French NBA players


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
what amazes me is that if you look at all the players drafted out of France in the past and the future ones that have a chance to be drafted all are black. Is this going on all over the world now. It boggles my mind that this is even happening in Europe.
It's mostly in France.
I follow track very closely, and the almost the entire French track team is black, with some Middle Easterners.
Many of the athletes are brand new arrivals from Africa.
Great Britain is probably 2nd in black representation, but still is very well represented by whites.
I think the difference is due really to the fact that the white French have never been athletically inclined, generally. They have never been a sporting force as far as I can remember except for their 82 World Cup team.

But to your point, they are many more blacks in Europe than there were 10 or 20 years ago. Ireland just elected their 1st black mayor. These countries have been flooded with Africans. Some are legal, but many are not.
Recently I noticed a black guy running for Norway and a Vietnamese guy running for Finland.
The world is changing - fast.
I'm guessing that Basketball in France is mostly played in just the heavily immigrant "banlieus", the slums on the outskirts of most French cities. I believe that the black % of French soccer players is much lower.
French men are in love with arabs and blacks. I am under the impression they would prefer to be replaced by third world people.
Europe is being flooded by immigrants, especially England and France because of their colonial past. I think France is having more trouble with immigration because they have weaker border control, especially seeing as they are in mainland Europe with the South of France facing North Africa where as England is an island with only borders to the home nations Wales and Scotland (who both get far less immiagrants than England). At the moment it's Eastern Europeans who are flooding in because they are now part of the EU. I'm not too bothered about Eastern Euopeans especially the Polish because they are genereally very hard workers and nice people (when they speak English).

French sport is becoming black black and yea just a bit more black. A lot of their black sportsman (if not most) are actually African born. They tend to send scouts into their former African colonies and take out young African talent which they like the look of and then in 5 years they are French nationals. This in my book is what you call CHEATING! It's also cheating the indigenous French people. Most of Englands black people arrived from Britains former colonies in the Caribbean and have been here since the 1950's, 60's and 70's. England will always continue to produce top white sportsmen and women because it's our tradition (and we don't really believe in racial stereotyping) where as the French don't have such a successful sporting history compared to us (they are jealous
) and have already began to believe that every black man is athleticaly stronger. I'm waiting for the French national rugby team to turn black (so far only 2 or 3 blacks play in the national team of 15). French national soccer team only 3 starting players out of 11 are now white, Coupet, Sagnol and Ribery. For England Rio Ferdinand and Ashley Cole are Englands only 2 non white starters and they are both mixed race. In rugby Jason Robinson who is mixed race aswell and Paul Sackey who is black. Going back to the basketball question I think basketball in France and England are very much 'ghetto' sports so most people playing it are black anyway. And if you think about it if an NBA team has a white and black french player to choose from then it's normally always going the black one that gets picked. Just the way it is.
By the way, you've got to appreciate Tony Parker because he really is a great player but also a great person aswell unlike too many of these African American ballers.
France and America are very similar politically in many ways despite what the press reports. Yes France is more liberal on certain things like vacations and health care but both countries are controlled by big corporate conglomerites where money reigns supreme. Odd that they both have reduced the white athlete to token crumbs as well. France is like the american south where one wonders due whites actually play sports anymore?
speaking as a non-european, I just have to add that I'd been brought up under the impression that countries like Germany, England, Russia, and the nations of Scandinavia have a strong, no-nonsense work ethic (particularly Germany and Sweden), where as France is a weak, degenerate feminine society that never gets anything done and yet wants to tell everyone else how to go about doing things.

Perhaps it is their inferiority complex at having been humiliated on the military battlefield by a host of different countries

1815 (by England0
1870 (by Germany)
1914 (Germany again)
1940 (same old story with Germany)
1954 (Vietnam)
1963 (Algeria)

France kind of sucks.

Edited by: yanling
yanling said:
speaking as a non-european, I just have to add that I'd been brought up under the impression that countries like Germany, England, Russia, and the nations of Scandinavia have a strong, no-nonsense work ethic (particularly Germany and Sweden), where as France is a weak, degenerate feminine society that never gets anything done and yet wants to tell everyone else how to go about doing things.Perhaps it is their inferiority complex at having been humiliated on the military battlefield by a host of different countries1815 (by England01870 (by Germany)1914 (Germany again)1940 (same old story with Germany)1954 (Vietnam)1963 (Algeria)France kind of sucks.

none of this is true. i'm too busy right now to make a point by point rebutal.

this is what happens when people get all their information from the american right wing media.

i think the moderators should have a zero tolerance policy for admitted non-whites who come on this forum and make outrageous insults towards white nations.
France had their day. During Napoleons time they were the most fearsome military in the world. They nearly conquered all of Europe. French culture was ascendant for many years, even today French is considered the international language and used by diplomats. Yes France is having some serious problems and those problems will probably destroy the country but like Italy with Rome, the French had their great era too.
cjay said:
none of this is true. i'm too busy right now to make a point by point rebutal.

this is what happens when people get all their information from the american right wing media.

i think the moderators should have a zero tolerance policy for admitted non-whites who come on this forum and make outrageous insults towards white nations.

He said "non-European" which I read to mean "American or Canadian", not non-white. He also used the key words "raised under the impression", not "what follows is a factual analysis of France's weakpoints". At any rate, the stereotypes he mentioned are not uncommon for Americans (white) to hold about the French. It doesn't mean they're right, just commonly held. Geez, don't get your tricolour panties in a bunch (j/k).

*Edited because I realized Yanling professes to be Asian. The name was a hint... Either way, his views are not uncommon. Edited by: jared
Here's a politically incorrect statement. France's two greatest War heros were Napoleon; who hails from the Island of Corsica. This was an Italian Island bought by France when he was a boy, So Napoleon is really of Italian blood. And their other great war hero was a women; Joan of Arc. SO France's greatest Fighters were an Italian and a Woman.

Good joke "Why do French Tanks have rear view mirrors?"
Answer: "So they can watch the war."
In recent news rowdy protests swept the country when the Government tried to give in to French Corporations attempt to cut back the paid lunch from two hours to one and a half. What a life eating all that cheese and drinking wine.

Having said that I am an eighth French and I do like most French Canadians I have met, I just do not like France. One of my cousins lives in Montreal and I have several family members including my Mom who are fluent in French.
Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
France halted the Moors. The Crusades, an admirable and fully justified endeavor, were largely a French affair.

Yes, France lost its Indo-China colony. But to its undying credit it also attempted to warn the U.S. against making the same mistakes. It would seem France, with its extensive experience, would be worth listening to.

In the same way France attempted to warn the U.S. about a ground war in Iraq. France's Algerian failure could be informative.

What works against White French success in sports is the extremely demanding educational system. There simply is no energy or time left over. The best colleges in France have admissions exams which are only in math. No legacy admissions. No affirmative action. No consideration for athletes. Just take a wild guess who you see on French college campuses.

The French view themselves as inheritors of Rome, and like the Romans they consider themselves engineers. As a result France is properous and orderly where it matters.

Saying the French love non-whites is risible. It is more accurate to say the French feel so vastly superior to non-whites they can afford to be generous. In a way they also feel insulated from non-whites despite their proximity. France is governed by a social code which cannot be broken by those not raised by birth to be French.

The neo-cons slander France for more than just the sensible French position on Iraq.
I've posted articles on various forums about how few white French people are represented in most French sports. Particularly Track and Field and Soccer, but I guess Basketball is the same.
It would appear that some French citizens are determined to get rid of the last one or two whites from the soccer team by importing children from Africa. Nine French people have been arrested in Chad for kidnapping hundreds of children taking them from their parents and trying to smuggle them to France.
Ok, I know you sometimes see the occasional of wild claim in the forums on this web site, but this is true.
Check here - BBC Article

The BBC's Stephanie Hancock in Abeche in Chad says angry crowds took to the streets to vent their anger about the affair. Some women hurled stones at foreign journalists and shouted anti-French slogans, AFP news agency reports.
"No to the slave trade! No trafficking in children!" they are quoted as saying.

Nine French citizens were charged with child kidnapping and fraud on Tuesday and seven Spanish air crew were charged as accomplices. If they are found guilty, the group will face between five and 20 years in prison with hard labour.

Staff from the UN children's agency Unicef say many of the children, now being kept in an orphanage in Abeche, a town near Chad's border with Darfur, cry at night for their parents and say they are from villages in Chad.
Charlie said:
France halted the Moors. The Crusades, an admirable and fully justified endeavor, were largely a French affair.

Yes, France lost its Indo-China colony. But to its undying credit it also attempted to warn the U.S. against making the same mistakes. It would seem France, with its extensive experience, would be worth listening to.

In the same way France attempted to warn the U.S. about a ground war in Iraq. France's Algerian failure could be informative.

What works against White French success in sports is the extremely demanding educational system. There simply is no energy or time left over. The best colleges in France have admissions exams which are only in math. No legacy admissions. No affirmative action. No consideration for athletes. Just take a wild guess who you see on French college campuses.

The French view themselves as inheritors of Rome, and like the Romans they consider themselves engineers. As a result France is properous and orderly where it matters.

Saying the French love non-whites is risible. It is more accurate to say the French feel so vastly superior to non-whites they can afford to be generous. In a way they also feel insulated from non-whites despite their proximity. France is governed by a social code which cannot be broken by those not raised by birth to be French.

The neo-cons slander France for more than just the sensible French position on Iraq.

True the French halted the Moors, but that was a long time ago in the late 700s I believe. If the Moors had continued on into Europe there is a good chance that a good portion of Europe may have become Muslim because Muslims implemented a non-Muslim tax in lands they conquered. The Moors retreated back into Spain and co-existed with the Spaniards until "the convert to Christianity or leave ultimatums" because of Moorish civil unrest in the 1300s and then their expulsion in the 1400s. King Clovis was the first French king and adopted Christianity at around the year 500, off the top of my head if I remember correctly, so I guess we owe the French the feat of protecting Christianity.

This is all fine and dandy, but this still doesn't dispute the fact that the French have been a failure as a military world power for the most part since the Renaissance other than with Napoleon who was of Italian heritage not French. I meant the above as a joke and bare no ill feelings toward the French, I have a little French in me in fact.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Yeah, and Jesus died for our sins. But that was a long time ago. What has he done lately? One hit wonder. And f*****g Leonides and the f*****g Greeks in general. I mean, he failed, didn't he? And who likes math and science and medicine anyway?

The Spanish and Moors did not 'co-exist'. The Moors conquered and ruled Iberia, save for Galicia and the Basque region. From these enclaves the Spanish launched a 700 year war to drive the Moors out. The Spanish never converted to Islam though there were many inducements to do so. Upon victory in 1492 the Spanish went on to conquer parts of North Africa, expel the Moors and Jews, and found an empire in the Americas.

Does that sound like 'co-existence' to you? Something akin to having a BBQ with your black and gay neighbors? Wussup Ty and Bruce! You the men, so to speak!

Oh, I know the History Channel fantasy of Jews, Christians and Muslims having a love fest in Islamic Spain. It's a lie. The Christians were required to pay an annual tax, not only in gold, but also in flesh, meaning virgin girls to be used by the Moorish court. The required number varied by region.

'We're buds Ahmet. Here's my daughter. What? She drank poison? That's cool. Here's my other daughter, we being buds co-existing an' all.'

You rather missed the point I made about French society. As children they do not play games but instead are gaining an education few Americans enjoy. Think of the best high school in your area, public or private. French middle-class parents would be shocked at how lame it is. A French student who attended an American school for two years could never catch up back in France.

This a common story among French families who must temporarily live in America for professional reasons (even at supposedly hyper-competitive and hyper-Asian Cupertino and other Bay area schools).

The non-whites in France have no such academic concerns, so they run and gambol across the fields of sport. Just like Americans.

Another factor, which I'm surprised you didn't consider, is Whites in France are subject to the same caste constraints as American Whites. The French equivalents to Luke Staley and Mike Haas are possibly passed over for more 'athletic' non-whites. I say 'possibly' because any discussion of such can be construed as a criminal offense.

Hating the French because of something you saw on Fox News is misguided.
Another factor of White French non-success in sports is the possible unwillingness of parents to have their children closely assoicate with non-whites through sport.

The French are big investors into their children. The start of school each year is a massive event. Even though school is an incredible grind. Children who look too healthy are suspected of being slackers. They aren't pale enough. Not enough time spent indoors studying.

But Americans for some reason want their children to associate with non-whites. To have little Julio as a friend. So little Julio can show little Johnny how to sniff glue and cuss in Spanish, one imagines.
By the way, I agree with you that the French position on Iraq is sensible. But it still bothers me that in France there are "virtually no" top white basketball players and even the soccer team was the great majority non-white. I don't care the reasons; sports to me are an important endeavor for whites as well as academics. Even if you are an astute scholar, people still need physical activity. Being sedentary all the time is not what humans were made for.

Edited to add: The other thing I don't like about France is their snobbery toward English people in their cities. Anyone I know who has traveled there has reported their unfriendliness. Say what you will about them being sick of tourists or the English and their past history with France in general, but to me it is still inappropriate behavior and it gives them a rightful bad rep!Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Charlie said:
Yeah, and Jesus died for our sins. But that was a long time ago. What has he done lately? One hit wonder. And f*****g Leonides and the f*****g Greeks in general. I mean, he failed, didn't he? And who likes math and science and medicine anyway?

The Spanish and Moors did not 'co-exist'. The Moors conquered and ruled Iberia, save for Galicia and the Basque region. From these enclaves the Spanish launched a 700 year war to drive the Moors out. The Spanish never converted to Islam though there were many inducements to do so. Upon victory in 1492 the Spanish went on to conquer parts of North Africa, expel the Moors and Jews, and found an empire in the Americas.

Does that sound like 'co-existence' to you? Something akin to having a BBQ with your black and gay neighbors? Wussup Ty and Bruce! You the men, so to speak!

Oh, I know the History Channel fantasy of Jews, Christians and Muslims having a love fest in Islamic Spain. It's a lie. The Christians were required to pay an annual tax, not only in gold, but also in flesh, meaning virgin girls to be used by the Moorish court. The required number varied by region.

'We're buds Ahmet. Here's my daughter. What? She drank poison? That's cool. Here's my other daughter, we being buds co-existing an' all.'

You rather missed the point I made about French society. As children they do not play games but instead are gaining an education few Americans enjoy. Think of the best high school in your area, public or private. French middle-class parents would be shocked at how lame it is. A French student who attended an American school for two years could never catch up back in France.

This a common story among French families who must temporarily live in America for professional reasons (even at supposedly hyper-competitive and hyper-Asian Cupertino and other Bay area schools).

The non-whites in France have no such academic concerns, so they run and gambol across the fields of sport. Just like Americans.

Another factor, which I'm surprised you didn't consider, is Whites in France are subject to the same caste constraints as American Whites. The French equivalents to Luke Staley and Mike Haas are possibly passed over for more 'athletic' non-whites. I say 'possibly' because any discussion of such can be construed as a criminal offense.

Hating the French because of something you saw on Fox News is misguided.
France does have a form of a caste system in sport. Back before France had many immigrants they produced world class white sprinters, boxers and other athletes in "black" sports/events. Proof of this type of caste/self exclusion is on their current track teams even in the "white" events such as the throwing and vaulting events France is still represented by black competitors....
Edited by: white is right
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