Favorite Classic Rock Bands?

I like Uriah Heep, the Eagles, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, the Who, and Badfinger.

Others include some Deep Purple (especially with Coverdale as lead singer), the ELP recordings written by Greg Lake (but not the Emerson creations), and some Ten Years After.
whiteCB said:
Alright I need some help here. I was listening to the radio the other day when some sweet Pink Floyd tune came on. The DJ didn't give the name of the song. I'm pretty certain its 80s Floyd because I have all their albums from the 70s and its not on any of them. The lyrics went like this "There's No Way Out..." and it was a good song. I would like to download it but have no idea what the song is called.

David Gilmour had a song called There's no way out of here, but it was on his solo album, I'm not sure if he ever recorded it as part of Pink Floyd. (Album was self titled, released in 1978)
reclaimsocal said:
whiteCB said:
Alright I need some help here. I was listening to the radio the other day when some sweet Pink Floyd tune came on. The DJ didn't give the name of the song. I'm pretty certain its 80s Floyd because I have all their albums from the 70s and its not on any of them. The lyrics went like this "There's No Way Out..." and it was a good song. I would like to download it but have no idea what the song is called.

David Gilmour had a song called There's no way out of here, but it was on his solo album, I'm not sure if he ever recorded it as part of Pink Floyd. (Album was self titled, released in 1978)

You are the man recliamsocal!!! That was it. Great song. See I thought it was a Floyd song but then figured it could just be Gilmour's solo stuff since he's the only one singing in the song.
SO does anyone think there will ever be another rock band that can sell stadiums. I mean look back at the 70s and 80s. You had bands such as Zeppelin, AC/DC, Van Halen, Rolling Stones, Ted Nugent, and so many others that would singlehandedly sell out a 80,000 seat stadium, easily. Today's bands could never in a million years sell out a 70,000+ stadium. I mean what has happened to the rock n roll industry? Back in the day I guess all the white kids liked all the same music. Today everybody is just so diverse in their musical choices that I guess its hard for everybody to like the same rock band. I find it weird sometimes how my parents generation all listened to pretty much white music and liked all the same stuff. Yet, todays kids are listening to pretty much just straight hip hop. I guess that the thing that's cool and its what gets the ladies. Today hip hop is pretty much what is most likely going to be playing at bars/clubs or parties. I blame it on disco music. I don't know what do you guys think?
whiteCB said:
Yet, todays kids are listening to pretty much just straight hip hop. I guess that the thing that's cool and its what gets the ladies. Today hip hop is pretty much what is most likely going to be playing at bars/clubs or parties. I blame it on disco music. I don't know what do you guys think?

...Rap is Crap is Rap!
I listen to old music almost exclusively, but I think disco is to blame to a certain extent, along with the desire by the media to market black music to us in commercials, sports, etc. MTV had a lot to do with it too. Practically all they play now is "hip hop" so its no wonder that all the white kids are walking around rapping this crap, talking like blacks, bumping and grinding,and gansta posing.
Black Sabbath
Iron Maiden
Eric Johnston (who has to be one of the all time great guitarist)
Great thread, guys. I'm 31 and am happy that I wasa teenager back in the late 80s and early 90s. We all listened to Rock music, never any rap or hip hop.

You guys know how much you're influenced as a young athlete by your older teammates. In high school, the upperclassmen always played Classic Rock before practices or games, in the car, at parties, really wherever we were.

In the early 90s Alternative Rock started to become popular. It's funny because any music disagreements back then were between Classic Rock vs. Alternative Rock. So, you know, it was always white music that was played.

Personally, my favorite Classic Rock bands include:

1) Lynyrd Skynyrd 2) 38 Special 3) The Marshall Tucker Band 4) Deep Purple 5) Rush 6)Blue Oyster Cult 7) The Doors 8) Boston 9)Steve Miller Band 10) Alice Cooper

In recent years, I've started to listen toCountry music as well. I likea lot of the songs, the artists are patriotic/traditional, and overall, more whites are gravitating to it.A lot of white girls enjoy country, I'dnever date a girl who listened to rap or anything like it.

My view is that we still have and will always enjoy Classic Rock (which is being played more and more now, because of the lack of new rock music being put out currently) andnow have many appealing country artists to choose from as well.
In recent years, I've started to listen to Country music as well. I like a lot of the songs, the artists are patriotic/traditional, and overall, more whites are gravitating to it. A lot of white girls enjoy country, I'd never date a girl who listened to rap or anything like it.


Stonewall, I too am starting to discover that a lot of hot girls not there really like country music. And I'm talking about city girls not just country ones. I guess I might have to start listening to some country. Its hard though because the music is just so slow and laid back. Also there's never any keyboards or pianos in the songs its seems like to me. I like musical diversity in my songs and it just seems that country lacks in that department. However, I'll take country any day over this pu$$y rock coming out like Dashboard Confessional, The Fray, or Jack Johnson crap.
Disco was the music favored by non-whites and gays. This is why it was so hated by white guys. White guys liked rock. We resented it when we were told that disco was the new cool trend. We felt that Bob Seger's 'Good time rock and roll" was our theme song. We didn't know anybody who liked it and hated having it shoved down our troats. Worse the music was bland. This is why you could get a large crowd at white sox park to blow up the records. The disco people could never organize anything like that. Everytime they tried an all disco radio station, it went under quickly. Soon rap will go the way of disco and only rock will be left.
What passes for rock today is so weak. A hundred years from now, when they're studying rock the way they study literature now, this last few years won't even be in the syllabus. There's just no talent out there, or any real Zeitgiest to inspire anyone. It's a clue that we are in serious decline.
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