of Terrence Cody, the "world class afflete," as depicted on the upper right of Draft Daddy's website. It has to be a mockery pic because anyone with a brain realizes Cody is an out of shape, obese, lard-axe.
The second pic is from the ESPN College Football front page and contains a typo, although you could make the argument the writer was trying to be funny by naming BYU the "Broncos" after their head coach, Bronco Mendenhall. Since one of the main videos was about Boise State, I'm thinking the writer got confused.
Edited by: Colonel_Reb

The second pic is from the ESPN College Football front page and contains a typo, although you could make the argument the writer was trying to be funny by naming BYU the "Broncos" after their head coach, Bronco Mendenhall. Since one of the main videos was about Boise State, I'm thinking the writer got confused.

Edited by: Colonel_Reb