Funny Pictures


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I'm sure a few of you have some funny sports related pictures you could add to this thread. I found these two today. The first is of Terrence Cody, the "world class afflete," as depicted on the upper right of Draft Daddy's website. It has to be a mockery pic because anyone with a brain realizes Cody is an out of shape, obese, lard-axe.


The second pic is from the ESPN College Football front page and contains a typo, although you could make the argument the writer was trying to be funny by naming BYU the "Broncos" after their head coach, Bronco Mendenhall. Since one of the main videos was about Boise State, I'm thinking the writer got confused.


Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Deion Sanders hot dog express, complete with DWF.


"You'd have to pay $600 for your own hot dog cart!"

"The juices just exploded in my mouth!"

Here's one I just found on a friend's facebook photo album. Evidently a "big time" Gaytuh fan drives this horseless Conestoga wagon. The negro actually got stuck trying to pull up into a muffler shop in Clarksdale, Mississippi (over 70% black). So much for having a "sick" ride when you can't pull off the road with over a foot of ground clearance! His right rear tire was spinning and smoking as he tried to get into the parking lot from the street. Didn't work! Maybe we should start calling these boys HBFs for High (as a kite) Black Fans. Bwah Ha Ha!!!


Edited by: Colonel_Reb
I always get a kick out of blacks and their "whips." They are usually old Chevy's or Buicks with radios that cost more than the damn car itself. They drive around with a bass box in the trunk blasting their rap music. It's just too funny.
whiteathlete33 said:
I always get a kick out of blacks and their "whips."  They are usually old Chevy's or Buicks with radios that cost more than the damn car itself.  They drive around with a bass box in the trunk blasting their rap music. It's just too funny.
You'd love to see the mexicans down here,
you see them all the time with a $200 car, and a $400 car alarm system!
whiteathlete33 said:
I always get a kick out of blacks and their "whips."  They are usually old Chevy's or Buicks with radios that cost more than the damn car itself.  They drive around with a bass box in the trunk blasting their rap music. It's just too funny.

Do they have their gold teeff and dreads, too?

In my area, those type of negroes tend to be really ugly and extremely low-IQ...
It's Un-PC enough that I'd rather not post it in the forum. It's too big, anyway. It's SFW, though. Unless you're a DWF or a member of the "chosen".

Old Newspaper HeadlineEdited by: Riddlewire
Good one, Riddlewire!
Deadlift said:
whiteathlete33 said:
I always get a kick out of blacks and their "whips." They are usually old Chevy's or Buicks with radios that cost more than the damn car itself. They drive around with a bass box in the trunk blasting their rap music. It's just too funny.

Do they have their gold teeff and dreads, too?

In my area, those type of negroes tend to be really ugly and extremely low-IQ...

Some of them do!
whiteathlete33 said:
I always get a kick out of blacks and their "whips."  They are usually old Chevy's or Buicks with radios that cost more than the damn car itself.  They drive around with a bass box in the trunk blasting their rap music. It's just too funny.

We call those clunkers w/ rims + (stolen) stereo "ghetto sleds" down here.
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