Female reporters on the sidelines


Oct 2, 2007
Is anyone as fed up with the chick reporters on the sidelines as I am? Worse, the inevitable happened when ESPN featured a woman in the booth on their preseason Dallas/Vikings game and it was laughable! it was obvious that she was listening to coaching inher head set andshe was just terrible. Now, I admit that Emmit and especially Keeshon areawful but at least they played thegame and have some valuable insights now and then but thispolitically correct nonsensewith the women is wearing out my mute button! I don't know about you guys but I watch the NFL with the guys. Having a woman broadcaster forced upon me is like having one of my friends wives sitting with us and talking about Oprah. Get the hell out of here!!!!!!
It's also so phoney that the sideline chicks are usually hot. Real women that like football generally look something like football players.

I also bet the players hit on them like mad. You're talking hyper over sexed type-A guys, it has to be hell for the women.
Good point! Every time I bytch about female reporters a friend asks me is she hot? That about says it. We want to look at women in the skimpiest clothing cheering and bouncing on the sidelines, not pretending they know what the hell they are talking about so ESPN can pat themselves on the head about being good, little progressives.
Forget about having them on the sidelines, remember how controversial it was having them in the locker rooms, especially after a game when the athletes are usually walking around half-naked(fully naked) or just coming out of the shower. Nobody even talks about it now.
I hate them too but most of them are at least some great eye candy. That's all the networks want is hot women interviewing these male athletes because lets face it these guys would much rather listen to b.s. form a hot bitch than some guy. Example #1 is ESPN's Rachel Nicols(that red headed hoe..lol). She couldn't interview herself out a paper bag but dam is she smokin hot!!! I mean that Nicols bitch is HOT!!!
Most of them are painfully stupid and ignorant. It's bad enough having to listen to morons like Theissman and Kornheiser without having to deal with obvious affirmative actionables, which is what they are.
Hate it. The girl that hands me towels at my gym is "hot" too, but I wouldn't want her yammering over the football with "human interest" stories about how these criminal affeletes are really fine people.
Is it like that in the military, too?

I mean, where the big group of male soldiers is being ordered around by some lady soldier, who may or may not be more qualified.

Maybe they sexually harrass them, too.
Guess that tells me how far out of the loop I am. I don't even know who Rachel Nichols is.
whiteafflete15 said:
rachel nichols is smoking

Rachel Nichols, sideline reporter, is not to be confused with Rachel Nichols the skinny model/actress from "Alias" and "The Inside". She's the ESPN reporter known for her robotic reporting and amazing ability to not blink at all.


yanling said:
Is it like that in the military, too?

I mean, where the big group of male soldiers is being ordered around by some lady soldier, who may or may not be more qualified.

Maybe they sexually harrass them, too.

Had a friend who served in the Navy aboard a battleship. He is 6,2 225 pounds. They had a fire drill and he was told to lie down as if wounded. Two chicks could not come even close to dragging him off the lower deck. After the drill, my friend went to his Commander and said, "Sir, if that had been the real thing, I would be dead right now." The Commander replied, "Exactly." My friend retired from the Navy after having served 8-years because of this event.
Rachel Nichols "hot?" Uh...I guess to each their own.

The whole female reporter thing really irks me, and should irk any traditional sports fan. I'll accept them as legitimate when they look like average women off the street. As is the case with all the vacuous, supermodel wannabe female "journalists" on television, no one questions why there is a correlation between journalistic ability and physical attractiveness. Why don't any of the feminist groups protest this? Surely at least SOME of the most qualified and impressive journalistic grads don't look like aspiring actresses. Why don't they get any of these jobs?

I don't think a journalist worth their salt would want such a job.

There was a woman jounalist up in Khe Sanh with us in 68 who was absolutely beautiful (I think she got killed at Dong Ha). I couldn't see a woman like that having anything to do with such malarkey.

Tom Iron...
Well if your tired of watching dippy, make-up fake hair color bimbos, then just tune into Suzie Kulber. She looks looks like Ed Norton in drag. She looks like some cheap prison punk. She looks like a traffic collision casulty (face first into the dash without a seatbelt.) She looks...In other words if you want an average looking Joe sixpack on the sidelines, then Suzie's your man!
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