Farrakhan Says Whites Fear Becoming U.S. Minority


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Screwie Louie Farrakhan is what happens when you believe that Whites are a creation by crazy scientist Yakub.
Well, when our ancestors built this Republic and made it great, I'd say we're entitled to be put off by the mass influx of turd-world invaders and other assorted untermenschen. :mmph:

in all fairness to Farrakhan,.. why WOULDN'T we be afraid.
Black & Brown people have terrible track records as civilization builders.. (see- Mexico, modern day Haiti, sub-Saharan Africa, etc, etc)

Tide can be turned, if Americans make eliminating third world immigration (both legal & illegal) priority one, including deportations,.. which are legal & will be successful if not undermined by open border politicians. Time will tell..
Farrakhan also says that approves of the way China is treating aficans in africa. China is exploiting the african, forcing them to work at poor wages in unsafe condictions. If you complain the chinese shoot you. No european has ever treated the africans like this. Since then, everytime I see Louie. I see him as a puppet being controled by a chinaman. I wonder what is chinese for "Dance, louie, Dance?"
I wish Farrakhan was right, but Whites only care when their own neighborhood starts to become non-White. Given their selective and hypocritical love affair with blacks in theory rather than reality, they think "diversity" is a wonderful thing for the rest of the country.