Fat and Dumb Kids

I've seen similar articles the past several years. It amuses me how many young alt-right types love to hate on Baby Boomers -- as if all Baby Boomers are automatons who think and act the same way -- yet the young generation is the most pathetically dumbed down and leftist one yet, not to mention fat, drug dependent, tatted up, infantile, ultra-obedient to authority, etc. But can't hate on them or any other generation, including the "greatest generation" who sacrificed to make the US the cultural communist, anti-White playpen it is today, because it's all been methodically done top-down. People with no leadership or representation are putty in the hands of the PTB.
This report is from 10 year old stats. I'm sure not much has changed, if any and probably not for the better. But considering our military is fighting wars not in our interests I don't care in that specific respect. Our fatherless "youth" have been destroyed as Don said, from the top down but lack of good parenting adds to it.
I've seen similar articles the past several years. It amuses me how many young alt-right types love to hate on Baby Boomers -- as if all Baby Boomers are automatons who think and act the same way -- yet the young generation is the most pathetically dumbed down and leftist one yet, not to mention fat, drug dependent, tatted up, infantile, ultra-obedient to authority, etc. But can't hate on them or any other generation, including the "greatest generation" who sacrificed to make the US the cultural communist, anti-White playpen it is today, because it's all been methodically done top-down. People with no leadership or representation are putty in the hands of the PTB.

The Baby Boomers (I'm one) were quite, dare I say, "diverse" in their opinions. The Boomers were (taken as a whole) FAR more realistic about race than the current "young generation." The left-wing Boomers got all the attention from the Opinion Makers.
I've seen similar articles the past several years. It amuses me how many young alt-right types love to hate on Baby Boomers -- as if all Baby Boomers are automatons who think and act the same way -- yet the young generation is the most pathetically dumbed down and leftist one yet, not to mention fat, drug dependent, tatted up, infantile, ultra-obedient to authority, etc. But can't hate on them or any other generation, including the "greatest generation" who sacrificed to make the US the cultural communist, anti-White playpen it is today, because it's all been methodically done top-down. People with no leadership or representation are putty in the hands of the PTB.

Boomers across the political spectrum tend to have the same universal value system and tend to behave similarly. They disagree on politics but they agree with liberal values.

The sum of Millenials are probably the most screwed up generation, but they are also more extreme one way to the other - there are many more millennials who know the true score than there are boomers who do. There are also of course, more pink haired transgender millennials than there are among boomers. This is even more true of of generation Z.

Suppose for a thought experiment, boomers were given eternal life. This would be a disaster for the human race. The political situation in the West would never improve. The jumping-off point that Conservative boomers start at is deeply flawed and irreparable in most cases. So be optimistic for the young, the Right wing ones do not worship the false gods that most right wing boomers do.
Claiming most or all members of a generation share the same values is as wrong as attaching all-encompassing definitions to decades, e.g., the '60s were this, the '70s was that. Nothing is ever that cut and dried.

The system has been promoting liberal values since long before the boomers were born, it just so happens that those who believe in them or pretend to are the ones that are held up as examples to follow. Boomers form a large portion of Trump's base of "deplorables." Do people born in 1965, the first year of Generation X, have different values than people born in 1964, the last year of the Baby Boomers? What all recent generations share in common is that only a very small sliver are "aware" and only a tiny number of that sliver will do anything to help their race. What I wrote above is the truth -- people with no leadership or representation are putty in the hands of the PTB no matter what year they were born.

This is a perceptive article by Jim Goad, who writes a lot of them:

The Myth Of Boomer Privilege

Many of the young people are dumb. But they have the same grey matter their parents have/had. It's that they're being taught to be dumb by the way they're allowed to live. For example, a 16yr old just won an E-sport contest in Philly. He won 3 million dollars. Can anyone imagine how many hours of practice it took him to become that good at the game? He must have been playing that dumb game most of his life. His parents allowed that? I would bet anything the kid can't use a can opener or change a flat tire or many other things young men used to be able to do. What
kind of a husband can he be to a good Christian girl? His parent should be publically whipped for allowing this young man to destroy himself like this. Unfortunately, there are thousands of other young men like him frittering their lives away like this all over our nation. And of course, the young women suffer big time for this as well.
American Freedom News