Free Agent Racism?


Mar 25, 2008
Minnesota Twins second baseman Orlando Hudson believes that "racism" is the reason that free agent outfielder Jermaine Dye is out of a job. This comment comes only a few days after Dye turned down an offer from the Washington Nationals. Link to the place where I found it, but there's also a link to the main article on that page. The author does a good objective analysis of the claim.

But seriously, when are African-American baseball players going to stop thinking the world revolves around them? No one is "racist" to them anymore, and it's not whitey's fault that so few of them are playing in the majors. The 'anybody's fault but mine' philosophy of so many blacks these days is kind of getting to me.Edited by: PhillyBirds

Basically, this is the reason Whites didn't want blacks playing ball with them. It was never about whether or not they were good enough to play a game. It was always about the bagage they carry around with them. Remember, wherever they go, there they are.

Tom Iron...
It can't be racist because--- " It doesn't matter what color you are, you could be purple, as long as you can help the team win they'll sign you. Sports is based on merit." -----------------------------------------------
Whatg Hudson fails to see or mention is that even if...even IF.....not as many get signed, the ones that do make a lot more than the white players that get signed
PB, good point about these affletes not facing a shred of "racism" these days. The caste system gives them an advantage (especially in the NFL, NBA & MLB)! "OrlandYO" is displaying TNB & using the trusty ol' "race card".
Typical that Yahooligan/ Rivals picked up this story and put it on their homepage. The last time I heard of it, black Americans were 8% of MLB players. Considering that baseball has become so international and all the Carribean blacks and all the Hispanics, you could expect American blacks to be less than their 13%. I believe American whites are less than our approximately 75% of the population in this country.

Maybe the issue is that many blacks are picking basketball where there is a caste system and they will be given bigger contracts than they deserve at the expense of whites and will be given a pass for bad play. But no 1st world employer beats the NFL for racism right now, it's even much worse than the NBA in this regard.
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