Evangelical Christians

Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Hey jaxvid,

Is that what happened to drunkbackfans' rant about evangelical christians. I was going to respond to drunkblackfan and the thread disappeared. Did someone erase that thread?
Wow, whatever happened to Freedom of Speech? Apparently when people don't agree with you they have the power to take it away. Go America. The land of the hypocrites.
Yeah, there was alot I wanted to respond to. It didn't make much sense to start out by saying I've never read the "Bible", and then make generalizations about it!

Thanks space hillbilly.
Yes, a thread was deleted because it was obviously made to create dissention amongst the posters here. Further attempts to do the same will result in another ban.

You expect free speech at Caste Football??? Seriously? That means we'd have to put up with constant flaming from afro supremicists of all stripes. This is a privately owned forum, we can kick anyone out for any reason we want, delete any posts, call people names, anything. Try to understand the difference between the govt--which can inforce it's edicts with guns, and a private internet posting board--that only has the following weapon>>>> banhammer.jpg
Why can't people look at things logically? Did Jonah live in a whale? If people that don't believe in Jesus don't get into heaven then what happened to all the people that lived and dies before Christ's time? Its a book filled with childrens tales and therefore maybe, I said maybe, the story of Jesus might be a fable too.
I am scared to die as we all are but you can't live in a fantasy world and live your life according to a lie.I hope there is a god or creator but I refuse to worship him/her out of the fear of death. I can't make it any more simplictic than that.
I understand the need to protect against black or white hating trolls but I am not the one here telling people what to beleive. Most people are stuck in their ways and thats that. But when you live by a bully-pulpit mentality expect moderates like myself to be upset. I dont speak in absolutes like a few on this site but just simply pointing out what could be construed as hypocrisy. Maybe I'm wrong. When have I ever posted when something comes into question where I have never said " I may be wrong". I guess there will be no Lincoln-Douglass discussions on this forum anymore?
Yes, a thread was deleted because it was obviously made to create dissention amongst the posters here. Further attempts to do the same will result in another ban.

You expect free speech at Caste Football??? Seriously? That means we'd have to put up with constant flaming from afro supremicists of all stripes. This is a privately owned forum, we can kick anyone out for any reason we want, delete any posts, call people names, anything. Try to understand the difference between the govt--which can inforce it's edicts with guns, and a private internet posting board--that only has the following weapon>>>> View attachment 110

jaxvid, don't worry, drunkblackfans' comments concerning my faith doesn't bother me. Everyone has a right to believe what they want. I just wanted a fair chance to respond, because he quoted alot of things about Christians and the Bible he doesn't understand. There was so much in his thread I wanted to comment on. I PM'd drunkblackfan and he hasn't responded yet, but I see he's still making comments about things he knows nothing about.

I will try to respond to his latest comments later.
Why can't people look at things logically? Did Jonah live in a whale? If people that don't believe in Jesus don't get into heaven then what happened to all the people that lived and dies before Christ's time? Its a book filled with childrens tales and therefore maybe, I said maybe, the story of Jesus might be a fable too.
I am scared to die as we all are but you can't live in a fantasy world and live your life according to a lie.I hope there is a god or creator but I refuse to worship him/her out of the fear of death. I can't make it any more simplictic than that.

Drunkblackfan, you want "LOGIC", but to be a "Christian" is based on two of the most illogical events that ever happened in human history. 1. The birth of "Jesus" to a virgin, not logical right? 2. The resurrection of "Jesus", how can a dead person become alive again? You talk so much about wanting to know the answers about how could this have happened, how could that have happened. You say you hope there is a God and a Creator, but you're trying to put "GOD" on my, yours, or some pastors' level. Is that what you really want to believe? In a God that can be explained. My God is much bigger than you, me or any other being ever created.

It seems like your beliefs are based on the logic of people or people in general. You're looking in the wrong place my friend. Peoples' logic will never explain God.

If God can hang the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, our Earth in the sky and create the vast universe as we know it, don't you think he could put a human inside a fish.

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God as like a child will never enter it." Mark: 10;15

If you want to know what happened to people before Jesus, try studying the "Bible", there you will find answers, but you will never be able to understand everything, because you're not "GOD."

I will never tell anyone what to believe. No person can convince you to ever have faith in "Jesus". Only the "Holy Spirit" can do that. I only am spreading the "Good News" and no one CF, no matter their belief has ever told me not to and I appreciate that.

Thank you Caste Football for letting me share my faith!
I respect your opinions though Im sure you don't beleive me. Were you there to witness Jesus's awakening fron the dead? Obviosly not. You read it form a book which has many fairy tales in it. To deny that would be fatal. Guess what? I wasnt there either so Im not saying you are wrong. Can I ask you one simple question? Why are you afraid of death? We have these psychological symtoms that control us and noone on this site seems to have the cajones to confront them. Once again Im not telling you are wrong but you dont have the insight to see you may be wrong. So is the way of fear I guess.
I respect your opinions though Im sure you don't beleive me. Were you there to witness Jesus's awakening fron the dead? Obviosly not. You read it form a book which has many fairy tales in it. To deny that would be fatal. Guess what? I wasnt there either so Im not saying you are wrong. Can I ask you one simple question? Why are you afraid of death? We have these psychological symtoms that control us and noone on this site seems to have the cajones to confront them. Once again Im not telling you are wrong but you dont have the insight to see you may be wrong. So is the way of fear I guess.

not everyone believes in religion because they fear death.
My take on life is that we have roses with thorns. We have rattlesnakes with a rattle yet are deaf. We have lemons and tomatos and thousands of fruits and vegtables yet this all came from a big bang out of nothingness. The world is way to functional for this to be just some cosmic accident. Yet at the same time if you really read the Bible ( I havent read all of it ) its full of double standards and double truths. If people want to step up and argue against me thats fine. Its a friggin book dudes. Why cant peolpe see this. If I were to write a book and that Im god will 3000 people worship me 2000 years from now? People come here and tell other people that they are sheep, and I agree with that to a degree, has anyone ever asked once because they are scared of dying they might be sheep to???????
I agree that the thread was created to cause strife, like quite a few created here over the last few months. I'm glad the thread was deleted. I'm also glad that CF has enough brains and unity to thrive given the wide variety of beliefs represented here.
not everyone believes in religion because they fear death.

Thank you dwid! But first let me address drunkblackfans' first question. I don't know how old you are drunkblackfan, but were you there to witness the Wright brothers first flight, the moon landing, the birth of any famous person before your time? The answer is no. But we have eyewitnesses to these accounts. It's called history. You don't have to believe anything about anything in history if you don't want to.

You say you could be wrong about things you state, but you turn around and call the "Bible" a book of fairy tales. Don't call the " Bible" a book of fairy tales, if you truly believe you could be wrong. Why do you address the the Bible as a book of fairy tales if you truly believe you could be wrong? You could just say it's a history book that you really don't believe.

It's difficult to believe you respect my opinions when you contradict yourself about the things you say.

Ok, I will try to answer your question, although my answers will never satisfy all the questions you have. I tried to explain this to you in my prior post.

I'm not sure why you're asking me why I fear death? I'm not sure why I sometimes fear it, death, I guess it's the unknown, but when I feel this way, I rely on my faith in Jesus, the one whom my faith says defeated death and was resurrected and anyone who puts his trust in him will be saved from the sting of death.

Drunkblackfan, again, you seem to want all the answers, but you don't want to give any answers. AGAIN, you will never get every answer to every question you ask, but one day I hope the holy spirit will convict you of this and your imperfection and you ask God for help.

I've tried to answer your question about death, so why don't you answer the question of what if you're wrong and haven't put your trust in the risen savior, "Jesus". If I'm wrong, then what, I guess I just die and that's it, but what if you're wrong, according to the "Bible" you risk eternal separation from God. According to your logic, I'm OK either way, but if you're rolling the dice. It's 50/50 with your logic. Do you really want to risk it.

Fear is not the reason I put my faith in "Jesus". I realized with the conviction of the "Holy Spirit", that I was a sinner, that means I'm imperfect, that means, I've lied, stole, coveted, etc, we all have, we can't help it. You can't be saved until you understand that you're a sinner. Then you have to ask Jesus to save you from your sin. I have asked him to forgive me. It's sad, but most will never get this. I just thank God for his forgiveness.

Drunkblackfan, please, if you don't read anything else read this; God commandeth his "LOVE" toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us. Romans: 5;8

For the wages of "sin" is death, but the gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Romans: 6;23.

Please pick up a Bible or just a study on the book of Romans and read. I hope & pray that you will.
Im not here to cause strife. If I was a troll I wouldint be spending 2 hours a week looking up prospective white athletes at the high school level. Never once have I said I woudint listen to what people have to say. I have done a lot of research since my ignorant opinions on 911 and I am slowly creeping toward the beliefs of Thrashen and Werewolf. I still need one question answered about this. How could so many people involved with a conspiracy like this keep it silent? Its just defies logic.
I apologize for not hating all Jews and blacks but they arent all bad people yet I totally agree that there is definitely a cultural-marxist control in our media. I cant recall the last time I saw a commercial that had the white guy as a good person and the black guy the fool. Its so obvious. Its even more obvious when you watch a football game where the black guy screws up and a shot of a white guy apears that had nothing to do with the play.
The Bible is a book. Its a book. Its a book. How about I write a book and 2000 years from now I will be worshipped. You can be a good person to your wife and kids and fellow mankind without the aid of this book. I never once said you are wrong. I am just asking maybe if people call themselves Christians why do they act so unchristianlike? Yes I havent read the entire Bible. At least Im honest. If you are a Christian then act like one. Take your income and give everything you can to the poor. Wait, that sounds like a liberal. All Im asking for people to do is be introspectivwe and it just aint going to happen here. I wish I was wrong.
Im not here to cause strife. If I was a troll I wouldint be spending 2 hours a week looking up prospective white athletes at the high school level. Never once have I said I woudint listen to what people have to say. I have done a lot of research since my ignorant opinions on 911 and I am slowly creeping toward the beliefs of Thrashen and Werewolf. I still need one question answered about this. How could so many people involved with a conspiracy like this keep it silent? Its just defies logic.
I apologize for not hating all Jews and blacks but they arent all bad people yet I totally agree that there is definitely a cultural-marxist control in our media. I cant recall the last time I saw a commercial that had the white guy as a good person and the black guy the fool. Its so obvious. Its even more obvious when you watch a football game where the black guy screws up and a shot of a white guy apears that had nothing to do with the play.
The Bible is a book. Its a book. Its a book. How about I write a book and 2000 years from now I will be worshipped. You can be a good person to your wife and kids and fellow mankind without the aid of this book. I never once said you are wrong. I am just asking maybe if people call themselves Christians why do they act so unchristianlike? Yes I havent read the entire Bible. At least Im honest. If you are a Christian then act like one. Take your income and give everything you can to the poor. Wait, that sounds like a liberal. All Im asking for people to do is be introspectivwe and it just aint going to happen here. I wish I was wrong.

you are just embarrassing yourself.. Maybe you wrote this with good intentions and wanted serious discussion but your wording looks like you intended to cause problems with no real discussion.

I mean seriously, why do some Christians act "unchristianlike"? thats like asking why there are bad apples in every group.
You talk so much about wanting to know the answers about how could this have happened, how could that have happened. You say you hope there is a God and a Creator, but you're trying to put "GOD" on my, yours, or some pastors' level. Is that what you really want to believe? In a God that can be explained. My God is much bigger than you, me or any other being ever created.

It seems like your beliefs are based on the logic of people or people in general. You're looking in the wrong place my friend. Peoples' logic will never explain God.

If God can hang the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, our Earth in the sky and create the vast universe as we know it, don't you think he could put a human inside a fish.

Carolina Speed, I'm just curious about your opinion on God. Do you believe god is of an actual human form, or a force that controls the universe? What is your god? Just curious, thats all.
You talk so much about wanting to know the answers about how could this have happened, how could that have happened. You say you hope there is a God and a Creator, but you're trying to put "GOD" on my, yours, or some pastors' level. Is that what you really want to believe? In a God that can be explained. My God is much bigger than you, me or any other being ever created.

It seems like your beliefs are based on the logic of people or people in general. You're looking in the wrong place my friend. Peoples' logic will never explain God.

If God can hang the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, our Earth in the sky and create the vast universe as we know it, don't you think he could put a human inside a fish.

Carolina Speed, I'm just curious about your opinion on God. Do you believe god is of an actual human form, or a force that controls the universe? What is your god? Just curious, thats all.

I think I stated my belief in my previous 2 posts, nos. 10 and 15! If it isn't clear, let me know and I will try again!
Who rejects something that supports them 100%?? The answer is nobody!
Most people that reject religion do so because it condemns some selfish desire they have.
Maybe they want to hurt or kill others, maybe their a Homosexsual or a rapist.

If anybody finds something wrong with the ten commandments, well thats a person I wouldn't trust or turn my back on.......
Who rejects something that supports them 100%?? The answer is nobody!
Most people that reject religion do so because it condemns some selfish desire they have.
Maybe they want to hurt or kill others, maybe their a Homosexsual or a rapist.

If anybody finds something wrong with the ten commandments, well thats a person I wouldn't trust or turn my back on.......

You nailed it space hillbilly! Jesus (Christianity) is the light that exposes "everyone" for who they really are!

But the good news is, Jesus and Christianity is the only religion that did it for you. Jesus paid the ultimate penalty for our sins by going to cross dying, but then resurrected, by doing this it assured us as christians, that death for us is not the end, but the beginning.

But sadly, (as you stated) many people will reject this notion of (sin), selfishness, homosexuality, hate, greed, or watever their sin is.
If you try and look at things logically its abundantly clear that most gay people are born the way they are. Some quite obviously choose to be what they are but they are few in number. If God created us couldin't it be argued that he created homosexuals as well?
Who rejects something that supports them 100%?? The answer is nobody!
Most people that reject religion do so because it condemns some selfish desire they have.
Maybe they want to hurt or kill others, maybe their a Homosexsual or a rapist.

If anybody finds something wrong with the ten commandments, well thats a person I wouldn't trust or turn my back on.......

I reject the land of the Big Rock Candy Mountain, even though it's a land that's fair and bright, where the handouts grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, where the boxcars all are empty, where there ain't no snow, the rain don't fall and the winds don't blow. I reject it because I don't believe it exists. Why do you reject the thousands of non-Christian religions?
I reject the land of the Big Rock Candy Mountain, even though it's a land that's fair and bright, where the handouts grow on bushes and you sleep out every night, where the boxcars all are empty, where there ain't no snow, the rain don't fall and the winds don't blow. I reject it because I don't believe it exists. Why do you reject the thousands of non-Christian religions?
Would you also reject someone who offered to buy you a lottery ticket each today? You would have nothing to lose and a chance of winning. Would you reject that? Of course not!

Again, People who reject religion do so because their scared it may stand in the way of having fun or they may lose out on something, it may be too hard to follow or they may miss a some great opportunity.
But nobody, I repeat, nobody rejects something that they feel wont hurt them or hinder their life in some way. It's just human nature......
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Would you also reject someone who offered to buy you a lottery ticket each today? You would have nothing to lose and a chance of winning. Would you reject that? Of course not!

So your religious views are analogous to playing a lottery? You're gambling on the other some thousands of religions, and distinct Christian denominations and sects being wrong and yours being right and you getting into heaven? Ok, if you could pray for me to get into heaven too, that would be swell. But I don't think that this analogy works because the existence of a lottery is verifiable and you'd know at the end of the day whether your ticket won or not.

Again, People who reject religion do so because their scared it may stand in the way of having fun or they may lose out on something, it may be too hard to follow or they may miss a some great opportunity.
But nobody, I repeat, nobody rejects something that they feel wont hurt them or hinder their life in some way. It's just human nature......

I don't believe that this is true at all. It's not true for me, and when I read something like Twain's "Letters from the Earth" I really don't believe that he secretly rejected Christianity because he was a violent person or desired to have butt sex. What you say is illogical, people often believe in religion because they are afraid of supernatural consequences but they don't usually come to reject it if it tries to curbs some of their desires. They just ask for "forgiveness" and pray twice as hard. Most people reject religion because they simply don't believe that it is true.
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