Fastest White Man Ever

Who was the fastest white man to ever live?

  • Valery Borzov

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Allan Wells

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pietro Mennea

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kostas Kenteris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Armin Hary

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Marian Woronin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nic Macrozonaris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Matt Shirvington

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Morne Nagel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jeremy Wariner

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 23, 2009
yuri malenkov said:
from era to era i would begin with percy williams 1928 canada. he won the 100 and 200 and then barnstormed across the usa winning 59/59 100m races against all the best americans

next would be bobby morrow 1956 100/200m winner

then 1960 both armin hary germany, world record 100m and the greatest starter in history, and david sime usa.

next,1972 valeiry borzov ussr 100m/200m domination, fastest human all time.

next,1970's was manfred kokot east germany, dominated all olympic 100m men in the 50m indoor. held the world record for 23 years.

then 1986 viktor bryzgin ussr.similar to bob hayes and ben johnson in speed and power, also not a 200m man. the end of the ussr sports system did him in.

Sorry, no allan wells, menna or shirvo. no to woronin either.

kenteris, while not making my list, is the best story because he was born with a 4cm shortness in one of his legs and had to wear a lift in one shoe, still ran 19.85 in 200m.

as for 400m; alberto juantorena cuba (white european spanish with 70's style long hair and a tan) legit. world record in 1976.

finally jermey wariner usa 400m.(will go under 43 flat and get another gold yet)

That is a fantastic list. I can agree Shirvo, Woronin and Macrozonaris were not the greatest, but Wells and Mennea are legends.Edited by: StarWars


Jul 19, 2008
great lists guys ; very interesting i reckon pickering will break 10 first
and i still think yepishin is in there , german sprinter martin keller is very similar to pickering remember yee heard it here and i think he is a better talent than blum at 100, i reckon if dariusz kuccan or has put on muscle he has the potential as he is a pure 100 manhe is not to be underestimated, and j.connaughton another guy who should wind his 100 pb down into the 10 zeroesall the aforementioned men i reckon can break ten within 2 to 3 years with some luck leaving out kuc all are powerful sprinters with buckets of natural speed but whose mechanics leave something to be desired , and all must compete if they get the invites against quality foreign sprinters and not only in neighbouring countries they must come out of there comfort zones in order to progress
oterwise i reckon the german 4 by 100 relay can do something this year


Jul 19, 2008
yo guysas for best white sprinter all time it has to have been borzov an absolute sprint king
with both wells and mennea behind then kenteris and then hary and wariner all of these men medaled in modern times and proved they could compete with any man at the highest level and not to be forgotten is the flying white frenchman in the 1987 worlds over 200 with a french national record that still stand todayqueneherve20.16&nbs p;bronze medal, and i believe honourable mention goes to woronin , shirvington,emmelmann,ray,macrozanaris,geir moen, and hers to the future yeehaw


Mar 23, 2009
Valery Borzov- 10.07 100 meter, 20.00 200 meter; 100 and 200 meter Gold Medals in 1972 Olympics on slower, non-mondo tracks. Also won the Bronze Medal in 1976 Montreal Olympics. As far as prowess of times, Olympic medals, and dominance he is probably the best sprinter of all-time barring Usain Bolt. But we all know Usain Bolt is filled with flinstone vitamins, and maybe even some rugrats ones too.

I think he would have beaten Bobby Morrow, Jim hines, Armin Harry, and Jesse Owens. He want unbeatable. Although overall as an athlete Jesse Owens may be the best (Four Gold Medals in 1 Olympics). The cleaner days with Jim Hines, Jesse Owens, Armin Harry, Allen Wells, and Valery Borzov showed every indication that we were all equally fast.


Mar 23, 2009
Here is the Ukrainian Valery Borzov. The fastest white man ever due to perfect form and it looks like an extended drive phase. He is never really fully upright. he has an amazing leg turnover. Probably one of the fastest clean men in history. He ran 10.07 on a non-mondo track while eaing up. He had no competition. The 100 meter and 200 meter Gold Medalist.


This is Matt Shirvington. Probably the most powerful white man in history. He ran 10.03 into a headwind and several more sub 10.10s. He was truly special, but never won a big race and peaked at 19 years old because he had other priorities.


Allan Wells. A fierce competitor that beat more talented 200 meter sprinters than him like Pietro Mennea because of composure and steady nerves. He knew how to dip. He is the last white man to win an Olympic gold medal, and not surprisingly the last proven clean winner barring Usain Bolt and Donovan Bailey, but they probably are not clean either. Wells won the silver in the 200 and the gold IN LANE * of tthe 100 meter. he has a personal best of 10.11 sec.



Aug 9, 2005
Technical question, does anyone know if Borzov used the hands up in victory posture when he ran his 10.07 semi final in 1972?

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
No he ran to qualify he might have eased up with about 5 meters to go. People forget that he almost missed his quarter final too. His coach had an out of date schedule and Borzov only made the quarter because he was hanging around with other Soviet athletes in the stadium.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Even though he doesn't have a major olympic title, Kevin Little of the United States deserves to be on this list. As far as I'm concerned, he is one of the fastest US Sprinters over the 100, 200 and 400 meters. He has a p.b. of 10.14 in the 100 which he only ran on occasion. Kevin was more of a 200/400 guy. He also did it the right way competing in an era where cheating was rampant yet he still won alot of races!


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
Kevin Little impacted on the world stage at the 2001 worlds 200 final (if my memory serves, or was it 2000 OGs) and in various indoor world champs.
I read an article that touched on the race issue and he reckoned he had learned to use it as an advantage. He went to these reasonable sized meets where the black guys beside him knew it was their duty to beat this white guy but usually couldn't. He gained a lot of respect and friends from among these guys because he quietly went about his craft and proved himself.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
Kevin Little was a big inspiration for my growing. at the time when I was running HS track he was one of the only white guys winning major title. he was a big motivator for me and should be on this list.


Mar 23, 2009
albinosprint said:
Kevin Little was a big inspiration for my growing. at the time when I was running HS track he was one of the only white guys winning major title. he was a big motivator for me and should be on this list.

That is the problem. There are not enough role models for white athletes to look up to and take up track. most white people I know dismiss track as a sport. They do not think they can cut it as sprinters. In Europe there are a lot of white sprinters but there it is a psychological disadvantage that they not not think they can break ten seconds. All we need is one athlete for kids to look up to, and one time under the stupid ten second "barrier."

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Good point StarWars. Just look at the impact that Jeremy Wariner has had on the 400 meters. Now in this country and around the world, white 400 meter sprinters are popping up left and right. Now if we can only get a few guys to inspire in the 100 & 200 meters. The long jump would be great as well although we are close with guys like Sebastian Bayer and Luis T. of Greece.


Mar 23, 2009
I was arguing with this guy about European sprinters. I said whites are not interested enough in 100 meter sprinting. He said that they are always white and therefore white men cannot break ten seconds, because they have no black competition and have not done so. I said that the fact that most European sorinters are white does not mean that it is popular among whites, but a small goup of them that beat out a small group of blacks that usually enjoy 100 meter sprinting more. If there were more whites interested, then there would not be MORE whites, but BETTER whites. I guess he could not get over the fact that the black minority can be beaten by a white minnority, just like in South Africa. Blacks do better than their home countires in the US, Canada, the Carribean, Jamaica, and the UK. Whites do worse in these nations. It is obvious white athletes are disinterested where they are told they are slower, and black athletes from these countries are on steroids.


Jun 15, 2006
New York
blacks from the Caribbean & America's do well because of selective breeding by white slave owners (and a dash of their European blood). African blacks (other than drug pumped Nigerians) can't compete with slave blacks. you take Hybrid vigor and a pinch of PEDS and you get video game 100m dash time. this is going to sound so bad, but black own whites allot. we took them out of that disease infested cotenant and made them our main source of entertainment. high paid entertainment mind you! any black that complains about the man keeping them down should get a one way ticket back to the mother land! any liberals on the site want to tell how much of a racist I am, go ahead!


Mar 23, 2009
Ya, but how come we only bread them to excel at the 100 meter? Why chose the fast ones when you can chose strong ones that can't run away? And these slave blacks competed against whites in the 1970s and lost many times. They also won too. Also, white women have the 60 meter world record and the 6th fastest hundred time and probably the fastest clean 100 time. Or at leat top two.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
The question is who will be the guy to break through the barrier? Will it be Pickering, Blum, Cerutti, or Lemaitre? What I would like to see is for Craig to do it this summer and for it to inspire the other sprinters to set their standards higher.

There is no brick wall at 10 seconds. No force field or barrier that stops white sprinters from crossing over. However there is a mental barrier as whites are told their whole lifes that they cannot run fast or jump as high as blacks. They buy into this b.s. far too much. Borzov laughed at the notion that he was inferior. He knew that he could beat anyone on the planet. We need to get that confidence back in our young sprinters of today.

From the movie "Field of Dreams", there is a saying. If you build it, they will come.

I have my own saying.

Once you break it, others will follow! We need a leader to step up in the short sprints this summer. Berlin will be special!


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
Out of the guys mentioned- I am the MOST confident that Lemaitre will run a sub 10. But one of the OLDER guys like Pickering or Cerutti may very well do it first. Blum is very graceful- but does look like he may need to add a LITTLE BIT of bulk to his legs.

One white sub 10 guy is not enough we need 2, 3 or even more to REALLY inspire others. Then we need to push toward the 9.9 "barrier". With a clean field a white sprinter running a 9.9 flat bringing his A game (if Bolt isn't running or doesn't run to form) would be pretty likely to win gold in 2012 or 2016!


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
I'd like to see a little incentive for white sprinters even though the term rascism would be thrown around.
Perhaps some rich benefactor who could help support elite white sprinters to train full time, and then offer $1,000,000 to the first , 2nd, 3rd white sprinters to break ten. Several would disprove that the first was a freak of nature!

Thanks for the U-tubes and especially the Wells clip.
I was sitting in the stands watching Wells tenaciously fight back against Ben Johnson. I remember Wells as a gutsy self-confident man and a great incentive for young white sprinters to do well. Our Matt was perhaps a greater talent but Wells was a winner and that really counts.

We're the same age so I'd love to meet him in a race some time. It'd be an honour to be beaten by him. In 1999 he ran 11.45e as a 47 year old who coached others and kept fit but no longer specifically trained for 100m.

Here's a great story BTW

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
mastermulti is an inspiration as well. You support white athletes which makes you a hero in my book. Thank you for being a member here and helping to deal with the stereotypes that white athletes face. Allan Wells would be proud.

He hailed Nick Smith to be the first white male to go sub 10 around five years ago. I love and admire A.Wells but I'm still waiting after all this time for him to give Craig Pickering the same respect. Regardless, in my opinion, it will be done this summer and by the same name that is on my avatar!


Mar 23, 2009
That is awesome that you are stll fast een in your late forties, Mastermulti. I bet the reason that more guys still don't run like Wells is because their knees are too crippled from all the Winstrol. I would like to see Michael Johnson or Carl Lewis race now. I doubt either could break 11.5 like Wells.


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
thanks for the encouragement guys.
But I must 'fess up to just entering the 2nd half of my 50s, Starwars.

If I can do high 12's, low 13's I'm happy, even though that doesn't set the world on fire.
But I can "high" 1.50, "long" 5m and "triple" 10.50, Shot to 11m and discus 33-34m hence the "mastermulti" tag. I'll never be the top sprinter in my age but they can't beat me in the other events haha!

You just gotta give it all you've got. No use in sitting around getting fat and old. Also, I didn't start till my late 40s so my knees, ankles etc are in good shape which is a blessing!

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Mastermulti an inspiration to the Austalian Nation. Not to mention England, US, Asia, Europe, etc. Keep it up mate.
Edited by: white lightning


Mar 23, 2009
That is fast and athletic for any age, Mastermulti. Not blazing but faster than most 18 to 25 year olds. I used to long jump too until I got injured and my runnup became inconsistent. I envy your versatility.

Morne Nagel is still one of my favorites. He has the tenth fastest 50 meter in history and the eighteenth fastest 60 meter. I bet his 40 yard dash would be in the low 4.0x range (from first movement like they measure on pro day). Macrozonaris wasn't even much of a starter (for a pro) and he ran a 4.26 at a CFL combine. Shirvo should have ran some 50 meters too because I bet he would have been on the top ten list for the 50 also. Another white man named Manfred Kokot is fourth on the list.


Jan 13, 2006
Sydney Australia
Thanks a lot. This is what I've been doing since my 50th birthday in 2003.
I haven't included 2008 and 2009 but it was much the same sort of story. Got the state pentathlon title again and then added the state weight pentathlon title for the first time. That was great fun.

I'm off to run up some hills with my tyre... I'm inspired again! LOL

Yes, I would love to have seen a fit Shirvo run 40 yard dashes in your football try-outs. A lot of those guys would have been freaked out by his acceleration and power!Edited by: mastermulti


Mar 23, 2009
This is why track and field should be an amateur sport. More people like you would do it because they enjoy doing it. And your kicking butt too! Too bad professional track just means more money, more fame, and more steroids. Typically black athletes excel in professional sports for some reason or another. If athletes were not allowed to be funded or sponsored it's not like the Olympic finals would be slow. You would still see winners in the 10.10 to 10.30 range. I would rather see a clean 10.30 get the gold any day. That is a hell of a lot more impressive than a juiced 9.80. If track were amateur too my guess would be a lack of interest in the black community outside Jamaica. Track should be about health and competition. Now, I'm so caught up in medals and world records just because a bunch of people say white people cannot do it. That is a lie. But once we prove them wrong, and I hope it is in my lifetime, I would love to just relax watch track more lightheartedly. It's hard, though. To find a sense of accomplishment in a sport where records are breaking left and right. It is corrupt.

I guess I would peersonally be content with running as fast as I could on the best day I could with the hardest training I've ever done. Hopefully I'll know when that day has come for me. It doesn't necessarily mean medals or a world record but I think I'll try just so I don't regret it later.

As far as the things I want to happen that are out of my control are a white sub 10. A medal in the 100 meter by Craig Pickering and Christophe lemaitre. The high jump WR, the 400 WR, and the 50 meter world record. And a sub 20 by lemaitre and others. I want Blum, Connaughton, Cerutti, Collio, Vaughn, Osovnikar, Di Gregorio, Unger, Kosenkow, the swiss guy that runs the 200, Sebastian Bayer, and Ivan Ukhov to do well too. Then I would be content.

I mean I care about the plight of the runningback too, but I hope people don't think that is the most athletic position. Rugby is a far superior sport to American football. Sometimes soccer too.