Frey transfer from UCONN


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Looks like Robbie Frey who the article reffers to as the "heir apparent" as UCONN's RB will be leaving the program... He's enrolling at D2 Kutztown where he will graduate in 18 months compared to 4 months longer at UConn. Seems strange to me.

<H1 ="title">Heir Apparent Tailback to Leave UConn </H1>
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<H6 ="timestamp">Updated 11:42 AM EST, Wed, Feb 16, 2011</H6>
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With star UConn running backJordan Todman heading tothe pros,Robbie Frey was thought to be a shoe-in as the featuredback for the Huskies in the fall. The problem is: he's leaving too.
Freyintends to transfer to Kutztown University, according to the Hartford Courant. The21-year-oldPennsylvania native saidhe has no issues with incoming coach Paul Pasqualoni. Still, Frey will transfer to the Division II school less than an hour from his hometown , where he will be eligible to play immediately, the paper reports. He'llalso pursue a graduate degree in teaching.
"I had been stressed out about this since Coach Edsall left," Frey told the Courant. "I had been thinking about things during the season and was worried about my future, and when I met Coach Pasqualoni, he had helped me get into Master's classes and work toward my degree."
There were concerns that Frey would not be admitted to thecompetitivegraduate program in Storrs, which takes just a few dozen applicants each year.
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At Kutztown, Frey will be able to graduate in 18 months and will be certified to teach high school social studies in Pennsylvania. At UConn, it would have taken two years or longer.
Frey'scharacter was a boost to the Huskies last season.
"I wish I had 105 Robbie Freys," former Coach Edsall said in August, the Courant reports. "Just his work ethic, his character, his ability, his love of the game, his respect of the game ... just works."

Edited by: celticdb15
If Frey's wise to the Caste System, maybe it's the arrival of Pasqualoni, who was a Caste clown deluxe when he coached at Syracuse, that factored in his decision.Pasqualoni was thecoach who converted Rob Konrad from a record-breaking high school tailback to a fullback. Whatever chance Frey had of being the heir apparent ended when Pasqualoni was hired.
I agree with you there, Don. Robbie might be making a good move after all. Also, I know of quite a few people who have transferred colleges so they could graduate or semester or so earlier. Most haven't been athletes, but sometimes that doesn't make much of a difference.
Although from a Caste Football caste-busting perspective, it seems to be disappointing to be losing a potential starting D1 white tailback, but Don is right, he would have a tough time "holding off" the "real athletes" in the mind of caste clown coach Pasqualoni. He'll play full-time at Kutztown and be great. Besides that, even if he had significant playing time at UConn, what would his NFL chances be? Not good. Being a smart white kid, he probably knows the score, and is preparing himself for success after football, not just to go back to the 'hood like an afflete would.
Gentleman, as always, great points. In retrospect, thenumber of Caste moves coach P. made at Syracuse seemed endless. But, perhaps, the most stunning to meis when he moved white CB Stephen Gregory to "slot receiver", even though the kid did a great jobas a starting cover corner as a fresh.&amp; soph -- I think he set a school record for most PD's for a player in his first two years? Let'snot forget, I don't think he had a entrenched starting white QBduring his long stint at Syracuse.

But there seems to be a very odd twist to this story: A NYC station ran a press conference Paul had to announce his National Signing Day class. Most, who were recruited by Edsall, where black -- even a mullato DT with a very classic Italian surname. But out of the few white recruits, was a super fast/athletic white QB with a slavic name and a tailback with a Italian name.Talking about the tailback, Pasqaloni said something like this: "Let me stress this, again,Max is coming here as power running tailback, not a fullback".

Now with the news of Fry leaving, he's added another white tailback as "preferred walk-on". Appearently this kid with 4.4 speed couldn't get a full ride

Not sure what to make of this, as both might be kicked to the curb eventually by this accomplished caste clown, but it does seem odd he's added two coveted white TB's.

As far as Fry is concerned, this should help his NFL chances, if he stays healthy. It's been noted he's fast. So if he puts up monster numbers at the D2 level (ala Kuhn or Woodhead), he could be considered a good RB/KR prospect if he runs as fast as expected. I don't think for whites it matters if they playD1or D2 at caste positions, they are longshots either way. At least at the D2 level, he might be featured(and noticed) much more?
Truthteller said:
<div>As far as Fry is concerned, this should help his NFL chances, if he stays healthy. It's been noted he's fast. So if he puts up monster numbers at the D2 level (ala Kuhn or Woodhead), he could be considered a good RB/KR prospect if he runs as fast as expected. I don't think for whites it matters if they play D1 or D2 at caste positions, they are longshots either way. At least at the D2 level, he might be featured (and noticed) much more?

Eh, you never know with these things. Kutztown is in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference, the same conference that John Kuhn absolutely tore to pieces while at Shippensburg. Kuhn did damn near everything while at Shippensburg, and didn't even get a sniff of the draft, much less as a running back.

Even transferring away from a Caste coach can only do so much for you. Not to be down on anyone, but Kuhn put up 5,300 all purpose yards in college, 4,685 of them rushing in a PSAC school. You are right that being a featured runner definitely won't hurt his chances, but it's pretty much a crapshoot for successful DII and DIII white runningbacks (Kmic, Bowers, etc.).
Birds, you are correct. As I noted, white players at Caste positions have a veryhard road ahead them (particularly at RB) regardless of what level they play. If abigger schoolwhite athletehas the required size and speed, but didn't get a lot of touches or chances,NFL scouts will say to him "you have the measureables, but why didn't you put up better numbers"? Answer should be obvious, it's hard to gain yards and score TD's when you rarely touch the ball and are blocking for the "real athletes" 90% of the time.

Conversely, scouts willdowngrade the small school stars with thegreat stats(Kuhn, Woodhead, ect.) because the put up "monster numbers" at a lower level. Either way, theycan't win. What Frey "might" have going for him, if he puts up big numbers at KU,ishe'splayed at a higher level and fared fairly well.It's helped QB's like Flacco and Devlin, that transfered down.

Another thing that must be noted: Reading the article above and the links in it, it seems like Frey isn't really even thinking about the NFL that much. His main focus is on getting his masters. If that's the case, then it's a moot point anyway?
This one hurts. Ive been following Frey for a long time. He should have stayed at Uconn. I was going to predict he would run for at least 1300 yards. I once heard him say he was faster than Jordan Todman but not as elusive. I cant find the video but I saw him run for 7 yard touchdown run where he hits the hole and a black linebacker is at the 3 yard line waiting for him and Frey put thistriple juke move and the lb wiffs air. He was pretty darn elusive on that run. We all know how good a kick returner he is and maybe he will get picked up as a free agent next year but apparently football is on his back burner right now.
I hear the new coach is a jerk, but with how high UConn RBs have been drafted recently (Donald Brown and now Todman is expected to go high) Frey is foolish to leave UConn. His resume put him as the next in line to be the starting tailback. If his coach found a way to bury him on the bench without getting ANY CHANCE (or- best case scenario- if he put up Brown/Todman type numbers and wasn't drafted by the 4th or 5th round) some eyes would have been opened to what was going on. Frey is potentially throwing away MILLIONS of dollars and a chance to catch on in the NFL as Hillis, Gerhart and Woodhead have. I really don't get his reasoning- as D II white RBs always get ignored (Hell, even Woodhead did originally).
ToughJ.Riggins said:
His resume put him as the next in line to be the starting tailback.

You said it right there ToughJ. Why leave a school after building up the past 4 years to arrive at this point? It makes little sense. Maybe some sense but then again how bad can a new coaching staff be that you cannot stand them for just one season.
whiteCB said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
His resume put him as the next in line to be the starting tailback.

You said it right there ToughJ. Why leave a school after building up the past 4 years to arrive at this point? It makes little sense. Maybe some sense but then again how bad can a new coaching staff be that you cannot stand them for just one season.

Yeah I really don't understand it either. I mean he'd have a good chance of getting some exposure in the Big East. We need more athletes like Frey who can play Runningbackand return man. I think Mariani has a great chance to be an explosive return man ala Tim Dwight. And I see Frey in the same mold.
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