FL Church to Burn Korans??


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm surprised none of you fellers haven't already posted this gem. In my estimation it's a big publicity stunt (that's worked like a charm) to garner fame for Jones & his Dove Outreach Center. While I don't give 2 $#its about the heathen muhamedans or their (apostate) Koran, this little stunt plays right into the NeoCON propaganda/rhetoric about "islamo-fascism" (which is a ruse to distract from the PTB & their Globalist agenda).

FLA's Pastor Jones to Burn Korans...or Not?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
They decided to call it off. I was going to post about this, but I wanted to see if they would actually go through with it. The double standards of political correctness are all too apparent with this. The neo-cons aren't this upset about the mosque being built near Ground Zero. To me, the Muslims are building that to make a point. Of course they are most likely enabled by Jewish banking interests in the city. Let a small group of professing Christians try to make a point and they get crucified by the media, the sheeple, and even the government (military commanders and Obama). And everyone seems perfectly happy, even cheering the fact that this church in Florida has lost their website because their providers looked at it and determined it contained "hate speech." I don't know about you, but I don't think that is something to cheer about.

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
DixieDestroyer said:
I'm surprised none of you fellers haven't already posted this gem. In my estimation it's a big publicity stunt (that's worked like a charm) to garner fame for Jones & his Dove Outreach Center. While I don't give 2 $#its about the heathen muhamedans or their (apostate) Koran, this little stunt plays right into the NeoCON propaganda/rhetoric about "islamo-fascism" (which is a ruse to distract from the PTB & their Globalist agenda).

FLA's Pastor Jones to Burn Korans...or Not?

I agree. I couldn't care less about the Koran, but this is simply silly. What does burning the Koran solve? This whole silly Mosque deal has been one big BOMB BOMB BOMB Iran ruse from the very beginning. This dork of an Izzy first pastor is falling right into the trap.


Apr 6, 2007
DixieDestroyer said:
I'm surprised none of you fellers haven't already posted this gem. In my estimation it's a big publicity stunt (that's worked like a charm) to garner fame for Jones & his Dove Outreach Center. While I don't give 2 $#its about the heathen muhamedans or their (apostate) Koran, this little stunt plays right into the NeoCON propaganda/rhetoric about "islamo-fascism" (which is a ruse to distract from the PTB & their Globalist agenda).

FLA's Pastor Jones to Burn Korans...or Not?

My thoughts also.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I like it. It's a big finger in the eye of the everyone who deserves it. Muslims, neo-cons, the PC thought police. One of the tenets of western society is freedom of expression. The old coot should be allowed to burn anything he wants as long as he owns it. Islam can go suck an egg if they don't like it.

And anyway I knew he'd back down. He's a typical white male, no balls.
Nov 8, 2006
As a political statement, it's typical flag-waving judeo-christian ignorance. On the other hand, as already mentioned, it has all the right people angry and it was amusing to watch the most powerful individuals in Amerika reduced to wringing their hands impotently over the actions of one 40 watt bulb preacher.

If only cowardice and appeasement hadn't kicked in, but we're talking about an older White male, so what did you expect?

If it were my BYOB (bring your own book) I'd just use the Koran or two for kindling, add an israeli flag for spice, then toss in "Dreams of my Father" and "It Takes a Village." If I noticed the fire was in danger of going out I'd pitch a few Talmuds on it.Edited by: Run Stuffing LB


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "The Kaffir of America"

Then comes news, now spread around the world, by the government owned media of America, that some small time, village church and preacher, are planning on burning Korans, not that Islamics do not burn Bibles on a daily basis, somewhere in the world. True, they usually do it while burning the churches themselves and as often packed with Christians, but we'll ignore those facts.

The entire elite and money of the top 1% of America has landed on this small time preacher and pounced up and down on him. From the Sunni President, to various agents of corruption in the US Congress, to even generals, all claiming he will be the reason for whole new waves of Jihad....yup, this small village nobody is going to be the reason for the next hundred years of Jihad...heck, he may even become the reason for the past 1400 years of Jihad. Why not? The silly empty vessels of the American public will buy it all up....the TV told them so, after all.

The man has even been visited and threatened by the FBI. Freedom of speech? Freedom of assembly? Yes, keep telling us all how free you are, the best kind of prisoners, the ones who do not even realize their lot in life.

And, of course, this is the US we are dealing with, right behind these jewels of shillism and subservience to Mecca, comes this gem: Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan That's correct, dear readers, while burning Islam's holy book is evil and bad, bad....the US government takes it upon itself to get rid of a few extra Christian Holy Books...after all, the Christian serfs and slaves back home do not matter and the soldiers doing this evil deed? Well, they were just following orders.



Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
I saw arabs already did burn the American flag,I always wonder if they really sell american flags in the local arab shop to burn or that the reporter will give the american flag and then record the burning.


Aug 27, 2008
waterbed said:
I saw arabs already did burn the American flag,I always wonder if they really sell american flags in the local arab shop to burn or that the reporter will give the american flag and then record the burning.

haha! Awesome question!


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
The untermenschen muhamendans were burning Bibles in the middle east this week & did the same (& crosses) in Palestine back in 2007. I don't care if they use they use the (heathen) Koran (& Talmud) to line bird-cages, litter boxes or use as toilet paper. However, this FLA deal smacks of a total publicity stunt.

More folks decide to burn Korans & the "jews media" is quick to cover (to ensure no focus goes onto the Z.O.G)...


Edited by: DixieDestroyer

The Hock

Mar 16, 2008
Northern California
Yeah, looks like ol' Jed Clampett wised up and called it off. Maybe Granny knocked some sense into him (or hell, knowing her, she's the one who put him up to it and he had to overrule her).

Whatever the case, he claims he got his point across, while comparing himself to Abraham. On national TV. I don't know if his backdown will be enough to hold off the crazies. My money says it's too late. It's Fatwa time, with his picture on it. They know where he'll be every Sunday too.

If I were a member of his church I'd find another for a while, or at least have the flu the next few Sundays. Edited by: The Hock

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I like Glenn Greenwald's column on all this silliness. Go to the original piece to watch the video of the pompous pundits, who always lick the government's ass no matter what it does, gang up on the Florida pastor, not even letting him speak while taking turns calling him names. Nauseating stuff:

The Pastor and Cheap, Selective Concern for 'Blood-Spilling'

by Glenn Greenwald

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After WikiLeaks published the Afghanistan war logs, political and media figures fell all over themselves to publicly condemn the group for having "blood on its hands," despite the fact that (1) there is, as Wired noted just yesterday,"no evidence to date . . . that anyone has suffered actual harm due to the documents" and (2) many of the people most vocally condemning WikiLeaks have enormous amounts of blood on their own hands from the endless wars, bombing campaigns, occupations, and detention regime they supported and still support. But condemning WikiLeaks offers an opportunity for cheap, self-glorifying moralizing; the group has very little power or prestige in Washington and is thus an easy target for royal court journalists.Media figures who treat actual blood-spillers with great reverence thus suddenly found within themselves oh-so-profound concern over "blood-spilling." Contrast, for instance, the well-deserved contempt Tony Blair is facing as he tries to peddle his self-justifying book with the media red carpet rolled out for every pro-war Washington official -- and the treatment George Bush will receive from theU.S. media when he releases his book -- who spilled gigantic amounts of blood in Iraq and other places in the Muslim world.

The media circus surrounding the Koran-burning pastor illustrates this cowardly dynamic even more extremely. Media figures who would never dream of treating with hostility Respected Political Officials who start wars are competing with one another over who can most flamboyantly express contempt for this inconsequential, powerless joke of a figure. Just watch this 4-minute segment from Morning Joe this morning, one of the most cringe-inducing displays of cheap, cost-free self-righteousness you'll ever see, as a panel that includes Jon Meacham, Mika Brzezinski, andDan Senor parade the Pastor in front of everyone -- without letting him speak -- so they can voice their profound contempt for him, while Meacham urges him, in the name of Jesus, to refrain from burning the Korans so as to avoid spilling blood:

Do you think that the establishment-serving, power-worshipping Jon Meacham would ever in a million years use language like that to condemn American officials who have actually spilled enormous amounts of blood? An extensive search this morning revealed no instance where Meacham ever condemned or publicly appealed in the name ofJesus to the architects of theattack on Iraq, which resulted in the blood-spilling of hundreds of thousands of human beings.

In November, 2003, Meacham appeared on Fox News with BillO'Reilly and said this of the leaders who were responsible for that blood-spilling aggression: "Roosevelt and Churchill wrote the parts and first acted the parts that George Bush and Tony Blair are playing."When the Iraq war began, Meacham interviewed GeorgeBush 41 for Newsweek and asked him such probing questions as "How does it feel to be a president sending soldiers into harm's way?" and "Do you talk to your son about how to handle the pressures of war?" And in 2009, Meacham joined the Washington consensus by demanding that Bush and Cheney be protected from prosecution for their torture and other war crimes, arguing: "to pursue criminal charges against officials at the highest levels -- including the former president and the former vice president -- would set a terrible precedent." That's the standard Washington media maven:as subservient as possible to people with actual power, while showing tough-guy adversarial rage only against the inconsequential and the powerless, like this clownish Florida pastor.

Note, too, as part of that Morning Joe discussion, the ironic demand that the Muslim world recognize that the Koran-burners are only a tiny part of theAmerican population and not representative of the country generally. On Twitter yesterday, Marc Ambinder raised the same point, noting the inability of Americans to make clear to the Muslim world that thePastor is not representative of Americans generally. That inability is hardly surprising, given that (1)Muslims have encountered the same difficulty with getting Americans to see that Al Qaeda is not representative of Muslims generally (hence the polls showing high levels of anti-Muslim bigotry in the population and the widespread appeal of the anti-mosque movement), and (2) the countless American policies over the last decade that are perceived as a War on Muslims and thus a close cousin of the Koran burning.

On that last point -- the reason much of the Muslim world sees the Pastor's Koran burning as something other than an aberration in American political culture -- there is a truly superb Op-Ed in The Washington Post today by, of all people, Ted Koppel, who argues that the U.S. Government has done more to help Al Qaeda with our post-9/11 aggression than anything Al Qaeda could have done for itself:

The goal of any organized terrorist attack is to goad a vastly more powerful enemy into an excessive response. And over the past nine years, the United States has blundered into the 9/11 snare with one overreaction after another. . . .

While President Obama has, only recently, declared America's combat role in Iraq over, he glossed over the likelihood that tens of thousands of U.S. troops will have to remain there, possibly for several years to come, because Iraq lacks the military capability to protect itself against external (read: Iranian) aggression. . . .

As for the 100,000 U.S. troops in or headed for Afghanistan, many of them will be there for years to come, too -- not because of America's commitment to a functioning democracy there; even less because of what would happen to Afghan girls and women if the Taliban were to regain control. . . .

Again, this dilemma is partly of our own making. America's war on terrorism is widely perceived throughout Pakistan as a war on Islam. Perhaps bin Laden foresaw some of these outcomes when he launched his 9/11 operation from Taliban-secured bases in Afghanistan. Since nations targeted by terrorist groups routinely abandon some of their cherished principles, he may also have foreseen something along the lines of Abu Ghraib, "black sites," extraordinary rendition and even the prison at Guantanamo Bay.

But in these and many other developments, bin Laden needed our unwitting collaboration, and we have provided it -- more than $1 trillion spent on two wars, more than 5,000 of our troops killed, tens of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans dead. Our military so overstretched that one of the few growth industries in our battered economy is the firms that provide private contractors, for everything from interrogation to security to the gathering of intelligence.

We have raced to Afghanistan and Iraq, and more recently to Yemen and Somalia; we have created a swollen national security apparatus; and we are so absorbed in our own fury and so oblivious to our enemy's intentions that we inflate the building of an Islamic center in Lower Manhattan into a national debate and watch, helpless, while a minister in Florida outrages even our friends in the Islamic world by threatening to burn copies of the Koran.

If bin Laden did not foresee all this, then he quickly came to understand it. . . . Could bin Laden, in his wildest imaginings, have hoped to provoke greater chaos? It is past time to reflect on what our enemy sought, and still seeks, to accomplish -- and how we have accommodated him. </BLOCKQUOTE>

When the Jon Meachams and Mika Brzezinskis work up the courage to condemn the people who have done and are continuing to do this for the "blood they have on their hands," then their purported outrage and beliefs can be viewed as sincere. But they don't do that and won't do that. Righteous anger at those who spill blood is reserved only for hated foreigners(Osama bin Laden) and for the marginalized and powerless who haven't actually spilled any blood (the Koran-burning Pastor and WikiLeaks). That's why this Pastor circus has received so much media attention:it's a cheap, petty and easy way for people with enormous amounts of blood on their own hands to show what Good, Caring People they are by pretending that they hate those who cause it to be spilled.

Read more of Glenn's column at Salon.com

© 2010 Salon
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Glenn Greenwald was previously a constitutional law and civil rights litigator in New York. He is the author of the New York Times Bestselling book "How Would a Patriot Act?," a critique of the Bush administration's use of executive power, released in May 2006. His second book, "A Tragic Legacy", examines the Bush legacy.
Oct 24, 2005
Is Islam so fragile that if one man burns one book, it will collapse? That is the impression that i get from this hue and cry about this matter.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
DixieDestroyer said:

Another exemplary display of "tolerance" brought to you by the "religion of peace". Imagine if this had happened to Muslims in, for example,the United States - instant world-wide protests and threats featuring the usual unwashed, foaming fanatics sporting lice-infested beards and calling for the slaughter of the "infidels". Strangely enough, their hatred of the "infidels" fails to stop them emigrating to the despised West and claiming social security...

As for the Koran, well, I'm still waiting for it to be printed on extra-soft 3-ply...
Oct 24, 2005
Last week, I went on this church's web site. He had a number of essays about Islam. I didn't have time to read them. I went of the site this morning and the essays were taken off.
I don't know what they did to this man but they scared the living daylights out of him.


Nov 23, 2006


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
So rioting murderous Mohammedans decide what is free speech and what is not? Doesn't that pretty much suggest that outrageous violence is the answer to anything you don't want to hear. Breyer is abominable. I bet that seditious little rat doesn't feel the same way about sacrilege concerning the Christian religion. Our own government burned Bibles, but when some mere commoner wants to burn the Koran the President, a Supreme Court "justice," the media, and assorted other Establishment morons bring the wrath down on him.