Europes Oldest Civilization Found


Mar 8, 2005
United States
Archaeologists have discovered Europe's oldest civilisation, a network of dozens of temples, 2,000 years older than Stonehenge and the Pyramids.

More than 150 gigantic monuments have been located beneath the fields and cities of modern-day Germany, Austria and Slovakia. They were built 7,000 years ago, between 4800BC and 4600BC. Their discovery, revealed today by The Independent, will revolutionise the study of prehistoric Europe, where an appetite for monumental architecture was thought to have developed later than in Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Bear-Arms you come up with a lot of interesting stories. I ran this one on the ANU homepage. Science and anthropology are always presented with a certitude and confidence such that no mere citizen would dare to doubt the basic assumptions and conclusionspresented as truth as forcefully as religions claim to get their certaintys from their God.

But science is continuously proved wrong. As just one of manyexamples that could be cited, most of the astronomy authoritatively presented to me in my youth has since been superceded by different theories and ideas.What I was taught as a youthwas so far off from what is accepted today as tobe stunning. When we observe science over time, almost all of its ideas, procedures and beliefs from 50 and 100 and 300 and more years ago now appear completely discredited, often comically so. I've seen this process happen in my own life many times. So many explanations and theories of even 20 or 30 years ago have been replaced by new "timeless truths" replacing the old "timeless truths."

The reality is that we stillknow next to nothing about the oceans and underwater life, especially the deep seas. That's 70 percent of Planet Earth that is basically unknown and unexplored. We also know nothing with certainty of what Earth is composed of beginning just a few miles underground and going to its core.Is the core hot or cold, liquid orsolid, no one knows.

Sleeping, something people do for roughly a third of their life, remains a mystery as to how it works and why we even need it. Much about the operations of the incredibly powerful and wondrous brain is not known, and the mind is a complete mystery which many scientists do not evenbelieve exists. In a secularized society, science is promotedwith the same type of infallibility that secularists criticize religion for. Much science is flawed and proven humorously wrong again and again over time, though the mistakesand revisionsare rarely acknowledged as such. In additionScience ignores spirituality, the mind, and various types of energies that many believe were left by deceased individuals and/or are attempts by deceased peopleto watch overand guide their loved ones, much as guardian angels would act. In other words, no alternatestates of beingor realities can exist other than the purely physical laws that man is said to be bound by.

Quantum physics is moving toward connecting energy and intelligence. My critical mind, mixed with common sense, tells me that man is not yet at the beginning of the beginning of understanding the laws and nature of the universe, including even those here onour home, Earth.Edited by: Don Wassall


May 30, 2005
Wow!!! Have they found any writing? This
completely changes the way people think about mesopotamia and Ancient


May 30, 2005
I guess historians can stop over emphasizing the
ancient Egyptian and Nubian culture and start addressing the DAnubian
culture(Danube river in Hungary).